Raiden really, resurrection!

It was a reunion that spanned a long period of time.

The gentle big sister Lei Dian Jin, the ruler of Inazuma, and the god of official affairs in the court, once again stood here with a quiet posture of time.

She smiled again.

Just look at the shadow like this.

"Kage, I'm back."

Seeing this scene, Ying couldn't hold back on the spot, and with tearful excitement in his eyes, he stepped forward to hug each other.

Held Zhen firmly in his arms.


"Great, finally see you."

"For so many days and nights, countless times, do you know how much I miss you?"

"I know, hum, cry nose."

"No, no!"

So after that, after the end of the warmth and telling of the truth and shadow.

Raiden Ma also came over.

Generously, he thanked Ye Ruo with a low "one one zero" head.

"Thank you, Qingming. You spent so much money to resurrect me, a useless fellow. "

"I'm really sorry, you still gave me the Tiancong Cloud Sword to protect my body."

"I ended up in Canrea."

For how much it would cost to resurrect a demon god, Raiden really knew it.

At that time, she resurrected the shadow, and she looked like she was going to die.

Empowerment is also damaged.

Ye Ruo smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay for me."

"It's a bit overconsuming, but it's good to take a break."

"In this way, the two of you can be reunited, and the original regret is no longer a regret."

"This, Qingming your strength ?!!"

Raiden really fell into shock!

Only then did she notice that Ye Ruo's strength was so strong?

Became a demon god?!!

How so?

Isn't Qingming human.

How is this done? Can there still be such a thing?

It's a miracle.

Because he used a lot of power this time, Ye Ruo was still exuding the aura of a high-grade demon god at this time.

It gave Thunder and Lightning a big shock.

It seems that it is still a very strong kind of high-ranking demon god.


Now, how many years have passed in the outside world?

Could it be thousands of years, tens of thousands of years?

It's terrifying to think about.

However, Ye Ruo understood her thoughts.

"In fact, five hundred years have passed since the beginning, and after the real accident, I also died once."

"It's been more than 20 years since I lived again."

Raiden Shogun: ???

Raiden Jin: ???

You have been to the High Demon God in more than twenty years?

Are you the illegitimate son of Tenri?

"Ahem, nothing strange. This promotion to the High Demon God was also a favor for me. "

"General, don't you know?"


Without thinking, General Raiden just snorted coldly.

"I'm too lazy to look at you two, of course I'm going to nourish the spirit."

After saying this, the general silently stood behind, so she didn't want to join the topic.

You can't say you're watching you kiss.

The most speechless still.

The shadow is also her body.


It's a hammer!

One thought might go deeper next.

The general is also numb.

She thinks it's really okay.

Didn't save it.

Destroy it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And for Raiden General, there is really a color in his eyes.

It seems that the technology left by himself was turned out by the shadow.

That is the knowledge that comes from the reign of life.

This kind of puppet life that can create perfection, such spirituality and wisdom, is very powerful, isn't it?

In fact, he really planned to give this information to Ye Ruo.

It just didn't have time.

And later in Canrea,

Shinya sensed that it seemed that in this ancient country, there were also people trying to imitate and study this ability to create people.

Then another path developed.

After all, for the country of Canrea, this is normal.

They are simulating the power of those gods and using them.

It is to seize the power of the gods in heaven.

What could be more a reference than the gods of Sky Island?

There is a source.

But what I really don't know is that not to mention the destroyed Canria, even in the current Solstice Kingdom, those fools are making instruments that simulate the power of the gods.

Everyone knows that God's power is fragrant.

It's just that there are not many people who can do it at present.

And looking at General Raiden, he really talked with her happily.

In the face of truth, even the generals answered and spoke up one by one.

Shadow is also on the side.

Now Ying, the mood is much better, and she will tease the general, let her not always have such a face, smile more...........

Raiden Shogun: .......

Are you awake?

She's just a puppet who silently completes tasks and laws.

And after that, the shadow suddenly spoke up.

"General, I'm going to modify your laws. Avoid what problems arise later. "

"I think now that maybe it's good to leave a chance to change it in the first place."

This made General Raiden's face suddenly indifferent.

Cold voice.

"Are you really changing your mind? Is it really a resurrection, or is it the appearance of Qingming? "

"Don't forget, I created by you has the right to rule a country and represent everything in the name of Raiden General."

"This body, the most special and noble body, shall hold the power of the world."

"If you want to modify the law, you should know very well, then come and defeat me."

Ye Ruo and Lei Dian really shook their heads silently.

This stubborn look.

Same as the shadow of the past.

In fact, this time did not endanger eternity, but the general's logic is so rigid, if you want to modify, then defeat me.

Otherwise, don't even think about it.

The strangest thing is that this logic is made of shadows.

A perfect replica of your past self.

Lei Movie holds the dream in his hand, his eyes are sharp and determined.

"In the past, when I made you, I considered all potential dangers, including me as the maker."

"This is destined to be a lonely and long eternal road4.3."

"I am afraid that I will be affected by wear and tear in such a time, but even such a self cannot stop the pace of eternity."

"But now, I'm no longer alone."

"The pain and regret of not guarding Qingming and Zhen have always been deeply imprinted in my heart."

"And now, in order to avoid the original law endangering them, I must modify it, just use the will that spanned five hundred years!"

Seeing that the two of them looked like they were about to fight, even Zhen felt that his head was big.

It's a shadow.

Forget it, give her a hand.

Otherwise, it's an endless fight.

After Ye Ruo saw General Raiden coming, he directly stretched out his hand and nodded at her out of thin air.

An invisible fluctuation arises.


The general's whole person did not move, and completely stopped the action of the last second.

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