So for these knights.

Ye Ruo's expectation for them was, get stronger, young people.

A wider sky awaits you in the future.

Here, Jean's firm voice came again.

"It was precisely because he recognized our weakness that Grand Master Falgar took the most elite combat power of the Knights at that time and went on an expedition."

"Go fight, go kill, go get stronger! Go in search of more treasures! "

"We also know that Grand Master Farga went to a very ancient secret realm, and the journey was very remote and dangerous."

"Leave us to guard Mond."

"But now, we're stronger than ever, and even stronger."

"That's why I called you here this time, when the time comes, there will be wind knights to teach you the new knight system."

"Be able to develop the potential strength of the body, open up the seeds of life, so that your most fundamental physical fitness can be improved, and in the back, you can even split the boulder, attack the group of Warcraft, and have a hundred people to fight, and a thousand armies are brave!"

"This is the most essential improvement, in the future, you can use elemental alchemy potions and fight side by side with elemental plants, and your strength will skyrocket a lot."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of countless knights lit up.

What the?

Something new has appeared again?

Is it a new way to become stronger this time?

Listening to the meaning of the head of the piano, it seems that this new knight system can make them get quite a big improvement.

It turned out to be the power of mastering the elements.

Is it about the direction of strengthening and developing the flesh?


This is the first time I've heard of it.

Seed of life, what is it?

However, if the body alone is strong enough to swing a weapon, it can split the boulder and carry the top.

The improvement that can be achieved is truly amazing.

As good knights, they naturally understand how much of an enhancement this will be!


There can be such a thing!

It is worthy of their Zephyr Knights, and there are always all kinds of strange and magical items or changes.

And this time, it was obvious that Lord Ye Ruo brought it again, right?

They all felt lucky to be able to serve in the Knights.

Being able to touch things that ordinary people can't encounter.

You must know that now, the standard elemental plant of the Knights alone makes countless people envious.

Those foreign scholars or businessmen, they can only watch.

Even some scholars who wanted to get closer, eager to be able to observe and study, were rejected by the knights.

This is their Mond specialty.

How can I give you research casually, think beautiful!

Not to mention the explosive alchemy electric lamps and various items that are sold, so that the funds of the Knights are more and more exaggerated, and the rich flow of oil.

Everyone's knight welfare and standard of living are good takeoffs.

As well as the Beast Cavalry Team, the Yak Transport Team, the Magic Crystal Cannon Defense, the Alchemy Airships all over the Mond Sky and so on, Dora Wind.

It's a sight that has never been seen before.

And all this is because of Lord Ye Ruo.

To have this adult here is simply the luck of Mond and the Knights.

At this time, Jean retreated.

Ye Ruo walked up.

He looked around.

That oppressive majestic gaze made everyone nervous, but for a moment it was the gentleness and approval of the leader.

"You probably know it, so I won't say more. At the beginning, Grand Master Falgar left with so many elites, and now you have become the new elite. "

"What I hope is that you can become stronger."

"Wouldn't it be fun to be stunned when they come back?"

"So, is there faith?"

"There is !!"

The voice of unity rang out here.

Although the words were simple, listening to Ye Ruo's laughing words also made everyone excited, and the loud voice echoed here.

Even those elemental plants that were so scared to sleep jumped up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hurry up and look left and right.

An expression of what had happened.

And for everyone.

Oh, yes.

The previous group of elites carried out an expedition in order to be stronger.

If they came back and found that everyone in the city was already more fierce and possessed so many magical powers, they would definitely be shocked and incredible, right?

Such a scene, just thinking about it is full of anticipation!

It must be cool!

Even they can become powerful knights!

Guarding Mond!

So Ye Ruo began to teach their cultivation and passed on the knight's breathing method to them.

That is the most basic and fundamental thing as a trainee knight.

It can accumulate over time and continuously enhance physical fitness.

Although the further back it goes, the lower the effect.

However, this is originally the early breathing method.

After the body constitution reaches a certain level, you can drink the secret medicine and start trying to open up the seed of life.

Because of the help of the secret medicine, it doesn't matter if the process fails.

Not life-threatening.

On the contrary, the energy of the secret medicine can continue to strengthen the body and stimulate the blood qi in the body.

Let the success rate of the next opening increase.

It can be described as a very important and useful auxiliary cultivation secret medicine.

And here, many of them are knights with strong physical constitutions, so under Ye Ruo's guidance, they are all in danger, and several people have successfully awakened the seed of life.

Promoted to knighthood.

In these people.

What made Ye Ruo feel that this was indeed the case, it was expected that it was Winnie.

She has a strong bloodline, even if she is not very young.

But among the knights, it is the most physically strong.

Therefore, she (Wang Nuozhao) smoothly opened up the seed of life, no need for secret medicine, just Ye Ruo explained it, and it was a natural success.

This is a manifestation of too much blood qi in the body.

When cultivating this system, you can have unique benefits.

It can be called the best jade.

Therefore, her progress is the most terrifying and rapid, growing from a seed to a tree in a short period of time, breaking through and upgrading all the way, and directly becoming a high-level knight.

It's not far from the Great Knight either.

It's just a matter of time.

It is necessary to stabilize the soaring physical strength and lay a more solid and solid foundation.

It also shocked everyone.

Of those few who opened up seeds, none of them became trees.

It takes a lot of time to exercise and grow, and as a result, Winnie is like riding a rocket.

Directly throw everyone away.

In this regard, everyone was amazed, and the Knights had produced another genius knight.

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