So the shogunate's side.

Some soldiers were originally on duty well, but as a result, Lord Qingming walked around here and looked at them.

They felt hairy in their hearts when they saw it.

What is Lord Qingming trying to do?

Could it be that they committed a crime?

No, it's not!

It's impossible.

Just stand guard here every day, how dare you make mistakes.

The batch of negative teaching materials that were cleaned before has not been long ago.

But then, some soldiers were called away by Ye Ruo in confusion.

Yin Yang Liao over there.

Ye Ruo also called a few of the Tuyumen family.

After all, there are not many pictures of the battle of the Earth Gate in my memory, and Ye Ruo dealt with the other side at that time, so this time let them make up for it and shoot those parts.

Expand the story of the Tsuchimon family.

In the future, if you have time, you can also shoot a story based on the Tsuchimon family.

So in a relatively empty place in the wild, the voices of these people were heard, as well as Ye Ruo's teaching.

"If the script is optimistic, I will act according to the above."

"Your squad is responsible for going there, repairing broken ships and recovering weapons, and merging with another squad."

"And a few of you, I specially caught several pitch-black monsters for you, and when the time comes, I will go to the 29th to suddenly encounter monsters in the cave, and then you use the Yin-Yang Technique to launch a counterattack battle."

"What I want is that sudden and intense sense of sufficiency that highlights your bravery and conviction in a small space."

"It's scary to watch, but at the same time applauds your performance."

Tsuchimon everyone: .....

Looking at the pile of monsters trapped by Ye Ruo's Yin-Yang Technique, their faces turned green.

The audience was afraid not to know.

They are already terrified now!

"Haru, Lord Haruaki! Really fake, so many monsters, just us people, will not be torn apart, right? "

"After all, our Yin-Yang Technique is not very strong."

"This kind of monster seems to move in space."

Ye Ruo naturally captured the Beast Realm Hound, and these creatures still exist on the continent of Tivat.

Because of the Canrea Magic Tribulation, they scattered all over the continent.

It has been seen on Mond's side before.

It's just wiped out.

On Inazuma's side, there are still quite a few.

Especially the few that Ye Ruo caught seemed to have been in the wild for too long, and they looked quite fierce.

However, Ye Ruo waved his hand.

"What are you afraid of, you won't have to worry about your life with me, but if you don't fight hard, hmph, I can't guarantee light injuries and serious injuries."

"After all, at the beginning, you all patted your chest and said that no matter what you did, it would be done perfectly."

"It's too late to retreat now."

"And in this environment, isn't it more effective to exercise, which can make your yin-yang technique more skilled and fast and powerful."

"Well, I'm such a nice guy."

"This should be thanks to me, the other little guys in Yin Yang Liao don't have this opportunity, so you can steal the fun."

Suddenly, several Onmyoji directly couldn't say anything.

God steals pleasure!

Other soldiers: .......

And Ye Ruo's words, the soldiers in the distance were stunned.

I didn't expect you to be such a Qingming-sama!

It feels a bit like the style of the Narukami Taisha Miyaki.

I can only rejoice.

Fortunately, they were not allowed to face these monsters.

Rather, someone has already blocked the knife.

However, Ye Ruo turned around and looked at them.

"Oh and you guys, you will fight the monsters later, remember to perform that spirit of seeing death like home."

"If you can't show it, then let the monster hunt you down a few more times."

The soldiers also suddenly petrified.


Lord Qingming, you really are a devil!

What is it to let the monsters hunt them down a few more times.

Help me.

Some of them have only recently joined the shogunate army!

And so the shooting began.

At that time, there will be stories and additions from other places, plus a lot of memories, and then these messy fragments and a series of short films will be edited and processed by the elves. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even a messy film handed to it can be changed into a blockbuster.

That's what makes it a versatile photography magic elf.

Then the Inazuma official side also began to establish a photography department.

New versions of photo machines began to appear.

That's not Fontaine's style.

It is a new elf dressing style, dozens of times more advanced than Fontaine's, and the clarity and pixels alone, a series of aspects can hang Fontaine.

This was naturally what Ye Ruo came up with.

With that magic information, then to make a weakened version of the camera, the camera and the like, is completely handed.

The next step is to popularize the camera.

Let everyone be familiar with these products, so that they can be more receptive to things such as movies and images.

Lay the foundation.

Who let Inazuma before, so closed.

Inazuma really did not have much development and progress, Ye Ruo felt that five hundred years had passed, and that was it.

All suppressed by the shadow and the general.

After all, she felt that there was no need to continue to develop.

The country that once ran with all its strength was not destroyed in the end.

So it's good to pursue eternity.

Now, it's time for everyone to slowly embrace these new things.

Then some camera equipment, Ye Ruo handed over to Tianling, to pursue this side.

It is up to the official to use this.

Shoot some Inazuma videos or something, let's let everyone see the effect first, know that there is such a thing.

That is, paving the way for cinema.

It's all gradual.

During this time, Ye Ruo did not take care of them.

Nor were any new tasks given.

It seems that they went to Tsurukan.

For the abnormal situation there, Ye Ruo said that it was better for them to solve it.

Running more is not a big problem, and you can also exercise.

After all, Heguan is there to let them run around, tossing back and forth several times.

After all, if you work hard and complain, you can understand everything.

As for the thunderbird.

That thing doesn't look like a demon god, but an elemental creature with the strength of a demon god.

Vaguely remembered.

This thing has a master, and it is most likely the one who died in the Inazuma area.

It's an old thing from the time of the First Throne.

Then the gold coins were violently exploded by the shadow.

Who makes this thunderbird have a fierce personality and is prone to disaster.

Also because I have lived for too long, I have experienced wear and tear, resulting in a loss of memory, and I can't even remember my name.

The past is almost forgotten.

This Thunderbird witnessed the battle of the throne.

It can even be pushed forward in time.

There was this product before the seven gods.

Start 10,000 years to lay the foundation.

It is not surprising that an elemental creature has such strength after such a long time.

Never mind.

There's time to revive it, and then take it.

Let it go as Thor's dependent.

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