Anyway, if Ye Ruo didn't study it, we'll talk about it later.

It doesn't matter what the name is.

When the time comes.

Let's wait for the first legendary knight to appear in the Knights.

That legendary knight is not what it is now.

After all, Ye Ruo and Falga both have the names of legendary knights, but this is a title and praise.

The latter is the new system level.

Because Ye Ruo didn't take this path.

So when the time comes, when Winnie or whoever reaches this level, he will study the way back.

For now, the upper limit is set at the Legendary Knight.

Even if this is the case, it is a very amazing thing for mortals.

The strength of the Zephyr Knights will also usher in a new round of skyrocketing.

So under the hammer of several of their high-ranking knights, this implementation plan was also set.

And after discussing this.

Qin also came with a shy voice.

"Everyone? This is not okay, senior. "

"Wait, don't take me first!!"

So after that.

A large number of elite knights on the side of the Zephyr Knights have been recalled.

Knights training grounds.

At this time, there were rows of knights standing neatly, 29 men and women, in a clear order.

The young ones exude vitality and confidence, wearing armor that looks more imposing, and knightly swords pinned to their waist, looking more knightly and strong than before.

There are also some knights with mature appearance and vicissitudes of temperament, who appear more calm and calm.

That's the old seniority knights.

All of these have rich combat experience and have experienced many years of knightly work.

are the mainstay.

As for the elemental plants, they were basking in the sun in groups of three or two on the other side of the square.

They don't need to participate in this.

Sleep is fine.

A variety of things are played and tasted.

There are also elemental plants, gurgling and blinking, looking over here.

Greet their owners.

However, the knights did not pay attention to the movements of their companions, but kept lining up neatly.

In fact, they were also very curious and did not know what happened.

It was the head of the piano who gave the order, saying that there was a very important event to be announced.

That was an astonishing change that would affect everyone in the Order.

Let them all these knights be transferred back.

At this time, Ye Ruo and Qin both walked over together.

Suddenly shocked everyone's spirits.

"Lord Ye Ruo, regiment leader!"

For these two, everyone is full of respect and adoration.

The tone was full of excitement and respect.

After all, this is their top powerhouse in Mond, even if you look at other countries.

is the guardian of Mond.

He is also the two highest-ranking knights of the Zephyr Order.

Qin, as the acting head of the group, naturally does not need to say much.

The Knights and Mond are all under her management, and they are truly the highest leaders in this land of winds.

And Ye Ruo's prestige was treated by everyone as a grand group leader early.

So, Qin first glanced at Ye Ruo.

Then she came forward and looked at these fine knights.

Solemnly spoke up.

"I'm happy to see that everyone is now a great knight."

"The people gathered this time are all extremely elite groups in the Knights, and I think you have also found out."

The knights nodded.

Indeed it is.

The elite knights are here, and the patrolling, the series of people who wander around the city have not come.

Instructions are really important.

"In the past, Mond was also invaded and troubled for a time, the disturbance of the magic dragon, and the pressure from the Winter Kingdom."

"Even the appearance of the Doctor Executive of the Fools made both Grand Master Fargar and Bishop Simon clearly realize one thing, we Mond are still too weak." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"With the strength of the Knights and the Church, it is still much worse, and it is not even possible to protect Mond."

"In the beginning, the fools deliberately lured the Monds to join the fools under the guise of deception, but those people did not return."

Those knights of the older generation also recalled what happened at the beginning.

The young knights also showed anger.

Such a history is open to information within the Order.

That was before Ye Ruo, the wind knight, was active.

Fools roamed the Seven Kingdoms, and this was the case many years ago.

They boast of being committed to protecting the mainland, maintaining peace here, and being the guardians of the continent.

It is a supreme honor to be able to join the crowd of fools.

Therefore, the fools came to Mond and bragged about what as long as they were selected layer by layer, and those potential school-age young people could become pillars of talent in the future after training.

Scammed quite a few people.

There are even some children.

Later, all of these Monds were gone.

Even if the fools say that there is a secrecy system, everyone has a result in their hearts.

This kind of thing is not just happening in Mond.

The same goes for other countries,

It's just that the reasons used are different, but the essence is the same.

And looking at the reaction of the knights, Ye Ruo also nodded and approved in his heart.

It's good to be motivated.

It is to have pressure, they will be more active to become stronger.

As for what happened at the beginning, Ye Ruo naturally knew.

The source of everything is that Dr. 527 lacks experimental elements.

So as long as the doctor has this intention, there is a dog that will do things for him.

Later, the goods even came in person.

That is, the slice that was killed by Ye Ruo.

Now, the doctor is a lot more honest, after all, he also sent it.

The first three seats of the fools, Ye Ruo did not put it in his eyes.

Even if they all have the power of the Demon God level.

Let their empress come and talk.

However, for ordinary people, you can see the fierceness of the Winter Kingdom, and start with four demon gods to the bottom.


The first three seats are all Demon God level starts.

There are suspected racial individuals under the First Throne.

I don't know if there is any hidden combat power.

But Ye Ruo still felt that with such a little strength, he wanted to go against heaven?

Far from it.

As soon as they fight, the Winter Kingdom will be destroyed, and there is no other possibility.

The kind with a 0 win rate.

It is also difficult for ordinary people to feel fierce, after all, the demon god is already an unreachable terrifying existence.

However, when there were so many demon gods on the continent, they were not obediently killed?

And today's words.

In the face of the fools, although Ye Ruo had no pressure for a long time.

But it's good to put pressure on these knights.

It's always good to get stronger.

Only in this way can these people better protect Mond.

Ye Ruo is also more relaxed.

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