It's as if the time has come to a standstill.

Seeing this scene, Yingdu's eyes widened.

"This, this is?"

Ye Ruo slowly withdrew his hand.

Then he came behind the shadow and channeled a part of his power to her.

This is naturally the power of the time and the wind.

The power of the reign of Life can be used to resurrect a top demon god like Shadow.

The power of the reign of time is used by Ye Ruolai, and naturally it can also affect the general.

Stop eating me.jpg!

It is obvious that this kind of priority and repressive power of the upper government can be seen.

It's much more fierce than the Demon God.

It's just that the power is like this.

It is no wonder that after the war between the thrones, Sky Island was originally in the state after the Great Remnant, and it was still able to deter so many demon gods on the ground.

Let them obediently go to the battle of the seven rulings.

If it were not for the absolute gap in strength, how could this be the case.

Therefore, after being promoted to a high-level demon god, Ye Ruo had more use of the power of time29, giving the general a time stop.

Short time.

Enough though.

After all, even just a whisker is enough to distinguish the winner and the loser.

Not to mention that at the beginning, Ye Ruo had a Moko Bowl, and that was the freezing of time and space.

The capabilities of time and space are inherently overbearing.

Perhaps, this is why Asmode, the ruler of the void, and Ixtaru, the ruler of time, can still appear.

Everything else is like dying.

Maybe these two are the top two in the government.

But now, it seems to have been sent.

So Ye Ruo faced Ying's doubts and explained with a chuckle.

"That's my other power, okay, take my power."

"The general is about to recover, I can't hold her for long."

"After all, I also instilled divine power into the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and I used the Law of Life, and I also scored the power to maintain this space and transform it to preserve it."

"A series of things, it feels like it's going to hollow me out."


This made Shadow look at him worriedly.

Maya hurriedly spoke up, also concerned.

After all, Ye Ruo used the Law of Life to save her.

However, because she and Ye Ruo did not have that relationship, she could really only stand next to him, and her eyes were full of guilt.

"Okay, it's okay."

"You don't have to do this, we will live together as a family in the future."

"Get through this."

Under Ye Ruo's comfort, Ying also nodded seriously and seriously, and faced the general.

I really blushed.

This family.

Is it the kind of relationship she thinks?

Just now, Qingming must have seen it all, right?


Now is not the time to think about this.

Shinya inspired his own power and brightened the dream in Kage's hands.

After all, this weapon was born from her divine power.

It's just that I really don't like to fight, so I didn't open it much.

Even if it is given to Shadow, it is the power of Shadow itself to exercise this weapon.

With the real power surging, now [Dream One Heart] can be regarded as the real state.

Just at this time, the general also moved.

Directly holding the rice light of the grass and chopping over.

Kage also raised his weapon, turned into thunder and killed the past!

The two fought together, thunder and thunder, arc light rushing chaotically, causing amazing shocks and ripples.

But this place is really perfect for combat.

Those fluctuations spread to a certain extent and disappeared, as if they had fallen into time.

And judging by the general's reaction, she didn't notice that she was stopped at all.

But Shadow's movements changed a little, and it did make her notice.

This is the basic skill that comes from the martial artist. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So although the general was a little confused, he didn't care too much.

It's just that the next battle was beyond the general's imagination, and it didn't take long for her to be slashed out by Lei Movie.

Even if you rush up and fight again.

It won't be long before you will still be cut off by the shadow!

Even on the 10th time, with a bang, the general's whole person flew out upside down.

After this made her stand up, the black face couldn't help but question.

"Your power, what the hell is going on?!!"

"Why did it get stronger?!!

You know, she and Shadow have the same power.

The level is the same for everyone.

At a close match.

If you fight normally, you may have to hit the kind where the sky is wasted and the earth is old, and the sun and moon are without light.

But precisely because they are all at the same level, they are at opposite ends of the scale.

Once you add some power to a certain side.

This balance will be broken in an instant.

These forces are likely to be the key to victory or defeat!

And now, that's the case.

The power of Ray's film was strengthened, which led to the fact that the general was not her opponent, and such a result appeared.

And Shadow faced the general's questioning, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"That's because the reason why I stand here today is not my will."

"I will carry everyone's faith and hope towards the eternal future."

"General, go ahead."

Raiden Shogun: ........

Glancing at Ye Ruo and Zhen in the distance, the general was silent.

The face is darker.

Because they are both pro-shadow.

Damn it!

Do puppets deserve to be bullied?

120 Is there any reason for this?

Just don't believe it!

General Raiden was originally a stubborn character to death, and it was difficult to be shaken by her own thoughts, so she rushed up again.

But the outcome of the matter will not change because of the general's actions.

In the following battles, the general lost five hundred times.

This left her speechless.

There was more and more silence.

Especially in the distance, he really looked worried, talking to Ye Ruo.

"In other words, the general should not be autistic, right?"

"She is so bad that she is also my sister."

"Hard to say."

"After all, she is the shadow of the past, a mold that came out."

It was impossible for her not to hear such a conversation.

So Raiden General's face darkened.

Who can be autistic!


Look down on people less!

So the general lost a thousand more times.

Raiden Zhen: .......

Ye Ruo:.......

After losing two thousand five hundred times directly, General Raiden couldn't stand it.

This kind of battle that has been abused, what is there to fight!

No passion at all!

She directly stopped with a black face and put away her weapon.

Fold your hands and hug your chest and turn away.

"If you want to change, change it, I won't stop you anymore."

"But as a condition, I also want to become stronger!"

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