Ye Ruo also chose to deal with those strange things.

Originally, Inazuma was a place of the underworld.

At every turn is what demons and monsters, evil qi, miasma, monsters, gods and a series of other things.

Now when the abyss comes, it is like the same smell, and it is all fused together.

An even greater catastrophe was triggered.

And the black fog that shrouded a large area also appeared after seeing Ye Ruo's arrival, and the rich abyss power continued to erode here.

Let the earth wither.

Let the plants wither.

This is not at all the power that the world of Tivat should have.

It's a veritable "foreign object"!

One of the familiar identities laughed maniacally and twistedly.

"Onmyoji Qingming, do you remember your fate?"

"The winner has everything, and the loser can only fall into the abyss! Struggle, go crazy, doom you to die here today! "

"Of course, you can also integrate into us and become part of the abyss, hahahaha."

This made Ye Ruo look at it lightly.

"Huh? Join the Abyss? Become like you, not a person, a ghost or a ghost? "

"You don't realize it at all, it's just a filthy memory."

"It seems that the power of the gods can still be maintained for a while in the abyss, but it is just such a little residue, and it will not be long before it will be as crazy as this darkness."

"What a bunch of wretched bugs."

It seems that the last sentence is too ironic, these black fogs are violently rolling, and you can hear countless crazy whispers inside, and the chaotic and disorderly madness is intertwined in it.

Then there was the monster-like roar.

"Mortals, tear you apart!"

The terrifying power of the abyss struck towards this side, and a large number of beasts and monsters were born, rushing over.

The sky is all black.

Facing such a scene, Ye Ruo's clothes were blown by the wind, but his face did not change color, and he stood here straight, which could be described as calm.

He smiled.

"If you want to wither, it doesn't matter if I delay a little~."

"After all, you're not qualified enough."

"The remnants of the Demon God that have already perished have long been stained with the power of the abyss, how about it, it is too worthy of itself."

Under the spell that erupted, Ye Ruo unleashed a series of Yin-Yang Techniques.

The Fudo King descends the spell.

The Fudo King Fire Realm Curse.

There is also a whole new set of techniques.

All of them resounded here with his mudra and chanting.

"Pro, soldier, fight, fight, all, array, column, in, front!"

"The art of the five elements, live together and overcome each other, reproduce yin and yang!"

"With the authority of the Spirit of Word, I sing the trumpet that declares victory! Come out, one of the three gods, Yasaka Qionggoyu! "

After recovering his memory, he once again integrated the Immortal Art and the Yin Yang Technique, because although Ye Ruo was not there at this time, the vision of the powerful demon god was still there.

All of a sudden, the Yin-Yang Art was sublimated.

The previous kind of cultivation of simulation power, using the Tiancong Cloud Sword is indeed an interesting way out.

If you have a sword, you can use your power wildly.

It is equivalent to the Onmyoji opening another forked road.

In fact, the Yin-Yang Technique itself can also fuse the five elements, reproduce the Yin and Yang poles, and then sublimate it into the Divine Technique, which is the avenue that the Yin-Yang Master should have been able to take.

It's just that there was indeed a lack of realm and a lot of understanding about the demon god before.

Once all memories are restored, this is successfully made up.

A new breakthrough was made in Yin-Yang Jutsu.

So a moment later, in the explosion and roar of the golden light, the divine aura swept away the power of the abyss here!

Only Ye Ruo was left standing here.

Although he looked fine, in fact, he pushed him down hard at this time and fell.

It was originally a state of great injury, and this kind of divine technique was still used.

Directly hollowed out.

It has already hurt very badly, touching the origin, who let this be the kind that is overloaded.

Now he can have such a stable posture only because Ye Ruo is reliable.

Otherwise, at this time, you can exit.

After absorbing a lot of spiritual energy and converting it into spell power, Ye Ruo also moved and left here.

Next, the final battle comes on. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Such movements have already touched the darkest force in the abyss.

In this Inazuma guardian war, people are constantly dying.

Ordinary people, samurai, and those Onmyoji.

After all, they still have too little time to learn, and they need more time to grow.

Who would have thought disaster would come so quickly?

Only then did the Onmyoji have the seeds of prosperity, and they were severely hit.

After all, in this case, these people are rushing to the forefront.

is the first line of defense.

So naturally there will be a lot of casualties.

There are many exhausted people who are overwhelmed by the tide of beasts.

At the last moment, quite a few Inazuma people muttered to themselves.

"Lord God, we didn't disappoint you, did we?"

Whether it is a samurai or an onmyoji, they have all contributed their last strength to protect their hometown.

And at this time, Ray Movie was still on his way.

She was very sad about her sister.

Why is it you and not me who arrives in Canrea first?

And on Inazuma's side.

Fox Palace also tried her best, and Ye Ruo also came to her.

What the two have to face is the deepest darkness.

Looking at Ye Ruo, whose breath was extremely weak, Fox Zhai Palace also had a complicated face, but she was still in a joking mood.

Wan'er smiled.

"Why are you so vain that you won't die in front of me, right?"

"Don't worry, maybe I'll be faster than you." There is still a shadow waiting for you, so let me come with this Baichen bloodline! "

As for the current situation, Kitsunomiya knows it well.

With her strength, it is impossible to resist.

Only her supreme thunder and lightning can tear through this deepest darkness!

Not to mention Qingming (Ye Ruo), who was in a much worse state than her at this time, wasn't this here to deliver dishes?


This calamity is really cruel, with his strength, it has become what it is now.

But the Fox Palace is no better.

She's also in a badly injured state, bleeding here.

Ye Ruo came for a while, and the Fox Palace was estimated to have been swallowed by this darkness a long time ago.

At this time, this strange abyss darkness was gradually swallowed up.

Looking at the dying Fox Zhai Palace, Ye Ruo smacked.

"Pippi Fox, don't make trouble, now is the situation where both of us will die, you can obviously see it."

"But it's okay for me to die, you can't die here."

"I feel like my task is heavy enough to add more, it's strenuous."

"The Yin-Yang Art of the Fox Clan, as well as yours, was also taught by me. So, let me teach you the last trick. "

"What, what last resort?!! What ears are you going to do? "

Looking at Ye Ruo, who was wrong, Fox Palace panicked.


"I will completely erase my existence in exchange for maximum strength."

"The time has come to say goodbye."

"But don't be sad, we'll see you later."

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