This caused the fox palace to be furious, and he himself led away with blame.

After this happened.

Kitsunomiya no longer stays in Narujin Taisha Shrine and Shiratatsuno no Field.

She went to the castle tower of Inazuma Castle to guard Raiden Jin.

Because the catastrophe that changes from heaven to earth is probably coming.

I am afraid that this time, it will be the invasion of the abyss.

Inazuma is in trouble!

Who let Inazuma's place be an archipelago in the sea?!

She is Thor's dependent, and she must be kept safe.

So Yae Miko stayed in Hakutatsuno, and by this time she had become a girl.

It is no longer the appearance of a little fox that can't move at every turn.

But Yae was still too young, and these things were far from what she could insert.

But I'm afraid even the Fox Palace doesn't know.

This time the disaster will sweep the Seven Kingdoms, not only Canrea itself, but also the power of the abyss behind them.

The abyss has been trying to erode the world.

In the sea farther away from the continent of Tivat, which had long been infected by pitch-black power, it was beyond the realm of Tivat.

Even the power of the Rock King Emperor will be dyed black.

That was a force outside the Tivat order.

Maybe those are filtered by the border, but what about the outer ones? 353


It is destined to rise to the level of surpassing the demon god and become a struggle and resistance of higher forces.

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) was not idle.

A long time ago, at the beginning of the creation of Yin Yang Liao.

He himself adopted several orphans and taught them the art of yin-yang.

These are people on other islands.

Living in a very remote village, he was attacked by monsters and the whole village was killed.

Only they were left hiding in the cellar, and this barely escaped.

Such an experience can be said to remind Qingming (Ye Ruo) of his past, and he is almost in the same situation.

Unfortunately, he could not predict either.

After all, there are so many islands in the sea, who knows on some remote island where unknown ancient villages live?

So Qingming (Ye Ruo), who had mixed feelings, accepted them.

These children are both male and female, and amazingly, they are very talented in yin-yang art.

And they intend to start a whole new life and life.

So Qingming (Ye Ruo) gave them a new surname - [Tsuchimon Gate].

Maybe he didn't think of it himself.

It was this move that led these children to grow up and found the famous Inazuma Tsuchimon family, a famous Onmyjutsu family.

And people all think.

This Tumimon family is his descendant.

After all, people don't know much about Qingming (Ye Ruo) and Ying, so they are all guessing.

So now, although there are not many people in the Tsuchimon family, it is the number of those young girls when they grow up.

But I can't help but that each of them is an excellent Onmyoji.

Each of them has made a name for themselves.

That's strong!

Therefore, the Tugomon family gradually developed, and there were descendants.

Now that their new generation has also joined Yin Yang Liao, Qingming (Ye Ruo) will teach them personally.

After all, these people are really talented.

In time, it will become a great thing.

It's just that this behavior confirms that statement in the eyes of others.

He didn't bother to deal with it.

After all, the previous generation was indeed a righteous son and a righteous daughter.

As a result, the next generation is also taught by him.

To live long is to be willful.

It is estimated that this is still the case in later generations.

As time passed, his appearance had always been so young and unchanged.

Not to mention that after practicing the Yin Yang Technique and reaching such a divine realm, the life expectancy has been extended even longer.

And now, his relationship with Ying is getting better and better.

It's like a shadow.

For the bellflower on the shadow head, Qingming (Ye Ruo) said that maybe it was really fateful.

After all, he has the core enchantment seal, the exorcism technique, which is called [Qingming Kratom Seal]. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The name Kikyo is also used.

This flower represents the flower language, called the flower language: eternal love (CJDI), love without chance.

So he said with a smile.

The love between the two of them must be eternal, right?

Shadow is also smiling.


And about what Qingming (Ye Ruo) has been secretly doing, Ying is very curious, all kinds of peeping and peeping.

Let him take it out in desperation.

As a result, Ying found that this was an unfinished flute, which looked very strange.

Could it be that he wants to play the flute?

So why hide from her?

A big question mark appeared on Shadow's head.

In this regard, Qingming (Ye Ruo) said so.

"I've read a lot of ancient books and history, and I heard that there was once a place."

"Their tradition is that if they give someone else a flute they made, it is a marriage proposal."

"I imitated this behavior, which is also my intention."

Ray Films: !!

Shadow's face turned red on the spot.

Doesn't this mean to propose to her?

It seems to be oh, compared to mortal romances, they have indeed been a little longer.

Progress is slow,

Even now, it's just holding hands and playing around.

So she nodded shyly.

"Then you do it, sorry, I've been interfering with you."

"Nothing, after all, this is meant to be given to you."

The shadow was touched by a mess.

However, there is no time.

The Canrea incident happened.

Even if this underground ancient country has been secretly sending personnel to excavate techniques from those other ancient country ruins that have disappeared.

And has been developing until now.

It is a godless kingdom.

It is the country of pure people.

They call themselves, the pride of mankind!

But this time is different, they even gained the power to deny the world from outside the world.

The whole country is using this force.

Those relic guards and cultivators are all using these abyss forces to create cores.

This naturally attracted the attention of the Heavenly Principle.

So Tenri ordered the seven gods of the earth to gather and go to destroy Canrea this time.

And at this time, the arrival of disaster and the contamination of taboo knowledge appeared at the same time.

The World Tree has also been eroded.

Thousands of years ago, the Great Compassion Tree King had already dealt with the Red King once such taboo knowledge pollution, which also led to the Red King's self-sacrifice.

At the same time, the Great Cishu King consumed a lot of divine power, and his body became smaller.

As a result, on the day of the Canrea catastrophe, taboo knowledge reappeared.

It is knowledge that does not belong to this world, it is information from the bottom of the abyss.

Even the God of Wisdom could not comprehend.

If forbidden knowledge continues to erode the world tree, the collapse of Tivat itself is also doomed.

Therefore, the Great Compassion Tree King has a more important mission - to protect the World Tree.

From the other six gods and Tenri, they went to Canrea.

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