So when Eura and Rosalyn come back.

They found that Ye Ruo had not only returned, but also helped Lisa cover the quilt.

Let her sleep lazily and happily on the sofa.

Looking at the side of the quilt, Lisa's artistic curves and slender legs.

Just know what's going on.

After that, naturally, it was their turn.

The next day.

Ye Ruo and Lisa were discussing.

"Are you going to reclassify the Order itself? Move into a new system. "

"Like your Onmyoji over there?"

"Yes, after such a long time, I have almost researched it, and each country has its own characteristics."

"You see, now Inazuma has an Onmyoji, Liyue has immortal arts, the knights on Mond's side, except for the Eye of God, elemental plants, and those things, this 'Three Seven Seven' body has no cultivation system. "

"It's all the same practice of the West Wind Sword Art."

"Even if I have restored the great sword art I once had, there are very few who can cultivate. With this difficulty, it's normal for that thing to be lost. "

At this time, Qin was also here, and she was called over by Ye Ruo.

She is handsome, even if she is a beautiful dandelion, beautiful and tough.

However, she still gave Ye Ruo a blank look.

As soon as he came over, he was rewarded by Ye Ruo.

The seniors are really necrotic.

And after listening to Ye Ruo's words, Qin also agreed.

"Yes, there are only knights on the Knights' side who simply hone their bodies, and can break through their prestige without the eye of God and rely on their own strength alone, which are rare in history."

"Just like before, there will be many people in the group who believe that the one who has the eye of God is the one chosen by God and is the protagonist of the story."

"And these are just the role of foils for passers-by."

That's what most people think.

For example, there is also a person under the wind tree who thinks so, she does not have the eye of God and cannot see the wind element.

And here in the Knights.

Ye Ruo came out with a series of elemental plants, and after the alchemy potion, it was much better.

Even without the Eye of God, they can still play an important role in battle.

Attacks that use elementals.

No worse than the Eye of God holder.

Some are even able to surpass them.

In the previous battle against the fools, the Knights played a role and successfully beat the arrogant fools.

You must know that the forces of fools can run amok in the Seven Kingdoms.

In addition to the executive officers, those subordinates still have some strength.

Just wearing elemental equipment on a large scale and using elemental attacks is already strong.

And on Mond's side, it is already more fierce.

None of the magic airships were used that time.

Nor did the magic crystal cannon be used.

And Ye Ruo now has this plan because he has obtained items related to knights in successive lotteries.

It's like the original knight exercise.

That's still basic.

Later, there was the Otherworldly Knight Cultivation Method.

For example, through exercise and secret medicine, life seeds are born in people's bodies, so that they have new powers and are promoted from trainee knights to knights.

This is a physical system.

Discover your own power through a series of secret medicines.

Similar secret medicines, Ye Ruo also extracted some.

Before that, Lisa was also researching various secret medicines.

After a large amount of information and collation and summary, Ye Ruo studied and integrated a complete knight cultivation system.

Supplemented by the knight's secret medicine, it opens up the seed of life in the body after exercising to a certain extent.

Can always provide strength.

To continue cultivating is to make the seed germinate and gradually grow into a tree.

Knights in the process.

Reflexes, speed, strength, agility and a series of other attributes will rise and become stronger!

Able to charge at high speed with weapons in hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Easily split large rocks and hunt monsters in the wilderness, full of foot power!

After the seed has completely grown into a prosperous tree.

Step over that amazing bottleneck!

It's grown to the top.

Can be named a great knight!

That is what Ye Ruo said before, the top knight level, the kind under the immortals.

So at present, Ye Ruo has already thought about the level division of various levels.

[Ordinary people] began to exercise their bodies and practice knighthood.

After the introduction of knighthood, he became a [trainee knight].

Then continue to practice, and after the birth of the seed of life, he is officially promoted to [Knight].

As the normal combat power of the Knights.

Does not depend on anything else...........

The knight alone can run outside and compete with the monsters, and ordinary monsters can be easily defeated.

Because the seed of life can continuously provide power and extend the endurance.

Then there is the intermediate knight, the continuous accumulation of high-level knights, and the honing of water drop stone piercing.

After reaching the bottleneck.

There should be quite a few people who are stuck, but some with talent and strong will can cross the past.

Become a Grand Knight.

The strongest under the immortals!

Apprentice Knight - Knight - Intermediate Knight - Senior Knight - Grand Knight.

Further up is a knight of the immortal level like Falgar.

Ye Ruo designated this level as [Legendary Knight].

Only a very small number of people with amazing talents can make the tree transform again, choose an element, and promote it to the elemental tree.

This process is difficult, and if you do not pay attention, it is easy to burn yourself and seriously hurt yourself.

Or other elemental damage.

Wood elements, there is a danger of turning into wood.

The element of water, there is a crisis of assimilation into water.

Thunder element, easy to be scorched.

Others are either ice cubes or stones.

If the accumulation is not in place, there is a high probability that it will be directly dying.

It depends on the strength of the tree.

But the benefits are also clear.

Successful breakthrough is a legendary knight.

Immortal level.

In this case, Ye Ruo estimated that few people in the current Knights would be able to reach it.

After all, Qin and Eura are both practicing immortal methods, and they don't need to practice this again in 3.1.

They will soon be able to become high-level immortals, or even top immortals.

It is much stronger than the so-called legendary knight.

After all, this is on the road of immortals, and it has gone too far.

Just from this range, it was eliminated.

But there is also a clear goal, naturally it is Winnie of Nata.

Ye Ruo felt that with her potential, the legendary knight was not a problem.

It's equivalent to booking a spot.

That kid can go further in the future.

The advantage of the demon god's bloodline will make her path very good.

As for this knightly system further back?

At present, Ye Ruo has not yet pushed the performance, but the legendary knight must have come into contact with the combat power of the Demon God further up.

Words of that realm.

Or is it called a mythical knight?

It's very Mond-style fantasy color.

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