Ye Ruo just had a little hand.

The Fox Palace that wanted to struggle was wrapped in a golden light.

It gradually changed into the appearance of a little fox.

"Your injury is too serious, just like me."

"Send you to the depths of Narugami Shrine, and rest there to sleep and repair."

"Even though, it can be a bit long."

At this time, Ye Ruo also rubbed the little fox with his face affectionately.

"Don't say, Fox Palace, you became like this, it's quite cute."

Fox Palace's just kept crying and whimpering.

When he wanted to say something, he was sent away by Ye Ruo.

This small golden ball flew towards the distant Shadow Mountain, turned into a point of light and merged into the Narujin Shrine, where there was already a special enchantment, just enough to heal the sleeping wounds of the Fox Palace.

After doing this, Ye Ruocai turned to look at the darkness ahead.

"Let me incarnate this last enchantment to block you."

"This move is called Divine Technique [Eight Mirrors]."

What wrapped the Fox Palace just now was a small part of the power of this technique.

At this moment, Ye Ruo's body lit up with light and began to turn into points of light.


The Yin and Yang Liao in Inazuma Castle also lit up with the same golden light.

A golden beam of light rises into the sky, 890, in line with here.

Then Ye Ruo began to make a series of seals, making the Yin and Yang Liao brighter and brighter, and the power fluctuations emitted became stronger and stronger.

"Unexpectedly, the biggest treasure of the Yin-Yang Master is actually the Yin Yang Liao as the center."

"I have arranged so many formations and items in it just to make it the biggest treasure."


With his series of handprints, Yin Yang Liao burst out with the strongest power, enveloping the entire city, and light curtains continued to appear, forming a large-scale golden enchantment.

There is a divine air flow on it.

This is what Burning Ye Ruo did by himself.

Just now, some people in Yinyangliao were cleared out, and it was some teachers who stayed here.

This made their faces first puzzled, then shocked and heartbroken.

"Nope! Teacher, what are you going to do? "

As if guessing something, they ran out of the city in disbelief.

Originally thought that this enchantment could not be passed, but they easily wore out.

But a monster slammed into it.

Can't get past it.

Even if it tries to tear the space, it can't shuttle in.

This made an Onmyoji react.

(cjeh) "Is this an enchantment that only targets monsters?" "

"And it's as if it has become another fixed small space, which is no longer flowing, but a solid whole."

"So even this weird monster can't do anything about it."

"To launch such a terrifying, god-like technique, teacher, is he?"

And the other places, the places where the golden king beast was haunted before.

This king beast has been abused by the combination of Gaoling Konbumaru, Miyu Chiyo, and the Devil Puppet Sword Ghost, and was directly killed in place.

The gathered group of pitch-black beasts was also slaughtered!

However, after seeing such a situation, they were also shocked.

Especially as a Shikigami, Miyoshi Chiyo let out a bitter cry.

"Nope! Master, Lord Qingming, don't! "

Then she ran wildly in one direction.

That's where the golden beam of light in the wild.

At this time, there is a large beam of light in the city, a small dot in the field, and the two echo each other.

Others hurried to follow.

When they arrived, they found that Qingming (Ye Ruo), who had disappeared half of his body below, was fighting against the eerie darkness and preventing the power of the abyss from approaching here.

The golden enchantment was separated.

But even so, those darkness are still colliding madly like living monsters.

A chill suddenly rose in people's hearts.

What the hell is this?

After the golden fragments were knocked out, they were crushed by the endless darkness and devoured on the spot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This accelerated the speed at which Ye Ruo disappeared.

After seeing these people coming, when there was still a long distance, Ye Ruo called out to them.

"Enough, don't come here. You guys go back to Inazuma Castle. "

"Then it's enough to wait for the shadow to turn the tide."

Then Ye Ruo smiled.

"Goodbye, nice to meet you."

Then in the eyes of Miyu Chiyo, Takalaki Konbumaru, and other samurai, Lord Haruaki smiled and turned into a point of light, completely dissipating between heaven and earth.

It made them feel like a ray of disbelief.

Then there was the endless mourning and cries of the people.

"Lord Qingming!"

"Nope!! How so?! "

"What the hell is that, that even Lord Qingming sacrificed himself!"

"Bastard! It is clear that Lord Haruaki is the hope of our Inazuma! "

"This fucking weird thing!"

"That darkness, never seen before. Even if I leaned so far, my heart was full of crazy fear. "

Miyu Chiyo felt that the world was spinning and fainted.

Held up by a female onmyoji.

She quickly wiped away the tears she couldn't stop, and then shouted loudly to the people around her.

"Hurry up, don't live up to the teacher's wishes, and use the magic to lead people out of here!"

Others can only be carried away by the Onmyoji under endless grief.

Even Gaoling Konbu Maru looked like he had suffered a huge shock, and his eyes were painful.

The adult, who had always been gentle and a little stern, passed away just like that.

Before Ming Ming, Lord Qingming told him.

Since there are people who care, let's live desperately.


He's still there.

Why did Lord Qingming leave first?

This makes everyone who has always received his favor, how to face such a situation, and what will everyone in the city think!

And where Ye Ruo turned into a point of light and disappeared, everything else also disappeared.

Only a complete wooden reed flute remained and fell to the ground.

The blocked darkness has been colliding wildly, and the golden enchantment is created by the divine art [Yazuma Mirror Realm], not only one in Inazuma City, but also a small one here.

However, under repeated impacts, this enchantment turned into fragments.

It shattered like a mirror.

Then all this deep darkness is swallowed up in one gulp!

Just as Ye Ruo said, what he can do is block, and the one who can kill this thing has to be Yinglai.

The Onmyoji version of the strength is here, and he has successfully exited.

Logically speaking, it should be in the abyss of worship, and it should have ended.

And without this obstruction, these darkness is like entering no man's land, killing Inazuma City!

After that, the darkness faced these enchantments and collided directly.

But this one is much more stable than the previous one, and even it can't be broken for the time being.

Only the power of Yin Yang Liao is constantly depleting, and even to the back, a raging fire is ignited, and everyone who looks at it is painful and angry, that is the Yin Yang Liao left by Lord Qingming.

It is the core of the Yin Yang Dao.

It is also the last trace of him.

If even this disappears, no one can accept this fact.

So at this time, Ray Movie finally arrived.

That inazuma, the supreme thunder light that resounded in the sky descended on this land again, and the thunderstorm in the sky roared, carrying the wrath of the gods, and slashed into this darkness with a blatant sword! .

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