In this regard, Qingming (Ye Ruo) is also very satisfied.

After all, with the strength of Miyu Chiyo, it is indeed good to become a Shikigami.

She is originally a person with strong martial arts.

If you combine Yin-Yang Technique, you will be one of the best generals!

And this also allowed Miyu Chiyo to discover his relationship with Ray's films.

For this matter.

She was also shocked and chose to bury her admiration in her heart.

After all, a person like Qingming (Ye Ruo) can easily make a woman's heart secret.

So Miyu Chiyo became a sword in his hand, carrying out his orders with a ruthless weapon heart, and acting wholeheartedly for him.

He also made a name for himself in the shogunate army.

Became one of Raiden Shogun's favorite generals.

Perhaps because of Qingming (Ye Ruo), or perhaps because practicing the Yin-Yang Art can prolong his life, this Miyu Chiyo is determined to follow him and Raiden General forever and never give up.

Since then, she has not married.

Only later took in two adopted sons.

One is named Miyu Michiki, and the other is named Miyu Nagamasa.

And later in Inazuma's nursery rhymes, four quite remarkable martial artists will be sung, all of whom have made quite dazzling history.

【Otemon Araki, Oto-no Iwazo, Nagasa Kitain, Kiriki Takayama】

Among them, this Imperial Daoqi will become this Yin no Iwazo.

He meets a unique Tengu girl, the Kagego's Mitsuyo.

Once Kitsunomiya competed for speed with a tengu patriarch, and this female patriarch had a daughter, named Mitsuyo.

That's the guy.

Under the training of this girl, Miyudo changed her name to Iwazo and created the secret sword "Tengu Copy"!

Received the name [胤].

He became a generation of grandmasters and created a large number of kendo schools.

And that Imperial Chief entered the shogunate and continued to grow the name of the family.

That's all for later.

And there was one more thing that happened before.

The Tengu clan also has another outstanding male clan named Tengu Sasasa Yuri.

He also served in the shogunate army and also served as a general.

However, the forces of Kaijima suddenly invaded in a big way, and fought the Inazuma shogunate army and Hachishima Island.

Because there were many more Onmyoji in the shogunate army, and the samurai also had rune paper enchantments, the side of the Kaijima was defeated, and the casualties were heavy.

As a result, no one expected that the demon god Orobas would strike directly.

This led to the death of the general who led this army, Tengu Sasayuri!

So after hearing this, Lei Movie used his real name to appear in the army formation of Pingding Haiji, and killed the demon god with a thoughtless sword.

This is the reason for the appearance of the wonder "Thoughtless Blade" after Yashima Island.

At this point, the forces of Haijidao surrendered.

He became a member of Inazuma's rule and honored the shogunate as the grand suzerain.

Only Raiden really shook his head and said nothing, this thing is not so simple.

At this time.

Qingming (Ye Ruo), as a great yin-yang master, is still sitting in the yin-yang liao, responsible for teaching some good seedlings.

When this news came, he also sighed.

Life is so fragile.

The guy who looked gentle and polite was gone.

Obviously they also enjoyed tea together.

The relationship is good.

The other party also hopes to send some Tengu people to learn Yin-Yang Arts.

As a result, people are no longer there.

This is also the trigger for the idea that the Sword of Healing, the Sword of the Other World, appeared behind him.

After the successful creation of the Tiancong Cloud Sword, he also resurrected some small animals that had just died.

As the power of his simulation, it needs to be constantly grown.

Now just a seed.

In the germination stage.

Too much power has been used to create this source of power.

Next, it only takes time.

Maybe this guy can be resurrected in the future, after all, ordinary people have long disappeared in this time and merged into the earth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a tengu, he is a little hopeful.

That is, it takes time.

Expecting a day or two every second is obviously unrealistic.

For the power of the Demon God, it is normal to spend hundreds of thousands of years at every turn.

Not to mention that this power of life has already involved the realm above the demon god.

More strenuous and troublesome.

If it wasn't for the real help, and her stone, it would not have succeeded.

So for now, it seems.

It's a bit off, but everything is still going in a good direction.

Only, does the next Inazuma really have this time?

This side of the Fox Palace.

She had quietly discovered the relationship between Ying and Qingming (Ye Ruo) before.

Left her speechless.

An incredible look.

This world, what a hell!

How did you even open up the shadow of this wood?

It's outrageous.

And during this period.

A little fox was also born in Shiratatsuno, and she is the future Yae Miko.

Because of blood kisses.

Fox Saimiya returned to Shirakatsuno no from Narujin Taisha Shrine to take care of the little fox.

Don't say it yet.

It's fun to tease her.

Sometimes, Yae Miko also jumps up in the winter, diving her head directly into the snow to forage for food.

Very cute.

Fox Shrine would sit next to him, covering his mouth and laughing.

It's a pleasure too!

Yae Miko, who gradually grew up, also became a fox who loved to eat oily tofu under the influence of Kitsunomiya Palace.

Often you will be deceived by an oil tofu in the Fox Palace, and you can't find the north.

Willing to do anything.

It once became a source of happiness for Kitsune.

It's so funny.

Even after Qingming (Ye Ruo) came over, he would often use oily tofu to lure the little fox, and then pet her in various ways.

Fluffy, really a little cute.

Sometimes Yae Miko also appears in Raiden's (Lee Hao) arms and is taken care of by her.

It once became everyone's cute.

And Yae Miko, the little fox, is also happy under the fact that Qingming (Ye Ruo) has been giving her oily tofu, and she can't help herself.

He said that he would be his Shikami in the future.

In this way, is there an endless amount of oily tofu?

It seems that he still has to call the master.

Make Qingming (Ye Ruo) laugh hilariously.

He didn't answer this matter, but let the little fox grow up first.

And after this, a big event occurred in the fox clan.

Yurakuzai broke into trouble.

It's still a catastrophe!

This Yurakuzai is also a very good person in the fox clan, although it is a lot obscured by the light of Qingming (Ye Ruo), and he does not seem to be too famous.

In fact, he himself is also strong in mana, and he is still an elegant person.

She is very good at drawing and storytelling.

The things he is implicated in are related to the abyss.

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