There are always only experiments and materials in his eyes, and I am worried about his materials and research.

The other merchants were also cold-blooded animals.

I just like to chase money and wealth.

Without a hint of empathy, just knowing how to huddle in town under some excuse.

These people and Alecino are incompatible, and they all have different philosophies.

At least she opened an orphanage [The House of the Fireplace], which took in orphans from all over Tivat, so when teaching those children, she would instill them with the concept of family.

Let them form bonds in the form of a squad of several people.

This is a little more stable.

So she still talks about feelings.

Even if she looks as cold as her, it sometimes gives people a crazy feeling.

After all, no one knows what a person like Alecino pursues.

Sometimes, what she wants is more earnings.

Will do whatever it takes to get a profit.

This style and behavior is very palpitating.

There is even an attitude that as long as there is enough gain, she can betray the Ice Empress and even swing a sword at her.

29 There is love and affection, but also coldness and madness.

Alecino is such a contradictory man.

However, looking at the attitude of the other executives, she still shook her head.

Forget it, keep people looking for it.

At least it is better to act than not to act.


After teaching and implementing the knight's new system cultivation method, Ye Ruo relaxed again.

Now inside the Order.

Many people have opened up and condensed the seeds of life.

This level is actually not difficult for most people.

It is estimated that the day when all the staff reaches this level will not be long after.

The latter practice is water milling, constantly practicing knightly breathing, through combat and exercise, taking potions, and so on.

The breathing method was divided into three by Ye Ruo.

A foundation, a knightly stage, an advanced breathing method.

Anyway, after that, it was up to them to work on their own.

Nothing dangerous either.

Let them slowly strive to turn seeds into trees.

So now Ye Ruo is at home, experimenting with potions with Lisa and Rosalind.

This is a potion related to witches.

While dealing with the purification of a medicinal herb, Ye Ruo was talking to them.

"Lisa, how about you say to get a super academy after our mond, the kind of magic academy."

"Recruiting students and training them for various professions for Mond, they can become adventurers, alchemists, scholars, historians, and so on after graduation according to their desires and pursuits."

"The witch system, you two have also studied almost the same, and you should be able to add a witch discipline in the future, so that more witches appear in Mond."

"In this way, Mond can be more colorful and become a magical holy place on the continent in the future."

"At that time, it will far surpass the Ordinance House of Meru."

Hearing the front, the two women nodded in agreement.

However, after hearing the suggestion of the witch at the end, their eyes immediately sharpened, and they shouted in unison: "No! "

First Lisa rolled her eyes.

"First of all, my sister likes to fish and lazy every day, so I am not interested in teaching a group of little girls."

"It's better to be bad by you every day and tired around you."

"Not to mention that you are too attractive to witches, if you cultivate more witches, isn't it my sister that I am cultivating so many love rivals?"

"Don't do this boring thing."

Rosalyn also nodded.

"That's right, my dear, your other red faces have a very good relationship foundation. And for newborn witches, you are too easy to let the moths fight the fire. "

"It's just a walking witch killer." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The lethality is too strong, thinking about the consequences of that, even my scalp is numb."

After all, they agreed that Ye Ruo had more red faces, but it was not much, and they were all excellent.

It's completely different from this concept.

Now that's it, it's already good.

Occasionally one or two more in other countries does not affect in the slightest.

This made Ye Ruo also put one arm around one and pulled it over.

The close body and this movement made them exclaim.

Then Ye Ruo's funny tone came.

"In other words, you take me for something. The Knights have so many female knights who have a crush on me, and I rejected them one by one. "

"As long as Lisa you, Yura and Jean."

"As for Rosalind, not to mention, my destined lover."

"I'm not a person who doesn't refuse, but the requirements are quite high."

"In addition, of course, I will consider your mentality, it is already my luck to have you with me."

This made Lisa Mei blink and the corners of her mouth raised.

Quite happy.

So she didn't put the sentence "You have clearly picked the three most beautiful flowers of the Knights, just steal you." The phrase speaks out.

Rosalin also rubbed him several times and nestled her head on Ye Ruo.

Whispered softly.

"For me, being able to have you is the greatest luck of my life."

"Hehe, and I chased you first."

"I've always wanted to make you happy for 100, after all, you guy is always frowning and worried, and it looks like there are too many work and worries."

"Now that's fine, let Jean do more."

"It's great to have sisters like Jean."

I don't know why, Jean suddenly sneezed while she was in the office.

Strange, who is nagging her?

And Ye Ruo was also thinking.

"Well, let's put aside the affairs of the academy for the time being, and make plans later. At present, there are too few people who can be teachers. "

"Let the Knights train first. When you have enough preparation and have a lot of talent, let's think about it. "

"Now, let me help you inscribe the fixed-point teleportation array, so that you can return to the small world whenever you want."

"I've already helped her get it out of Yura, and now she's sleeping in the house inside."

Such words.

In the future, no matter where Ye Ruo is, it will not affect the teleportation of Lisa, Rosalind, Qin, and Yura.

They can teleport from Mond's home to the small world.

Then return to the Mond house from the small world.

Easy and fast.

Home on both sides.

When Ye Ruo was in other countries.

Once you miss them, you can go directly into the small world and meet them.

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