I was horrified.

What does that mean?

Aren't the Qin captains all legendary knights, how can they not be at the same level?

How big is the difference?

Above the legendary knight, what realm does this have to be~realm?

However, remembering the big battle that happened in the Mond area before, the battlefield like gods and demons made the alchemy airship dare not approach, and could only watch from afar.

It's earth-shattering.

The environment in that area has changed drastically, scared to death - individuals.

Although the specific situation is unknown.

However, many people guessed that perhaps Lord Ye Ruo had surpassed any knight in history and touched the power of God.

Because this speculation is too shocking.

There are also some people who believe that it may be Lord Fengshen who made a move.

After all, Lord Ye Ruo and Lord Fengshen have a good relationship and are friends.

That kind of movement.

If it is made by the Fengshen master, then everyone also thinks it is normal.

But now, it seems that that speculation is true.

This is really stunning.

But it turned to worship, worship.

It is worthy of Lord Ye Ruo, it is so unfathomable.

Far from what they can imagine.

The Knights have such an amazing strength, and they can also be more stable and at ease.

However, Qin here, after all, did not announce the realm and information above the legendary knight.

It is also a little disappointing for everyone.

After all, who isn't curious about this.

Actually, for Ruo said.

Don't say that there is no such realm, it makes no difference if you say that there is.

At present, no one can advance to this realm at all.

It's like an onmyoji.

After becoming a top yin-yang master, after comprehending the fusion of the five elements, it is necessary to completely understand it and turn it into yin and yang.

Only then can you try to comprehend the divine art.

It sounds simple, even Chiyo didn't do it.

Kitsunomiya and Yae Miko are better and can be touched.

As for the others, forget it.

Wash and sleep.

So too much, that's too easy to make them so ambitious.


Cultivating honestly is more real than anything else.

Therefore, the Knights of the West Wind also began an exciting cultivation next.

Even the people of Mond felt that the Knights had made a big move, but the information was well covered, except for the people in the group, they did not know what the situation was.

On the contrary, he caught many intelligence traffickers from other countries who wanted to find out about intelligence.

After all, the development of Mond is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Over there in the Fontaine Steam Bird, there is news about Mond at every turn.

The heat is quite high.

The sales of newspapers are very popular.

But under the stimulation of Mond.

Fontaine also implemented airships.

After all, their inventors already had similar research.

It's just that Mond overtakes in such a wave of corners, and I don't know how many Fontaines vomit blood.

And even if airships are being manufactured one after another, they are far inferior to those alchemical airships in Mond.

Northern direction of Tivat.

At this time, a large number of people was moving forward.

It looks well-equipped and has many strong people.

There are all elite warriors inside.

There were carriages hauling goods, and many knights on war horses were patrolling the perimeter.

Look at the familiar armor and weapons on them.

There is no doubt that this is precisely the expeditionary party of the Knights of the Zephyr.

The huge team led by Grand Master Falgar took almost most of the elite of the Knights, and those cavalry and war horses were obviously members of Kaia's team.

Only Kaia was left in Mond.

Ahead, there are still many members of the guerrilla group probing the situation and terrain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For example, a blond boy named Mika is working as a surveyor.

This is the guy from Team Youra.

During the expedition, she also transferred many excellent members of her team.

But at least it's better than Kaia.

All became bald commanders.

Although Kaiya is wide again, he has formed a better beast cavalry squad.

So the horses of the Knights are now here in the expedition.

And it can be seen that among the calm knights, there is a knight with the most amazing momentum.

He has a burly body, lion-like hairstyle, a look in his eyes, and a very bold and cheerful smile.

Age and appearance look the same as uncle.

He wears armor that represents the identity of the Grand Master of the Zephyr Knights.

On it, you can see some traces left by past battles, as well as the blood stains that have long dried up, which are left by unknown monsters.

It gives people a domineering and fierce paving.

It can feel that this is a man who has experienced vicissitudes and countless battles.

The first impression was that this must be a very amazing person.

This person is Falga.

At this time, they have explored several secret realms and obtained some interesting things and treasures.

But it's far from reaching its final destination.

From Mond, they headed northwest.

The climate in both directions is extreme, with volcanic dominance to the west and a grassland region with very high heat.

Even the further you go, the more you can see volcanic groups and eruptions from time to time.

There is no obvious road, it is very difficult to walk.

Over there is Nata, the Land of Fire.

Further north, the temperature drops sharply and gets colder.

Looking into the distance, you can see a vast expanse of snow and ice.

Because over there, it is the direction of winter in the Land of Ice.

When you go over there, you have to always have a fire.

However, on this expedition, they did not go to any country, but to a rather secret and remote area, in the middle of where neither country touched each other.

It's a deserted place.

For now, it's biased towards the Nata landscape.

In the future, it is biased towards the winter landform.

After walking a long distance, after seeing a valley terrain, Falgar stretched out his hand.

"Today, let's set up camp here."

"Take a break."

"By the way, when the time comes, add a little meat, and hunt some beasts and the like."

After hearing this, the knights all stopped.


Large and small tents were erected and located in a flat area, where cooking smoke and bonfires also appeared.

The knights also ate a meal here.

It can be described as a happy and optimistic state that is not afraid of difficulties.

And talked.

"Oops, I really miss the wine and breeze of Mond, or our side."

"It's just that I drank almost the same amount of wine with me, so that I drool when I think about it now."

"Everyone in Mond, it should be okay."

According to the news, Mond seems to be developing quite well, a scene of peace and tranquility. It seems that a lot of things have also developed. "

"Oh yes? With Lord Ye Ruo there, it can be regarded as relatively relieved. "

"Yes, and the deputy head of the piano. Oh no, it should be the acting head of the mission. "

"Hahaha, I forgot, you look at my memory."

An old senior knight looked into the distance and sighed with emotion.

"This side is more inclined to Nata, the terrain environment is really bad, and there are still flames burning on the ground."

"There seems to be this thing all over Nata, they seem to call it a fire."

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