Then she was instantly speechless and could only whimper.

It turned out that Ye Ruo saw that such a shadow was too cute, so he also held her shoulder and kissed it.

This made Shadow's eyes widen.

Then it came out ~ the color of happiness.

The two of them were happy, only General Raiden was out of sight, and just like the previous shadow, he began to meditate and close his eyes.

And after the end of the passionate kiss.

Ye Ruo let go of the meek and beautiful shadow like a little daughter-in-law.

At the moment her ears were red.

"Now, there is still a mess to deal with in Inazuma, and the eternal problems between you and Raiden Shogun."

"Let's go to the real consciousness space first."

"There, you can meet the general, and by the way, you can resurrect Shin there, and the matter of the sacred cherry tree."

"Shadow, you should have brought the real consciousness space back."

"Of course."

"However, my eternity with the general. And the sacred cherry tree? "

"Let's go then, let's go. Say slowly on the way. "

The two of them disappeared here in an instant.

Eternity about oneself and the doll.

If Ye Ruo is a little, of course, the shadow can react immediately.

In order to fight wear and tear and pursue eternity, he came up with generals and set up a series of laws, which are the cornerstones of eternity, which are unshakable ideals.

Follow the original idea and unswervingly go on.

Once the shadow changes his mind and wants to make a new change, it will attract the hostility of the general.

Even enemies of it.

Because Raiden General is the guardian of the law.

She will think that she has suffered wear and tear, and there has been a bad change.

This is something that the puppet definitely does not want to see.

Because the general represents the determined self of the past.

As for the fact that the general has not moved now, it is because the eternity of the shadow is still there.

Ye Ruoben is the lover of the past.

Their relationship has been like this since a long time ago.

The General inherited all of Kage's memories.

So even if she is a little rigid and like an AI now, because of the influence and existence of memory, her feelings for Ye Ruo are also very complicated.

The general identifies with the relationship between the inner (shadow) and Ye Ruo.

Not to mention that they still use a body, which makes the general feel even more strange.

Especially when these two guys were talking about me, she didn't know what to say.

Because there is no reason to stop.

But really tangled, didn't he also become his lover?


For the general, a little ahead of his time.

She's just a consciousness and doesn't understand this.

Why is it like buying one get one free!

As for whether it is resurrecting the real or looking for the fox palace when the time comes, there is no problem with this.

They are friends and relatives of the past.

The general, naturally, had no opinion.

She is actually very logical.

For example, when I encountered Ying before, I executed the eye hunting order and embedded the eye of God in the statue.

Because the Eye of God is that unstable factor, it is prone to variables.

So it needs to be embedded.

And people themselves can't urge the elemental power, just need to collect the Eye of God.

As for those Onmyoji?

Now they are all weak and cannot see, far inferior to the bearers of the Eye of God.

However, the general plans to clean up later.

Everything has a priority.

The first thing to deal with is definitely the Eye of God.

As for Ying, she does not have the eye of God, and she can use elemental power as a whole.

Then it must be embedded in the whole person.

Isn't this very much in line with the logic of her puppet?

If this were to be put in a normal development and allow Ying to leave the castle tower safely, the puppet general would indeed do what he said.

As soon as Ying came out, the general attacked.

This is also in line with puppet logic. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because Ying has already left the castle tower, the previous words are no longer effective.

Is there something wrong, nothing wrong.

So at present, Ray Movie has not changed his view of eternity, and the general will not care and let her act.

But if only it were resurrected.

Through chatting or something, the concept of shadow was shaken.

Nakage had to find a way to deal with the general's problem, who let her not make a back hand and restrictions.

There is no way back.

Raiden really has a space of consciousness.

When Ye Ruo and Ying appeared here, General Raiden also stood on their side.

Compared to Shadow's gentleness, she just has a rigid face.

It was like the first shadow warrior style that Ye Ruo saw.

At this time, General Raiden had a cold expression and clasped his hands to his chest, indicating your casual gesture.

She just acts as a bystander.

By the way, I am curious to see what kind of picture the resurrection is.

Of course, when the general looked at Ye Ruo, there was also a hint of unnaturalness and complexity in his eyes.

Who let her inherit all of Kage's memories.

After glancing at the two of them, Ye Ruo nodded.

"In that case, I'm going to start resurrecting the truth first."

For this space of consciousness.

As soon as Ye Ruo came in, he felt that this was the power of time ruling and the real consciousness was the supplement, thus constructing such a space.

So even after the real resurrection, Ye Ruo can make this place always exist.

When the time comes, it will be enough to transform it.

Like what is it?

A place where time does not circulate at all with the outside world.

A long time has passed here, and I'm afraid it's only been a moment outside.

What time to cultivate the house.

But for a strong person with time ability, it is quite reasonable to be able to create such a place.

So Ye Ruo took out the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword and began to activate the [Power of Life].

A large amount of divine power began to be consumed, causing a dazzling light to appear on the sword, and a wonderful and unique power power surrounded here, making the Raiden General dazzled.

Kage also watched silently, hoping that this time would succeed.


A light mass floated out from the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and it became more and more solidified.

Until there was a yawning sound from inside.

Shin's mischievous and gentle voice also sounded here.

"Huh? Is this the power of life? "

"Sure enough, Qingming, you did it, successfully developed and upgraded the simulation power, and achieved the point where you are now."

"Huh? How did Shadow become two? Interesting. "

This is to call back the true consciousness, just like when she saved the shadow.

Then the next step is to shape the body and resurrect it.

Soon, under the launch of Ye Ruo's life power, Thunder and Lightning Zhen quickly emerged that slender and graceful body and stood here.

Then she slowly opened her eyes.

The breath of life is constantly getting stronger, from hands to feet to head.

In her memory, she began to gradually appear here.

The former Inazuma First God!


One of the seven rulings of the earthly world!.

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