"It will not disappear for a long time, it will always burn, and the Nata people regard this as a sacred flame."

"Around the venue of the duel, the place where this flame is most grand will also be selected."

"It's weird."

Not paying too much attention to this kind of thing, the old knight beckoned Falgar.

"Grand Master, according to the time, it should also be the annual Soul Returning Festival in Nata, as the grandest festival in their Nata, it is also a rare time to see them in large numbers."

"It's usually sparsely populated."

"Do you want us to take a slight detour and take a look?"

"As a citizen who loves to fight, the Nata people will hold gladiatorial fights in the middle of that day to choose the strongest fighter!"

When Falga heard this, he also laughed.

Found a place to sit.

And picked up a piece of beast hind leg meat that was being grilled "four eight zero" and took a big bite.

After swallowing his stomach, he laughed heartily.

"Haha, it seems that you are also very curious about the country of Nata."

"After all, as a country on the continent, they are the most isolated, and other countries can't even see a Nata."

"But this time, we will deviate from this side in the future, and there is no need to detour and attract attention."

"I also think it's a pity, originally I took you to Nata to soak in the hot spring, it was also a good enjoyment."

"There is nothing good about that ghost place, so the hot spring industry can still develop."

"If you have the idea of tourism, you can only be disappointed, there is a tribal system, the civilization is very backward, and the terrain is so troublesome that it is difficult to enter."

"There are very few people."

"Let me tell you, even Ye Ruo, that kid, came back with a disgusted face not long after he went to Nata."

"It means that it's some kind of broken place. Hahaha. "

"He is still the kind that can fly, and he is not willing to go to Nata, so he knows that others will not go."

The knights also couldn't help but talk lively.

To the Winter Country.

In the Hermitage, many executive officials gathered here at this moment.

Among them, skirmishers, who are the sixth seat, are also there.

As an executive who fled back from Inazuma's embarrassment, he instinctively had no light on his face and a dark face.

Didn't make much noise.

The same was true of Dadalia, who was redeemed in the first place.

As a faceless last seat, it has the feeling of being a background board and a small transparent.

After all, as a pig teammate, he successfully turned the efforts of the fools in Liyue into a bubble.

So much layout and development, all typed GG.

After a lot of efforts, it all turned into flowing water.

The rich man Pantaroni had all the thoughts of peeling his skin.

After all, he has been interfering in Liyue's economy, wanting to subvert Liyue's economic center even more, and has been letting his power take root in Liyue, deeper and deeper.

There are many industries and aspects involved.

It stands to reason that you can try to influence the Liyue Seven Stars next.

For example, support the puppet, try to insert the people on their side in the seven stars of Liyue.

At that time, the help that can be brought will be even greater.

There is more to be done.

As a result, it is all gone, and the branches of the Zhidong Bank have been closed, what else is this?

What a waste teammate.

Worse than useless.

So the rich are not in a good mood either.

Other executives, on the other hand, were expressionless.

At this time, the clown in the position of leader spoke up.

"Originally, Inazuma was in civil strife, and it was chaotic, which was very suitable for the actions of our fools."

"It's a pity that the Onmyoji named Qingming suddenly appeared there in them, who died as a rumor for five hundred years, and now he has returned again."

"Anyway, persuaded that Thor."

"As a result, Inazuma quickly returned to her previous state, and it also became unfavorable for us to intervene." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Now, with regard to the Heart of God, the original means are no longer useful, and a new executive officer must be sent over."

"Perhaps, this time we have to negotiate and come up with something that satisfies that Thor in order to exchange for the heart of God."

"Alecino, you go, as a diplomat. Let's exchange information with some information. "

"Presumably, that Thor will be satisfied."


Alecino just replied with an indifferent face...........

For her, it wasn't that difficult.

Anyway, it was arranged by the harlequin, she is just an intermediary, can you see the attitude of that Thor.

It doesn't have much to do with herself.

A trifle.

So the problem came to an end.

The executives chatted about other important things, and naturally their layout was more than this one.

When talking about the lady, Alecino frowned.

"Rosalyn hasn't found it yet?"

"It's good that she is also the one who took back the two hearts of God, and as a result, after so long, her whereabouts have never been known."

Among the many executive titles.

Most of them are shouting ladies.

The only ones who can call Rosalind are Alecino and Harlequin.

Harlequin, as a fool who invited Rosalyn to join the crowd of fools five hundred years ago, naturally shouted the original name.

Alecino, on the other hand, has a very good relationship with Ms. Rosalyn.

It's a fun thing.

She also contributed a lot to this search, after all, she is an executive officer responsible for adopting children and teaching the soldiers of fools, and she still has a lot of command.

Even if those fools are later distributed to various departments and squads.

Sandone, the puppet in the seventh seat of the executive officer, also shook his head.

"There is no trace, it's weird."

"It's like she suddenly disappeared into this world, and if she appeared elsewhere, there would be a witness report."

"But no, and none of her belongings were found."

"There are no traces of battle."

"The suspect is the wind knight of Mond, after all, the lady went to Mond before to take away the heart of the wind god."

"But I haven't heard of any conflict between them, and the lady is still active in Liyue after that."

In response, the Doctor just shook the potion in his hand.

"If you can't find it, let them look for it slowly, there will always be results."

"Anyway, it's a pity that the moths that have burned out cannot accommodate more powerful forces. Pity. "

Alecino was speechless.

This doctor, really helpless.

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