When the sword that had just been at his side was summoned away.

The shadow instantly opened his eyes and saw the scene in the outside world.

This made her cold expression, which had not changed for hundreds of years, directly break the work.

Unbelievable, horrified, joyful, ecstatic, aggrieved, happy.

These mixed feelings all rushed up.

Let her understand that even if she has been dusting herself for so long, she still remembers him deeply and will never forget this.

For a while, Kage even felt like he was dreaming.

Or, it's worn out too much.

It has seriously affected the spirit ~ soul and cognition.

However, when she heard the general's words, she directly kicked the general off the line and appeared in the outer realm herself.


So at this time, after the Ray movie appeared, her tone was trembling, and her face was full of shock and incredulity.

"Qingming, is it really you?"

To this.

Ye Ruoyi had the same familiar eyes and nostalgic look as he had at the beginning.

"Ah Ying, it's me."

So, Lei Ying directly and quickly stepped forward and hugged Ye Ruo tightly.

Unwilling to let go.

It was because she came back to the night, and as a result, nothing was protected.

Even the scene of his disappearance was not seen.

I'm so useless.

At that time, she hated herself for being crazy.

I don't know how painful and uncomfortable it is, and I am full of helplessness.

Even with such force, what can it do?

No, you can only watch.

And now Ye Ruo's reappearance made her heart shake for a while, and she couldn't help herself.

This made Ye Ruoye hold her gently with pity.

I believe that after so many years, Ah Ying must have been sad many times.

That Tiancong Cloud Sword was also put away by him.

After all, the shadow is his own person and can't fight.

On the contrary, for others, this scene is too impactful.

What is the situation?!!

Even Tengu Yuluo, who was standing not far away, opened his mouth wide, and people were stupid.

Lord General, but an eternal idol in his heart.

As a result, now she is in the arms of a man?!!

Still so happy?

People further away reacted similarly.




At this distance.

Except for those with the eye of God, the others were faintly seen that Lord General did not fight with the mysterious man.

On the contrary, it is as if they know each other.

And behave, like a lover.

So the few people who were shaking madly because of their weapons just now were full of horror.

"Could it be that the sword just now is the legendary Tiancong Cloud Sword?"

"One of our Inazuma's supreme artifacts? Able to be combined with two other weapons, and called the Three Artifacts. "

"This is still not in the hands of Lord General. Or the five artifacts? "

"That's why as soon as that sword comes out, it will cause such a big movement, it is simply the surrender of ten thousand swords, it is too heart-shaking, unimaginable."

But others immediately refuted.

"What three artifacts, aren't the other two all magics."

"Legend has it that Lord Haruaki invented a divine technique that surpasses the Yin-Yang Technique, one is the Yasaka Mirror and the other is Yasaka Qionggouyu."

"And the Tiancong Cloud Sword is the weapon."

"I remember singing this in children's songs when I was a child."

"You remember a hammer, the specific names of the two artifacts in our legend are not clear at all, well, you clearly read the novel, directly set the name?!!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"There may be a lot of truth in that novel, but I think it's the Three Artifacts! It can't be a divine magic! "

For a while, the question of whether Yasaka Mirror and Yasaka Qionggoyu were artifacts or divine arts made these people argue.

Because history is passed down, very general and fragmented.

Everyone has vaguely heard about it.

Some people also believe that the three divine weapons refer to this Tiancong Cloud Sword and the two weapons of Lord General.

However, no matter how you fight, everyone present reflects a fact that is visible to the naked eye.

The face was horrified.

"A person who can let the Tiancong Cloud Sword fly into his hand so kindly, and let Lord General show such a look."

"Looking at history, there is only one!"

"It was the legendary Yin-Yang Master who was active from six hundred to five hundred years ago who created the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Dao lineage."

"Lord Qingming, who established the Yin Yang Liao and created the artifact Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

"But how is this possible?"

"This Lord Haruaki died in that disaster in order to protect Inazuma at that time."

"For this reason, the ancestors at that time had the same festival program that has been passed down to this day in honor of Lord Qingming."

"As a result, is Lord Qingming resurrected now?"

Whoever it was at the thought of this was frightened.

Both the outlook on life and the worldview have been violently impacted.

How appalling this is!

Come back to life!

This is simply God-like power.


Not even God can do it

Who can believe that there is really a real thing happening in front of everyone's eyes today?

What a believer if you don't believe it!

No wonder in legend, Lord Qingming is known as a person who can cross the realm of life and death.

Such great power, great mana.

It's simply no longer a human boundary.

Plus at every turn is divine magic and artifacts.

It was obvious that Lord Qingming had already entered the realm of God!

This one.

Originally, many people did not believe in that novel.

After all, it is a little too different from their common sense.

But now, it looks more and more real!

So, as mentioned in the book, are there two generals?

It's amazing, it's amazing.

Many people are so scared that they want to leave here.

Knowing so many amazing things at once, I always feel panicked to death.

What if the Heavenly Leader sought to arrest them?

However, at this time, even if the Heavenly Leader pursued these soldiers were overwhelmed, they had never encountered this situation.

Obviously, today is a day to celebrate the great success of the Eye Hunting Order.

So much change all of a sudden.

This is confusing to anyone.

On the contrary, Ying had such an expression.

Thanks to Ye Ruo coming to save her, otherwise she would have really been cut by this lightning general.

But that's outrageous.

How can this guy even soak Thor?

Is this still human?.

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