But then they knew.

A few days later.

The shogunate issued a notice stating that these creatures were called Ryūryō and were dependents specially sent by Lord Haruaki.

They are friendly and gentle.

It will exist as a guardian beast on the Inazuma Sea.

Let everyone maintain respect for this.

Then a new port was developed, which could travel to other islands by dragon, greatly promoting communication and development between the islands.

After all, Inazuma is the environment of the archipelago.

On the fox side.

Those who are good at yin-yang art have also transferred a batch and traveled to many islands to deal with pollution ~ problems.

Such a novel and gentle guardian beast is indeed an eye-opener for Inazuma.

Not to mention that when the dragon was in the sea, he also rescued people who were shipwrecked.

When some ships had accidents, they also helped them with dragons.

When such news came, it also made people grateful for riding the dragon, and the recognition of Inazuma now has these guardian beast adults, and it is also a continuous increase in recognition.

So Inazuma once again had one more race.

These dragons were divided into the areas of Tenrito, and they cruised the sea of Inazuma with the dragons, transporting all kinds of people.

After all, this is not just a fleet.

It was the shogunate army and the dragon together.

So today's Inazuma.

There are dragons on the sea, Yin and Yang Liao on the island are in full swing, the fox clan is dealing with pollution, and Raiden is really teaching Kage and General how to manage the country.

All three are busy.

Huang Maoying is also dealing with various things.

Ye Ruo was also able to focus all his energy on the teleportation array.

Research on teleportation arrays has been being improved and carried out.

After experiencing large and small failures and consuming a lot of precious materials, a successful model was finally made.

So Ye Ruo created a teleportation array in the enchantment of his own room in the Castle Tower.

Then he went to Mond and created a teleportation array in one of his homes, as a two-way common connection, allowing him to travel freely between the two kingdoms.

In this way, there is no need to cross the sea without moving.

When the formation was created, Ye Ruo carried out the highest authority binding, and only he could start.

As for his own women, it would be nice to give them permission when the time comes.

This was originally to test the teleportation array idea of the small world after the test, so Ye Ruo was also creating this small fixed-point teleportation array at the same time.

So when Ye Ruo teleported back to Inazuma from Mond, and then teleported from Inazuma back to Mond, this order played several times.

He also announced that the teleportation array was officially completed!

So Ye Ruo returned to Mond, after all, it had been such a while since he left.

He missed everyone.

Who let several of his women here.

Not to mention that with a teleportation array, going to Inazuma is also a blink of an eye, and it is very fast.

Drink tea with them in the morning and chat with Lisa and them in the afternoon.


As soon as Ye Ruo returned to Mond, a shadow suddenly appeared on the floor in front of him, and then the cold and tall Rosalia appeared and handed him the document in her hand.

That's what happened in Mond's recent time, big and small.

As Ye Ruo's shadow, Rosalia has been observing the situation in various places in Mond.

Gathering intelligence and keeping an eye out for suspicious people.

Investigates, tracks, and even tortures.

She will observe whether those people are harmful to Mond, secretly guarding the city that Ye Ruo loves.

So Ye Ruo flipped through it, and there was nothing important.

After all, he could have contacted Rosalind and them, and he had a special magic weapon.

If something big happens, he will know it as soon as possible.

However, Mond is now strong, and there are no guys who don't have long eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even those treasure robbers and the like were arrested.

So he nodded in satisfaction.

"Hard work on you, Rosalia."

This made Rosalia also take the documents and prepare to leave.

Being able to perform a watch in the dark for Ye Ruo was her meaning.

However, she was suddenly pulled back by Ye Ruo, and the door here was closed.

The lights also went dark.

I don't know how long it took for Rosalia to leave here.

It's still the kind that walks against the wall.

Her originally cold face also had a slight blush.

This guy.

As soon as you come back, that's it.

However, although Rosalia looks cold and gorgeous, like an ice beauty, she actually does not hate Ye Ruo like this.

Himself, Ben is his shadow.

Being able to make him happy, and being happy himself.

It's just that she rarely shows this side.

Ye Ruo stretched at home.

Although Rosalia is now a demon god, she still can't break down.

That's fine.

After all, this kind of shadow is just an example.

Not long after, the door of the house opened again.

Lisa gently shook her waist gracefully and ladylike and walked in.

After she saw Ye Ruo, she smiled charmingly.

Then sat down next to him.

"Little cute, how are things handled on Inazuma's side, it seems that you have done a great job."

"It didn't take long for the news that Inazuma had lifted the Eye Hunting Order, and trade and sea trade routes with various countries had been restored, and even the thunderstorm sea area had changed."

"It seems that even that Thunder God still can't escape your poisonous hands." Uh-huh. "

"It stands to reason that you should strike while the iron is hot and take her down at this time." And yet you're here. "

"That just tells the truth of the matter."

Lisa quietly put her mouth to Ye Ruo's ear.


"It tastes great."

Then Lisa put the book in her hand on the table and said thoughtfully.

"I met Rosalia just now, and her walking posture is not right, and she disappeared as soon as she saw me."

"You bad guy, you're bullying people again."

"But Rosalia is still your shadow, only willing to appear behind your back."

"Oh, you're really charismatic."

"But sister, I just like you like this, let's say, what are you going to eat in the evening."

As a result, after hearing Ye Ruo's answer, she rolled her beautiful eyes and covered her mouth and smiled.

Means, yes.

Then Ye Ruo began his scraping road.

It's so bad that they have been away from Mond for so long, of course, they miss them very much.

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