A thoughtless knife!

With this sword alone, the darkness here was completely shattered, and the aftermath raged to a great distance, directly penetrating the sea.

Shake the sea!

Separate the water!

Countless seawater rose up into the sky, setting off an earth-shattering tsunami!

Easily crossed a distance of thousands of meters.

Such an aftermath, a small island in the distance only scratched a little, and sank on the spot.

No longer exists.

Countless passing sea creatures instantly ~ died tragically on the spot.

Bright red patches appeared on the surface of the sea, all blood.

It's shocking.

At this time, Lei Movie's heart was full of anger and unease, and even so, she controlled the power and slashed more slashes into the sea.

Because she couldn't feel the breath of Qingming (Ye Ruo) and Fox Palace.

What the hell is going on?

Why are they all gone?

This gave her a very bad premonition.

So she immediately extinguished the darkness that attacked Inazuma Castle, fully demonstrating her gold content as a top demon god.

In the Inazuma archipelago environment.

She does run rampant.

Even the many demon gods who fled to the dark sea did not dare to fight her when they came here.

Whoever should have run ran.

Lei Dian really took the position of the seventh ruling position of the earthly world, and it was beaten down by force by Lei Movie!

The snake god Orobas knows that he is not Narugami's opponent.

And looking at the other darkness and demon beasts, her will moved, and countless thunder fell from the sky and covered the earth.


Thunder is extinguished!

An arc of light like a razer rages here, dispelling all this darkness.

Wielding a beak knife, she emptied all monsters within her visible range!

Get rid of the clutter! Protect Inazuma!

And as she turned into thunder light and walked through the land of Inazuma, she finally felt the breath of her remnant lover.

But it's already very light.

This brought her to the place where Ye Ruo dissipated.

Look at the amazing traces here, with that wooden reed flute.

Ray's pupils shrank.

She saw the enchantment in Inazuma Castle and heard the cries of the people.

When she really saw all this, she still had a hard time accepting it.

Even his figure fell.

At this moment, Lei Movie's brain was blank, and he slowly walked here, and the weapon in his hand also fell and smashed heavily on the ground.

She gently picked up the wooden flute and wiped the dust off it.

Memories of the past come to mind.

"Shadow, you know what."

"There is a local tradition that giving each other a wooden reed flute made by yourself means proposing."

"The flowers on your head are so beautiful, and they have a full fate with my bellflower print."

"The flower language of this flower represents eternal love, love without chance."

"I think we must be the former!"

"Inazuma, isn't it chasing the eternal kingdom? It's very appropriate! "

This moment.

Shadow held this wooden flute in his arms.

It was as if it was the most precious treasure in the world for her.

At this time, she was already in tears, and she couldn't stop tears falling on the wooden flute.

And then helpless and collapsed cries sounded from here.

It's that heartbreaking, it's that pain and despair.

In her desperate roar, terrifying thunder energy instantly burst out from her, causing everything around her to be annihilated, and such exaggerated energy turned into endless shocks and ripples.

Even the distant monsters were instantly erased.

"In the end, isn't it that nothing has been saved?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I can't do anything!"

"There is a force in the air, which can kill the gods and destroy the demon beasts, but it cannot leave the cherished people."

"What is the use of me like this!"

"Really, Qingming, Fox Palace, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Ray's mentality has collapsed.

Obviously, before this, everyone was still living a happy life together.

The result now?

His sister died, his lover died.

It's all relatives.

And the best friend of the Fox Palace.

Even Qingming is gone, and she is estimated to have disappeared.

Who can bear the death of so many close people at once?

Moreover, when she really died before, she saw that the Tiancong Cloud Sword still sprouted a glimmer of hope, was there a possibility of true resurrection?

Just like she did.

As a result, it is precisely this hope that gives more despair now.

This is even more brutal.

Even Qingming is not there, what should I do with Cong Yun that day?

And she will not cultivate this weapon.

It was Qingming's research and experiment.

Not to mention that the first owner of this sword is still him, only he can exert his maximum power.

Shadow energy is used because Qingming (Ye Ruo) granted her permission at that time.

But in the end, he couldn't play his own effect at all.

So the shadow is both helpless and painful.

After this, she kills these monsters in anger and banishes the darkness.

When Kage returned, the people of Inazuma Castle knew.

Immediately the people cheered.

Everyone has hope again.

After Qingming (Yeruo) disappeared, the people of Inazuma fell into a trough and sad mood for a while, and the black-pressed monsters outside were more like heavy stones.

Overwhelmed them.

Fortunately, the thunder that illuminated the world has come again.

But this also makes everyone's hearts ache, is Lord Qingming sacrificed like this?

If it weren't for this enchantment of his, I'm afraid that many people would die in the city.

After all, according to the original development, even if the city is half gone.

There were countless deaths and injuries.

After 500 years, it can be built again.

And this time Ye Ruo's move has reduced Inazuma's sacrifice a lot, originally the ghost clan, the tengu clan, in this battle, will face almost all empty, there are not many people left.

Extinction of the Elite!

Inazuma's bottom is going to be lost.

In the shogunate army, there are actually quite a few tengu and oni tribes.

They themselves are strong, much stronger than ordinary people, and they can easily become excellent combat effectiveness.

Even at the top, there are members of the Oni Clan and the Tengu Clan as generals.

And this time, quite a few have come down.

Even the excellent general of Wu Cut Gao Ling survived because of Ye Ruo's actions.

Although he is an ordinary person.

But it is destined to affect many places.

Those who can study the secret sword art on kendo are not ordinary human pills.

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