Inazuma's side.

Raiden Zhen naturally received the order as well.

Knowing more knowledge and secrets, she knows very well what kind of crisis this time is.

So she didn't want the shadow to go.

Not to mention that Tianli summoned seven rulings, and it was embarrassing for Shadow~ to go there.

After all, the shadow was resurrected by her.

On weekdays, people turn a blind eye.

As a result, if the shadow also goes, this kind of direct sticking to the face - a little bit of that.

No way.

This is the situation of the two sisters who don't care, no backstage.

Who let there ever be a big war on Sky Island?

And the two sisters got some legacy from the dead living ruler, and it would be nice to be one of the seven rulers of the real world.

The shadow jumped over again, daring not imagine.

So Raiden really hid the shadow and went to Canria.

It was something she couldn't be told.

Only Qingming (Ye Ruo) noticed this situation and stopped Leidian Zhen halfway.

"Why, why avoid the shadow?"

"What happened?"

Looking at Qingming (Ye Ruo) at this time, Lei Dian Zhen's face was full of complexity and emotion.

And then really talked about it.

This silenced him as well.

"Do I have to go?"

"Otherwise, I'll go with you."

Really just shook his head slowly.

"The order of heaven is not to be disobeyed. Not to mention that this time it was really serious. "

"You have to stay in Inazuma. Once I'm gone, and you're gone, Shadow reacts immediately. "

"Not to mention, Tianli is to let a few of us govern. With the one who leads the team, there is no need for the gods to bring other people. "

Then the two sides fell into a long silence.

Until Qingming (Ye Ruo) spoke up again.

"I see, but please take this with you."

He summoned the Tiancong Cloud Sword and channeled most of his power to the sword.

Because he tried too hard, Qing Ming (Ye Ruo's) face turned white with the naked eye.

Even spat out a mouthful of blood.


Makoto exclaimed with a worried face.

"It's okay, although the simulated life power is not good, but Lei's power has become stronger and stronger with the help of shadow."

"You also have the power of thunder yourself."

"Therefore, if you use the Tiancong Cloud Sword, you can also enhance some strength. Use the permission, I have given you. "

"Sorry, the only thing I can help is this sword, after all, now my whole body, this sword is the strongest strength."

Qingming (Ye Ruo) wiped away the blood and smiled apologetically.

After all, his research is on track.

With this sword, he can be regarded as a heyday yin-yang master.

Ability to use the power of thunder.

Thus being able to peek into the world of God.

Without a sword, he is at most an immortal.

It's still badly damaged.

This is really impressive.

"Then, Inazuma will be handed over to you and Kage, and I'm going to set off."

"Thank you for that."

When leaving, Leidian Zhen also bowed his head seriously to express his gratitude.

It also means that they are friends.

And no longer the former monarch.

With their efforts, Inazuma finally developed into this.

It became so prosperous today.

And there are so many outstanding hundred ghosts, great youkai, and powerful Thor dependents who have carried forward both the shogunate army and Narujin Taisha Shrine.

Plus the brilliance of Qingming, the Onmyoji.

Establish Yin Yang Liao.

So many Onmyoji have been trained.

It is an unprecedented prosperity.

All this and everything, how not to make Raiden really feel good.

Inazuma no Kuni.

Beautiful country.

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) was also looking at her.

"Be sure to come back safely."


After answering, he also went to Canrea.

No one thought of it.

This trip, I really didn't come back.

At this point, it is parting.

In the future, the disaster expanded further.

A pitch-black calamity descended on the Seven Kingdoms.

That legendary alchemist Rheindot, known as [Gold], fell into a sinner, and created a large number of dark and strange monsters, and began to attack the continent of Tivat!

Other countries on major continents are fine.

The Inazuma Islands are in a lot of trouble! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the beginning, Yurakusai was originally involved in the abyss, and even Kitsunagaya knew that a disaster would come, coupled with gold, Inazuma was destined to experience multiple crises.

There are local and some Canrea.

Not to mention a large number of beasts, monsters appeared on the land of Inazuma, and those strange creatures were able to tear open the space and shuttle here.

It was a demon blood beast that could erode the world.

It's like a wolf pack.

They have the power to dissolve spaces and create easily accessible gaps!

Blocking has no effect on them.

This is why the countries of Tivat did not bother to build long walls to defend themselves against their enemies.

To a certain extent, these basic buildings are useless.

People move directly in space.

So for Inazuma, endless black fog directly shrouded here, and darkness ruled everywhere.

The invisible mist is constantly spreading and spreading.

Those emotionless monsters hit like a tide.

They will only savagely bite and kill everything, and the traces of human existence will be devoured by them!

Countless people were torn to shreds.

The samurai of the shogunate rushed out and fought the monsters.

And the supreme thunder light tore through this darkness.

The thunder of the shadow frantically swept away a large number of monsters, and at once a large area was emptied, she still had to control the force, otherwise she would split the island.

It is easy to cause the situation of unthinking blade narrowing.

Under her power, the monster was cleared quickly.

But at this time, Qingming (Ye Ruo) asked her to go to Canrea, because at present, there is a high probability that it is out of control.

It can make all these things come running.

He was very wary and uneasy.

The so-called heavenly reason seems to be unreliable at all.

It really means that it sounds like Tianli is flying over there.

The result?

At the moment, it doesn't work.

Before, he really wanted to protect the shadow and didn't let her go. But now, you have to check it out!

Here, just leave it to him and the Fox Palace.

So Shadow was also anxious and rushed to Canria.

And at this time, Canria, Raiden is really dying.

She held the Heavenly Cloud Sword with difficulty, using the power of thunder to destroy those enemies.

But after destroying those monsters and huge war machines, she also ran out of oil and fell.

At this moment, her consciousness came to a mysterious space.

Here, there seems to be an amazing consciousness waiting for the truth.

"You are?"

"You can call me the Ruling of Time, and you sisters who have obtained some legacy of the Ruling of Life should also know my information."

"I know, but why?"

Even if it wasn't stated, the ruler of time, Ishtaru, could still understand what she meant.

Ishtaru just sighed deeply, exuding sadness.

"Alas, with the death of the dead, the wounds of the wounds between us."

"It's long gone."

"As the ruler of time, I have already seen today's scene. Hello, the demon god related to her, I will help you, disrupt time, and let that Balzeb plant the seeds of the god cherry in the past. "

This is really impressive.

"Sure enough, as rumored to be, you are the only one who has not abandoned humanity and is still willing to respond and help our ruler."

Ishtalu said in a low voice.

"It's just that after using my remaining strength like this, I will also fall into a deep sleep and coma."

"I can't change all that, I can only barely keep Inazuma alive. I'm sorry. "

"The two creators are gone, and I have become like this when I govern. In the next words, Asmode, the ruler of the Void in the best state, can only choose to block the invasion of the abyss, fall silent, and slowly die in that confrontation. "

"Hmph, she didn't have a choice."

"The Sustainer will die slowly, and the Creator will not come."

"Logically, I should be able to see the future behind me, but time suddenly runs out of order, and even I don't know where the world will go next."

"We need a new throne. Only that kind of power can save the world from burning again. "

"It's a pity that I don't have the strength to peek into the future, time makes me feel strange, as if it doesn't belong to my domain, it's really weird."

"Demon God Baal, you can go on with what you want. At your side, there is someone I can't even understand. "


As she finally spoke, the time ruler's tone weakened, and she really saw a light fly to her dream.

As if as she said.

Also exhausted of strength and fell asleep.

In the future, there will be no throne, and there will be no active rulers.

And then it really came back to reality.

Moving on to what she set out to do.

That is to channel all the last power to that Tiancong Cloud Sword.

This is, the last mountain of measure.

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