After all, these people don't do anything else, so they will engage in these black miasma methods every day.

They were originally in the same league as the Heavenly Leader.

Even some people in the survey practice have their connections and contacts.

Whoever made the survey was responsible for economy and trade as the country's fiscal and customs authority.

On the outlying islands, there are many corrupt and corrupt people who are determined to follow it.

All earned hemp.

Then it is not surprising that these people can be implicated.

Money and profit, power and position.

It is never decentralized.

The castle tower.

At this time, Ye Ruo and Lei Ying were sitting cross-legged here, facing each other.

This reunion can be described as making Yingdu a little ecstatic, crying with joy.

How can there be that cold and indifferent posture in front of outsiders before?

But in front of Ye Ruo, she was like this.

Shadow is a woman with a great sense of contrast.

It can be both high and cold, but also gentle.

When he spoke softly, he was very considerate of his wife.

It used to be cute when I sold moe.

Now Yingdu held Ye Ruo's hand with 29 hands, and then they talked here, telling everything about so many years.

For example, after Ye Ruo died, what happened one after another, and the decisions she made herself.

And in pursuit of eternity, she also tries to create flawless dolls.

In the beginning, Shadow failed many times in order to experiment.

Many failed items were discarded.

Only then did he finally create the newborn Raiden General.

As for the subject, use her own demon god body.

Other words.

Shadow and Raiden Shogun share a common body.

However, because he was worried about Ye Ruo's thoughts and afraid that he would feel that he had become a machine, Ying quickly grabbed Ye Ruo's hand.

"Don't get me wrong, it's the same as my previous body."

"You try this touch, here, here, and here, and there."

"It's the same, right?"


Shadow you're almost there!

That's her body too!

At this time, the general's anger in the Pure Land was rising.

Yet Shadow was still talking.

"This technique is not comparable to those ordinary techniques, it is powerful, it is just like a miracle."

"Let the body reach a different kind of eternity."

"And my consciousness is located in the pure land of one heart."

"In this way, the eternity of the outside world is realized, and I can always exist, and I will always protect Inazuma."

Ye Ruodu listened with a smile, and from time to time she spoke up to let her continue.

This is equivalent to shadowing a development skill.

From the main profession of martial arts, by the way, he worked part-time as a programmer.

It's really hard for her.

After all, this kind of work, no matter how you look at it, is really more suitable for smart and civilian.

However, Ye Ruo also said something about himself, which made Ying hear it shocked and shocked, could it still be like this?

He now has multiple other identities.

Many countries occupy high positions.

The impact is great.

And now as soon as I retrieve Qingming's memory, I come back to find myself.

This made Ying ponder, and then subconsciously looked at his current self.

"If you say so, you are you, but there are other forms of existence, and these forms are not important."

"Because it's always been you, but you have more life in the travels."

"So in my eyes, of course, you are my Qingming. And in Mond, you are Ye Ruo. "

"In Liyue, you are an immortal." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just like General Raiden, in fact, it is also her.

Kageko had no idea of leaving Inazuma to someone else to manage.

So the general is a way of existence for shadows.

This will definitely not be decided by a certain part on the general.

Even the general who was unhappy in the Pure Land was only silent when he heard this, and did not refute it.

Then Shadow looked at him seriously.

"So, I'd better call you Qingming. I'm still familiar with this. "

And at this very time.

The inopportune invitation of Tengu Peluo seems to have brought news from the Yin Yang Liao side.

So Ye Ruo let her in.

After learning that the people on the Yin Yang Liao side wanted to see him, Ye Ruo's face was strange.

"They don't seem to understand what it means to have me back."

"It's useless to be clever."

So Ye Ruo glanced back at Ying.

"Kage, I can command this Tengu Terao."

"Of course, your will is my will, what are you doing so outside."

"After all, I have not been in five hundred years, and things are different from people. You and the general are always in charge here, so naturally I have to ask you. "

"Chu Luo, remember. In the future, Qingming's words will be my words, although just do it. "


After hearing Ying's words, Tengu Luo immediately responded with a serious face.

However, seeing that Lord General's hand and this Lord Qingming's hand were still holding together, it made Qiu Luo's face a little complicated.

Is this the legendary Great Onmyoji?

Unexpectedly, this one actually returned to Inazuma.

It's incredible.

Was this really a death or was he seriously injured in the first place?

And most importantly, he is indeed the general's lover.

That book, it's true!

As a general control, the room of Tengu Choro is full of 857 statues of those Imperial Emperor Lords of the Imperial Tower.

There are other questions related to the general.

Naturally, the one that is a bit like a half-banned book "How can my Raiden General be so cute!" , also as a treasure, treasured by her.

And it's still a collector's edition, a hardcover edition, and a signed edition.

More than a dozen sets were collected.

Don't underestimate her!

Let's be honest.

If it weren't for the palace master of the Narujin Taisha Shrine who kept that book, I am afraid that it would have been banned by the Heavenly Lord.

Even at the beginning, she felt that this book was a bit excessive.

But during a sneaky browsing and flipping, she also became obsessed with it.

For the other appearance of Lord General, it also made her feel like discovering a new world, addicted to Lord General's cute point.

However, every time I see the cold general in reality, it makes Tengu Qiluo suspicious.

Does such a general really exist?

That said, she keeps an eye on this novel.

Once a new book was released, she would secretly buy it.

As a result, without her knowing, there were so many more sets.

And now, Lord General showed the gentleness and thoughtfulness that he had never seen before.

Suddenly, it made her very envious of Lord Qingming.

Being able to live with a general of such a character every day.

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