And the war here is only the tip of the Inazuma all-out war.

Some places are just like here, temporarily eliminating those pioneer monsters.

There are quite a few Onmyoji active in it.

Then stay in place to prevent the second wave of beasts.

And in some places, all the members of the shogunate army died in battle, and the defense line was out of control.

Their bodies were torn apart by the monsters, and they were all devoured.

But even so, they destroyed a large number of Warcraft with a very small number of people.

With a record of one to a dozen, it is enough to be proud.

The soldiers of this era are not weak, and they themselves have the talisman paper made by the Onmyoji side.

It can make the sword body attach the power of the elements and exert a series of sword moves.

Just in case.

There have always been many Onmyoji who are making these rune papers and handing them over to the Shogunate Logistics Office for management.

Onmyoji was originally an official and had a much higher status than a samurai.

Therefore, it is also normal to help the samurai and increase their strength.

It's just that no one expected it.

The opportunity to play the role will come so quickly.

Not to mention that there were also God's Eye samurai in the shogunate.

Their combat power is stronger, and they can also deal with those dark monsters that rush over.

So the war situation is mixed.

Not a one-sided rout.

Even if there is a steady stream of Warcraft armies like a black tide, there are still Inazumas who exert their strength to resist.

No matter what, these monsters can't be allowed to erode all of Inazuma's land!

How can a civilization that has developed for thousands of years stop here?

Therefore, the shogunate army can be seen fighting everywhere, and the two sides continue to suffer battle losses.

29 At present, most of the people in the village in the field have rushed to Inazuma Castle.

In this way, there is no need to deliberately divide the forces and pull the defense line very open.

After all, the number of these monsters is too much.

In terms of numbers alone, Inazuma is far from enough.

Some soldiers also discovered something very surprising, these strange dark beasts even summoned companions, and more monsters came to Inazuma from the spatial passage.

Even because he was eliminated after a lot of Warcraft.

Those things that looked like wolves actually began to howl, as if calling for something.

So the space cracked.

A black space hole appeared here, and a golden ripple trembled at the very edge, and a larger demon beast emerged from this passage, carrying an even more amazing aura.

It is a strange creation that is mainly gold and black as a whole, like a wolf and not a wolf, which can fly the earth, and there are many golden energy wolf heads around it.

It's like a guard.

That's the king who commands the wolves of the Beast Realm!

That's a monster from the twisted otherworld!

Frustrated, these things even called their king beasts.

The Golden King Beast of the Beast Realm Pack Wolf appears!

As soon as it appeared, it swept the shogunate troops there, and from its mouth surged with strange golden power, turning into an astonishing pillar of light and sweeping directly towards the battlefield.

The samurai who did not react were killed and injured in half.

Even if there were still some people left, they faced the wolf legion that was ordered next, and they were directly crushed.

So far.

The defense line here is also lost.

The monster goes deeper into the hinterland.

Naturally, someone noticed the movement of these monsters, and it was Ye Ruo (Qingming) who was standing at a height.

Beside him stood many shogunate soldiers, all of them elite.

After using the Yin-Yang Technique to condense a telescope, Ye Ruo looked at the Golden King Beast.

"Oh, it looks like a monster created by mixing the rock element and the power of the abyss, is this what the gold casually created?"

"Kind of interesting."

"It seems that after the fall of gold, it was completely encroached upon by the abyss, and the power of the abyss continued to emerge, so that so many ghost things could be created."

"After all, this is a disaster that has swept through so many places."

"Konbumaru, are you confident?"

At this time, Ye Ruo set his eyes on the body of a general next to him, as if he could kill the king beast if he was allowed to go.

After all, this one named Konbumaru is also a well-known figure in Inazuma.

His full name is Kaolimu Konbumaru, and he is famous for Inazuma for his secret sword [Kirikiri], and everyone calls him "Kiriki Takayama".

Has two powerful weapons.

【Flying Thunder String Vibration】

【Fog Cut Return】

These are all peerless weapons given by Raiden Shogun, the former was originally owned by the Tengu clan, and Konbumaru worshipped the Tengu patriarch as a teacher, thus obtaining this treasure bow.

The latter is the inscribed knife given to him by the general.

It is rumored that it can carry the power of thunder and light to cut through the night fog of the mountains!

One bow and one sword, one far and one near.

In this way, he has established a great reputation and has an extremely outstanding record.

Also for a general.

It is still the kind that has the Eye of the Thunder God.

At this time, Inazuma, there are many military generals.

However, after hearing this, Gao Ling Konbumaru's face hesitated for a moment, and then became firm again.

"If he gives the order, Gao Ling will definitely do his best and swear to kill the leader of that monster."

Looking at his death-like expression, Ye Ruo laughed.

Patted him on the shoulder.

"You boy, what are you doing so heavy."

"I see that you have someone you care about, so you have a concern, and you are no longer as fearless as before, right?"

"Let me guess who that person is, it's Hibiki Asase who worshipped that guy from the fox palace as a teacher before."

"Seeing that you didn't even bring a bow, this was handed over to your sweetheart for self-defense?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For a moment, Gaoling Konbu Maru spoke directly.


Lord Qingming is like he knows everything.

So he smiled wryly.

"Yes, Lord Qingming really expects things like a god, and he can't hide anything from you."

"Less of this set of."

Ye Ruo waved his hand and interrupted him.

"How can you be a martial general. The next words, Takalaki Konbumaru, Miyu Chiyo, you two obey the order! "

With such an order was given.

Suddenly, whether it was him or Miyu Chiyo, who was standing on the other side, both of them became serious.

Keep your head down.

"Subordinates listen to orders."

"Wait for the soldiers to break through the formation of the beast, and the two of you, as the main generals, go and kill the king of that beast."

"This bow is for you. You are already a martial artist, and without a bow, you have half of your skills. "

"I'll let a few Shikami help you later, this thing is nothing, I have to deal with the more troublesome ones."

After asking a soldier to hand over a pair of treasure bows to Gaoling Konbu Maru, Ye Ruo also went to the other side.

There, it was darker.

The power of the gods and the power of the abyss were combined to give birth to more powerful things.

With worried eyes, Gao Ling Konbu Maru looked in the direction Ye Ruo left.

Then he gritted his teeth and also killed in the direction where the king wolf was.

That ghost female warrior general Miyu Chiyo even unleashed a powerful yin-yang technique and killed it militarily!

Her belligerent and bloodthirsty maniacal laughter could be heard.

It made Kaoling Konbumaru twitch.

Is this Lord Qingming's first form god, really a battle maniac.

As for the other Shikigami who helped, they were also by his side.

It was three tall and burly humanoid swordsmen, who looked indifferent and unable to communicate, much larger than normal people, and they were completely big swordsmen!

Around them, there are mask-like things.

Hideous and scary.

This is the [Yin-Yang Technique Mechanism God] - Demon Puppet Sword Demon No. 1, No. 2, No. 3!

They were instilled with the top swordsmanship of many schools of kendo, and at this moment, they swung the long and terrifying sword in their hands and slashed directly at the group of Warcraft.

Swept the blockbuster at once!

And with a jump, he jumped into the deeper part of the group of monsters, and the weight he carried triggered a greater impact, and the amazing qi wave shook a lot of monsters on the spot!

Sand is flying!

The merciless killing is happening again, tireless, exhausted, they will only wave the sword in their hands!

The amazing sword blade combined with the power of the elements split out, tearing the Warcraft formation through a long hole.

Gaoling Konbumaru was dumbfounded.

How is one fiercer than the other?

Doesn't that mean he's here to make up the numbers?

So he also took the longbow and instilled the thunder 150 element on it, and in an instant, several purple streamers shot through the distant monsters, causing the arc to spread around.

So Gaoling Khumbu Pill also went deeper and deeper into the center of the Warcraft Tide!

At this time, Qingming, all the memories and things want to come back.

So it was Ye Ruo (Qingming).

Feeling the great damage to the vitality in his body, he also shook his head.

I don't know why, but the recovery of memory is getting faster and faster.

It was all a dying situation before.

But every time it's crippled, and this time is the same.

I don't know that I thought that I had taken an unnamed script, and the residual blood was just wandering around.

However, Ye Ruo thought about it, as if this story was written by him, then it was okay.

Looking at the current Inazuma, even he shook his head.

There is an even more amazing abyss in that darkness, and you have to wait until the shadow returns.

Who let Inazuma go overseas at this distance, it really faced a lot of abyssal power.

It is more dangerous than the one on the mainland of Tivat.

How did Inazuma become the outermost defensive archipelago?

Blocked a wave of ruthlessness for the continent of Tivat!

This useless heavenly reason.

So at this time, it is up to him, who is now remnant, to burn everything in exchange for hope.

Just like it was then.

As for that demon puppet sword ghost, it was a previous study.

Inazuma's side originally also had the technology of the humanoid mechanism developing, after all, the boss Ray movie himself can open the mecha, and a similar style of technology has appeared below, nothing strange.

So he incorporated it into the Yin-Yang Technique God.

The choice of the original god can be a series of beasts, animals, monsters, humans, non-human races, and so on.

Now there is nothing more than a new discipline - mecha-style gods!

If it continues to develop, I am afraid that Inazuma will be able to appear more mechanical dolls or various mechanical creations in the future.

Let's build mechs together.

The premise is not to be extinct by this hit.

This kind of abyss disaster is too easy to make civilization regress, and countless precious books and historical culture disappear in the past.

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