So Ying went to the execution table and the statue of the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes.

Acting in public, he stopped Raiden General from taking away the Eye of Thoma.

The consequence of this is that it is completely targeted by the general.

Especially the sentence "I'm going to build you into the statue", which made Ying's body chill for a while, and his face turned green.

Others just confiscate an eye of God.

Then mount on this.

How did she get here, and even the whole person had to be built into the statue?

Is this still a human thing?

Just because she doesn't have the Eye of God, does her body itself use elemental power?

What kind of logic is this?

Be a god!

Especially this phrase, it seems to have been heard somewhere.

Oh yes!

When he was in Liyue before, Ye Ruo also said, "I will build you into amber."

Except for a different place.

What difference does it make!

Damn, Ye Ruo, this guy still said that he has nothing to do with General Raiden?

What is this synchronization behavior of yours?

Husband and wife files, huh?

However, what Ying didn't expect was still behind, she was suddenly pulled into a lonely and mysterious space, and then she was beaten by Lei Movie and beaten out again.

This scene scared Paimon into incoherence.

Hurry up and shout desperately.

"Wait, stop it, Ying knows your man, for the sake of this, let her go."

Raiden Shogun: ???

This made General Raiden show a contemptuous look at the fool, what kind of stuff he said.

Paimon wanted to grab 617 if he had some lifesaver.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

It is enough to be able to stop the movements of Raiden General, even if it is only for a short time!

Taking advantage of this brief opportunity, a cute water lily kitten jumped out from behind, using the ability of the grass element to grow vines, knocking all the shogunate troops around Ying into the air.

Let Ying also get out of control.

Hurriedly ran back.

Paimon also hurried to follow, even Toma wanted to make a move, but he didn't expect the little cat next to Ying to move faster.

This made the general's face turn cold.

Get ready to slash again!

There are more and more factors that affect eternity.

First, this yellow hair does not need the eye of God to urge the elemental force, and then an elemental plant life jumps out, and there is also the breath of grass and water on his body.

Even if you have one, there are two.

What is this!

Abnormal factors in detachment.

Neither Ying nor cattail is what the general wants to see.

Erase, must be erased!

So this made her hold the dream in her hand and lift it up.

The terrifying power of the thunder element resounded here, like a thunder snake running around everywhere, making a noise, and the amazing impact swept in all directions, blowing thunderstorms in the sky!

Even Ying, who was fleeing, was instinctively calling the police frantically, and her back was wet at this time.

It's all cold sweat.

The terrifying threat and sense of lethality coming from the rear made her scalp really numb!

The face (cjbh) turned pale.

What about this Thor?

What a hatred!!

Sure enough, Ye Ruo was right, this thunder god is a god who goes his own way and is very cruel!

So after feeling this terrifying blow, Ying could only grit his teeth and swing the bladeless sword, turning around and trying to block this move.

As Ying, who has fought so many times in the wild and has rich adventure experience and combat experience, she has deeply realized that she can't run away.

It is bound to be chopped.

Because of Thor's attack, they have firmly locked their group.

But when she faced such a thunder light, she became even more desperate.

The other party is really here.

That slash was enough to smash her here.

That is, is her journey going to end here, no, she hasn't found her brother yet.

Just when she subconsciously closed her eyes.

A figure instantly appeared here, swinging his sword and also attacking it, two forces instantly burst out here, wind and thunder intertwined here, setting off amazing storms and impacts.

Blew a lot of people present out.

Both the masses watching the play and the shogunate troops responsible for patrolling and maintaining order here were all shot away.

However, when they were about to fall to the ground, they were shocked to find that there was a wind field below, supporting them all.

So that not a single one was injured.

This made everyone stunned.

The general does not have such wind capabilities.

Could it be that this ability is the person who just appeared?

In the smoke, there were various sounds of lightning and thunder, and Ying even heard a very familiar sound.

"A thoughtless knife!"

Amazing wind elements gathered here, and then a familiar and special attack appeared here, causing the atmosphere to resound and change the wind and clouds here!

This made General Raiden's face change greatly.

Your own thoughtless knife?

Who is this guy?

However, in the face of such a menacing attack, the Raiden General also cut out his own thoughtless sword, and the two attacks collided together in an instant, and everything present was smashed.

People who were looking at the distance hurriedly retreated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If it hadn't just been shocked and stood in that position, it would have been too dangerous.

Ying's face was full of surprise, which made Toma scratch his head.

What's up?

Could it be that Cheng Ying knew this person who suddenly appeared, and was able to take a move from General Raiden and fight back.

Where did this fierce man come from?

He thought that Ying's strength was enough to be amazing.


But think about it, if you can come out to save Ying, it must have something to do with it.

Paimon cried out in ecstasy.

"It's Ye Ruohe, he also came to Inazuma!!"

In the smoke ahead, Ye Ruo's voice was heard again.


For a while, those elemental energies and the smoke that blocked the line of sight disappeared.

Everyone finally saw it clearly.

On the other side of the general, a young man with a long sword stood there.

He looks quite noble and handsome.

Has an amazing temperament.

However, at this time, the sword in his hand was shattered and directly disintegrated.

This made Ye Ruo not care.

"Sure enough, ordinary long swords can't withstand the mysteries of swordsmanship, and they will shatter just by launching it."

"It's time to get my own sword back."

"Sword come!"

Ye Ruo just stretched out his right hand towards the thunder general, and another sword directly drilled out of the general's body, and the purple thunder light continued to shine.

This makes Ying and Paimon look stupid.

Faced with this, the general did not stop it.

She just silently watched as the sword flew from her to the young and familiar man in an instant between cheers.

As soon as he returned to this guy's hand, the sword seemed to be even more excited, and an astonishing purple thunder light directly erupted from the other party's body, and the power of the thunder and lightning burst out.

Ye Ruo's eyes lit up with purple light.

The aura continued to flow through his body, as if he had ruled the gods of thunder and lightning.

The sword continued to emit a sword sound, which made all the weapons of the entire Inazuma vibrate wildly.

It's like bowing down.

The direction is heading here.

Even many people present saw that their weapons had changed their faces drastically, and they hurriedly held them down.

I was afraid that the weapon would automatically fly away.

"What the hell is the situation, what kind of weapon is that?"

"Why did he come out of the general and automatically fly into the man's hands?"

"This can't be, shouldn't it be the general's thing?"

"And our weapons, as if we were worshiping, as if that sword, the culmination of all weapons, came here!"

"This picture, how familiar feeling?"

Some people always feel that this situation is familiar.

So several people with good memories suddenly widened their eyes and came up with an amazing idea.

And General Raiden looked at Ye Ruo with an incredulous look.

It's like seeing something weird.

"It's you, the Great Onmyoji Haruaki of Inazuma in the past, her lover."

"Obviously you should be dead, it is because of your death that she made me."

Then her eyes lit up.

It is respect and joy for the strong.

"Interesting, your strength is much stronger than in memory."

"Fight me next..."

Before the general finished speaking, her face changed, and then she changed someone on the line in an instant.

The eyes and temperament have changed.

Ray movie appears!.

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