So after the Ray movie came back.

The shogunate army in the city also launched a counteroffensive, sounding the clarion call for final victory.

Lost land is constantly being recovered.

It's just that what scares many people is that Lord General is killing madly, and his every move is amazing, all mountains are chopped down, and the earth is cut out of deep ravines.

What if this continues, splitting the island in half?

Especially after everyone saw an island in the distance, which was split apart, everyone turned pale with fright, and quickly begged the shadow to calm down.

Chiyo, who woke up, hurriedly dissuaded.

She knew very well why Lord General was like this.

Because Lord Qingming has passed away.

People who know the relationship between the two of them actually have quite a few later.

Not to mention that Miyu Chiyo knew this from the beginning.

They understood the General's pain.

Fortunately, "August 17", the shadow at this time can still be heard.

She began to retract her power and remained silent.

Inazuma eventually regains her previous peace, but the pain caused by the dark calamity will not disappear.

Yin Yang Liao automatically ignited a fire because it had endured one attack after another.

Many of the precious Yin-Yang Technique books inside were destroyed.

In addition, those excellent Onmyoji have many died in battle.

This caused the Onmyoji to suffer a heavy blow.

It gradually weakened later.

Because of the disappearance of the Fox Palace, everyone thought that this adult had also died in battle, and even the fox family thought so.

As a result, the powerful spirit foxes that followed her turned into stone statues.

Waiting for the day when Kitsunomiya returns.

Those members of the Tumimon family fought on the front line of the battlefield, and since then they have suffered heavy casualties.

They were already few people, and gradually disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people.

Shadow is also directly autistic.

And the impact on her was so great that she sensed her problem and began to try to fight the wear.

So after getting a wonderful technology.

Shadow began research and testing.

For this reason, she failed many times and discarded a lot of failed items, which can be said to consume a lot of time and energy.

Finally, the perfect doll was created.

A new Raiden shogun appeared.

And Kage himself entered the Pure Land of One Heart with three weapons.

These three weapons.

That's the three of them.

All the time, to be together.

Inazuma's history began to move into the future, invisible changes began to occur, directly covering the past, and many places changed and many influences changed.

For example, when Yae Miko said in Yaedo that this novel was fake, there was no Tsuchimon family at all.

Now her words turned into a playful smile.

"The Tsuchimon family, oh oh, maybe there is?"

"I don't know anyway. Don't ask. "

"I don't have the time to write a novel soon?!!

Then she was also shocked by Ye Ruo.

It is suspected that he may have learned this from the mouth of a certain youkai in Inazuma five hundred years ago.

After all, if you can live for so long, it must be a big monster.

And that Ye Ruo is a standard human and grew up in Mond, so he can be ruled out of his own suspicions.

It's like he had a good relationship with the wind god and wrote the story of the wind god.

People who also knew Liyue wrote the story of immortals.

Maybe it's the same this time.

This person is too much of a good friend.

It's outrageous.

It also made Yae Miko quite curious, if only he could meet him.

There are others who have this idea.

It's a pity that Raiden General is closed to the country, coupled with all kinds of chaos, Yae people of their status are not good to walk around.

Especially Yae Miko.

Sometimes some poor people have a hard time.

She would launch Narujin Taisha Shrine and distribute daily necessities to those people.

These announcements can be seen on a sign.

Of course, sometimes because there are no materials, they cannot be raised, so they can only suspend distribution. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This shows that Yae Miko, although she is quite distinctive, is essentially concerned about Inazuma and hopes that this place will get better.

She has been quietly using her own way to help some people.

I sincerely hope that the shadow will get better.

So the more Inazuma's current chaotic situation, the less easy she can leave.

What if the general comes up with some outrageous order.

This also caused Ye Ruo to still be idle.

Five hundred years ago, I really saw him, but now one can't come, and the other closes himself up.

Chiyo Miyu sealed himself in the ruins in deep remorse because of his self-remorse.

Nowhere to be seen.

After all, as Ye Ruo's first god, she was not even around when her master was killed................

Didn't help in the slightest.

How does this not make her miserable?

The others died one after another.

After all, it is not a big monster, and it does not have such a long life.

That Kirikiri Takayama also married Hibiki Asase, and lived safely until he died at an advanced age.

Takayama Konbumaru also taught the way of swordsmanship, which led to the emergence of a new school of Inazuma with many disciples.

The highest meaning of its sect is the secret sword "fog cut".

Because Takamine Konbumaru is still alive, Asase Hibiki did not trigger the following series of things.

I didn't meet that Akaho Hyakume ghost.

Nor did he release the grudge of the thunderbird sealed in the island of Qinglai.

He died around the same time as the Kombu Maru and Takalaki.

Their descendants, the women, joined the Narujin Taisha and became witches.

Just like her Asase Hibiki's fate.

She is a disciple of the Fox Palace.

Originally from a small fishing village, she came to Narugami Taisha Shrine and was favored by Kitsunomiya Palace.

Witches are taught practices and rituals.

In later times, Asase often gave incense to her mentor and remembered her deeply.

And in the descendants.

Some of the men joined the shogunate army and served the Tenling Shogun and the Raiden Shogun.

He also inherited the kendo school and continued to teach his disciples.

The five hundred hides of the demon fox are still sealed.

The one who sealed it was also the Onmyoji Yushin Harunosuke.

3.2 As an excellent graduate of Yin Yang Liao, Ye Ruo had personally taught him.

Because only Harunosuke is a very talented person.

And in today's Inazuma, although the Tsuchimon family seems to be very low-key, not many people know about it.

But the profession of Onmyoji has survived.

Because the Yin Yang Liao was burned down that year, a large amount of precious materials were also lost, and only some basic materials were rescued.

This caused the Onmyoji in the back to become weaker and weaker.

Deviated from orthodoxy.

Instead, they began to get involved in politics.

Colluding with the Heavenly Leader to pursue this kind of fools, eating inside and out, betraying the pursuit of General Raiden,

Complicity in the filth.

It can be said that it is also corrupt.

The original glory is gone, only some petty remains,

Let Inazuma now have a poor life.

And Ye Ruo, who was in Mond, also opened his eyes.

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