How can Ye Ruo mix so openly no matter where he is.

When he was in Liyue, he was Zhongli's friend.

Former comrade-in-arms of the Rock King Emperor.

Together they have experienced the Demon God War, conquered the four sides, and dealt with many Demon Gods.

Also know all the immortals.

The immortals were headed by him.

That Heavenly Power Star Condensation Light is also his confidant.

This alone is already too invincible in Liyue, and the luxury is unbelievable.

You can walk sideways with your eyes closed.

Like Ying himself, he was hunted down and wanted as soon as he passed.

This treatment.

One day at a time, okay.

It's tears when I think about it.

Not to mention Mond.

It is a living legend in the Knights, a knight with a legendary name.

The next Knight of the North Wind.

The future Grand Master of Mond.

As a friend of the wind god, a person who is personally recognized by the wind god.

It is the most valuable knight in history.

Trusted by the people of Mond.

As the guardian of "180" in their hearts, he maintained the peace of Mond.

Brought a sea change to Mond.

People know that he made those things.

Not to mention this guy's confidante in Mond, there are even more.

As a result, now in Inazuma, he is the lover of Raiden Shogun again.

Ying didn't know what to say.

She was all for Ye Ruo, admiring the five bodies to the ground.

How can there be such a bullish person in the world?

Across three countries, hey, what a god.

And for Ye Ruo, Ying is also very grateful, because Ye Ruo has really helped a lot.

It's what she really wants to complain about.

It's not close to women.

It really made her tense.

So this eye-hunting ceremony was directly interrupted without anyone expecting it.

In Ye Ruo's face, the shogunate did not pursue Ying and Toma's affairs.

And then they were even able to walk around.

Nothing at all.

If this had been put before, they would not have attracted great attention on this matter?

Be the center of attention.

There will be many people who know that this is a fierce man who dares to rob the execution table.

A daring stranger.

However, it is suspected that the appearance of the Yin-Yang Master Qingming from five hundred years ago, as well as the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and the reaction of Lord General.

This series of events directly detonated Inazuma.

This is a big event that has caused a sensation in the whole country!

The people who shook the earthquake were dizzy, as if there had been a major earthquake.

There are no people who grew up in Inazuma.

I don't know what a great Onmyoji is, for the Inazuma culture and people!

And what an amazing position and influence it occupies.

Especially today's yin and yang liao for comparison.

In the past, when Lord Qingming was there, Yin Yang Liao was taboo and opened the door.

As long as they are qualified, anyone can learn Yin-Yang Art and become a glorious Onmyoji.

Created a glorious era.

The original Onmyoji invented many tools and items to help civilians.

It is guaranteed that as long as it is a normal person, it can be used.

It has greatly improved people's living standards and grain production and a series of other aspects.

Boosted the lives of Inazuma.

It's a great contribution.

Even if those Yin-Yang Technique materials have been lost, this kind of thing that has long been popularized can be passed down.

Everyone knows.

Who is good in the end.

Not to mention that many of the cultures and festivals about this great Onmyoji are located in all aspects of life.

You can feel it subtly.

Not to mention living here for more than ten years, decades or something.

The martial artists who can leave a prestige in the history of Inazuma are already quite remarkable.

However, the legendary Onmyoji Qingming is above them.

Only the prestige of Lord General can be crushed.

So for the resurrection of the legendary Onmyoji, everyone was shocked and shocked.

After all, how is this possible?

However, the movement of those weapons that swept through Inazuma before will not be fake. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not to mention that Lord General doesn't even engage in eye-hunting ceremonies.

It means that there is something more important that she thinks.

So there are still many people who want to believe that it may really be Lord Qingming who has been resurrected!

Or maybe he didn't die that year.

It's just that I drifted with the waves, and now I'm back with my injuries.

After all.

If it is Lord Qingming, will he be able to persuade Lord General?

What about asking her to change her mind and agree to cancel the Eye Hunting Order and the Order to Shut Down the Country?

For today's situation, many people can't stand it.

The management was chaotic again.

Oppress the people.

Hopefully, such days will end soon.

All you want is a life similar to before.

Therefore, the news came out and made many people have hope in their hearts.

Compared to those people who can see Inazuma everywhere, some people are panicked.

And it's the kind that panic.

The first to bear the brunt are these people in Yin Yangliao today.

They controlled the rule of the Yin and Yang Liao, colluded with the powerful, and enjoyed prosperity and wealth.

Get here from the former academic center.

It has become a smoky miasma, a decaying place for the powerful.

It's just some unlearned goods...........

I only know how to spend time drinking.

Classes are also not good at studying.

Even those teachers looked like they didn't care, and they were very perfunctory.

They don't know much anyway.

It's all muddled days.

But the benefits are not taken at all.

Eat fragrant and drink spicy.

It's all garbage.

As a result, when they heard the appearance of that Onmyoji Ancestor, these people thought it was ridiculous at first!

How can it be!

What are you kidding about Inazuma?!!

How can a person who has already died long ago be resurrected?

If it's just an injury, it won't have appeared for five hundred years!

As a result, the actions of the general's side and the news on the scene made them more and more uneasy in their hearts.

After all, if it were someone else, it would definitely not be possible.

But this one is a mythical Onmyoji pioneer, a legendary person with amazing mana and magic.

If you can achieve resurrection, it is not impossible.

However, once that Lord Qingming really appeared.

So what should they do?

With that person's personality, everyone present could not escape the relationship.

So anxiously, they constantly discussed countermeasures.

There were dozens of methods at once, but all of them were killed.

But at this time.

A fat-headed and big-eared Onmyoji smiled.

"Now, we have to confirm whether the news of Lord Qingming's appearance is true."

"If it is determined to be true, we will quickly create a momentum, express our sincerity, and give all that food to civilians."

"Then send people to hurry down below to do good deeds and engage in propaganda."

"0.1 to win a good reputation."

"And find some scapegoats to let them lead to the main hatred of the untouchables, after all, our wind comment, you also know."

"If you break your arm, you break your arm."

When he said this, he smiled disdainfully.

"But the so-called fools are too good to fool, and they can confuse their cognition at will."

"At that time, we will create a group of people who lie down and taste the courage, go through thousands of difficulties, and under the power of Lord Qingming, clear those black sheep!"

"If you want to whitewash, there are too many methods. Then vigorously publicized it, greeted Lord Qingming, and held him high. "

"In this way, in terms of our attitude and reputation, it is not good for him to clean us up directly, after all, at that time, we were very good people, and our identities had changed."

"Of course, the rabbit still has three caves. We also have to leave ourselves a way back. "

"Come, go and secretly contact the fools."

For a while, more methods and ideas were thought of.

Here came their triumphant laughter.

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