Images from five hundred years ago flashed in my eyes.

That's the sea of fire, that's the darkness.

"That guy from Aying will definitely shed tears many times in the future."

"I'm gone, I'm not there anymore."

"It's time to deal with Inazuma's affairs, almost."

Ye Ruo stretched his waist.

He came to the window, blowing a fresh breeze, enjoying the fragrance of the plain in the distance.

With an exclamation.

Inazuma is indeed netherworld, and the gap with Mond and Liyue is a little big.

One is located on the mainland.

One is the maritime archipelago.

For the past, Ye Ruo did not show too much heaviness.

This is due to his naked mentality.

There is no need to be like an old man all the time.

After all, without him, normal Inazuma would have suffered even greater losses, and the withering would become even worse.

What Ye Ruo did was to integrate into the history of Inazuma at the beginning.

And then with that identity, go about changing those things.

It's clear.

He has always been doing the happy ending route, which is the main rhythm of everyone's reunion and happiness.

As the initial anchor, the foundation of the cognitive world. 29

It's Mond.

Naturally, it should also bring the calmness of the land of the wind and the main theme of poetry.

Go to Inazuma to resurrect Makoto and pull the shadow out of his autistic state.

I don't know if the fox palace came out.

The four of them will be able to reunite.

There are other people and things.

See what it will be like now after 500 years.

It's really nostalgic and emotional.

Oh, right.

And Yae, the little fox who was always attracted to oily tofu.

Thinking about the scene when she wanted to be her own god in the first place felt so cute.

So Ye Ruo planned to wait and tell Lisa that he was going to Inazuma.

With the intelligence of Lisa and Rosalyn, I am afraid that you can know what is going on at once, right?

And seeing that the legendary degree still had a chance to delicate treasure chest, he also smoked it casually.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the exquisite treasure chest and getting 50 copies of heaven. 】


What kind of stuff?

Ye Ruo, who was surprised, looked at the information of this thing.


[A food in the Blacksun realm, produced by the fusion of the essence of the Genesis King and people, has been eaten to keep the weirdo young forever, and after being injured, eating can also quickly recover the injury and repair the dark wounds left by the past. ] 】

Ye Ruo:.......

The information in this is familiar and unfamiliar, Minami Kotaro and Kurohi, right?

He also knew a Higashikotaro.

But I haven't heard of this thing, is the Genesis King pulling it like this?

Pumped essence all?

Could it be a new world?

For the item extracted this time, Ye Ruo just took out this item with a single thought, and then used his power to turn it all into ashes.

Because this stuff looks good.

But the raw materials make people shake their heads.

Made with the essence of man and the creation king, it is really black.


Ye Ruo was very disgusted.

It is far inferior to one pill ().

In the afternoon, Rosalyn went to the alchemy workshop to do her research. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lisa is teaching Eura Potions.

Recently, the potion she studied was very good, and she had previously poured a potion into the ground with a bottle, giving birth to a wood.

That sight took less than a minute.

From breaking ground, to germinating, to flourishing.

More and more in line with her identity as a witch.

It doesn't feel strange to see her maneuvering a forest to fight in the future.

Even if she was originally a thunder element.

But potions determine the richness and variety of tactics.

Recently, she was commissioned by Jean to study the secret medicine of knights, the kind that makes everyone in the Knights Order stronger.

At this time, Ye Ruo was also sitting not far from them, flipping through the book.

When Youra's studies came to an end, Lisa blinked and looked at Ye Ruo.

"That, big cute, how long have you been going to Inazuma this time?"

"If we go for too long, it won't make us miss it all the time."

"So you have to feed us in the evening."

Eura on the side blushed.

"Sister Lisa, it's only daylight, why are you saying this now!"

"Oh what's the matter, what's this, Eura is still so shy."

This made Ye Ruo stop turning the book and said with a smile:

"Of course, if you want to go together, you can too."

"Mond's work is so free anyway."

"My little world is so big, it's no problem to bring the three of you with me."

Lisa just looked strange.

"You better settle your business first, after all, that one is Thor."

"Fast forward to people who know the true face of your scumbag, and then slash you to death."

"Who let you bad guy always eat in the bowl, watching..., oops, don't tickle me, don't, necrotic!"

Before she finished speaking, Ye Ruo suddenly sat down beside her.

Then this made Lisa exclaim.

Because this bad guy actually scratched her and itched to death.

It is very normal for girls to be afraid of itching.

And it's still very dishonest, where did all this scratch?

Then she was taken into Ye Ruo's arms and heard his laughter.

"First of all, 170 words, you should solve your affairs first."

Looking towards the room, of course Lisa knew what was going to happen.

She just snorted and hammered Ye Ruo with her hand.

"Just bully me, bully the big bad guy who is soft and afraid of hard, and you know that my sister is a bully."

"But this time, we shouldn't go."

"Come back early."

"Of course, you are all equally important to me."

"So I was thinking, if only I got a teleportation magic array, connecting Inazuma and Mond, Liyue, then it would be like visiting the door."

"I can also take you around easily, and it's easy and hassle-free."

After all.

In the end, it will definitely be the fastest teleportation.

Can't you go back and forth between Mond and Inazuma and fly over this ocean at every turn, right?

Youra, on the other hand, blushed and looked at this scene, feeling that her studies had been seriously disturbed.

There was no way, she could only plug her ears with wooden plugs and continue to study and record data.

As a result, after that, Yura suddenly found that the power of the wind element appeared on her waist, restrained herself, and then flew towards the rear.

She's not stupid.

I could only struggle with shameful attempts.

"Ye Ruo, you big villain, I will learn knowledge and cook later!"

Unfortunately, with Youra's scream, she was still pulled in by Ye Ruo.

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