At this time, the sky and clouds look simple and mysterious.

Although it no longer has the appearance of flickering divine light before, it still brings a majesty that looks at the world.

The swords around him resonated and trembled.

The sound of swords is constantly emitted.

In response to this Shinto sword!

Even in the rest of Inazuma, this situation has arisen in those families of Raiden Goden.

The craftsmen were stunned, and they all showed shock.

Because in front of them, no matter what kind of sword weapon is trembling and sword sounding, even those works that have been passed down in the family to this day, the most proud, are the same.

But, that's a sword that is enough for the town clan!

It is a masterpiece that has reached the pinnacle of attainment in these thousands of years!

There are a few, even [real fight].

In the forging, there will be such a very special and crucial step.

As long as it is a famous forging knife, it will not forge only one.

Among them, the best one is [Real Fight].

It is used to be offered to the gods or lords, and does not create karma, but is specially offered.

And the rest is [Shadow Fight].

These knives were meant to kill and fight, destined to endure blood and strife, bringing glory and status to their masters.

This is the kind that Raiden General gave to his courtiers.

And in the long 29 years of many families, sometimes they have created more than one [real fight], which is when the geniuses come out, so the best ones will be in the hands of Raiden.

The remaining handful.

Bestowed by the god of thunder as their town treasure, enjoy the incense.

As a result, now, even such a treasure knife is trembling.

How can such a scene not frighten them?

All the sword weapons were bowing their heads, and they were all heading in one direction, towards the castle tower.

It's like a pilgrimage.

As masters of forging, how could they not understand?

In the castle tower, I am afraid that there is a king of swords, which is above all sword weapons and is a terrifying weapon standing at the peak!

This is the only way to explain such an anomaly.

After all.

The so-called art of forging swords was originally taught to them by Thor.

Then as the most powerful forging god, it is naturally quite reasonable to be able to create an artifact.

As a people living in the realm of God.

In the face of such incomprehensible things, it is natural to think of God-sama.

So for a while, they worshipped General Raiden even more.

Only God can create the weapon of God.

Lord General, mighty!

And the forging place on this side of the castle tower.

As soon as Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) stretched out his hand, the Tiancong Cloud Sword automatically flew into his hand.

It's like being very happy.

One person and one sword, it can be said that there is no need for running-in, and it has an unparalleled tacit understanding.

Because in the process of forging, it is already constantly grinding.

With the Excalibur in hand, the two power powers simulated above were also transmitted from the sword body to his body, causing his eyes to emit dazzling purple thunder light, and the aura on his body changed greatly!

It can be said that it has risen again!

As a human being, initially harness the power of power.

He is also slowly feeling the mystery.

As Raiden Zhen said, this is an artifact that can grow.

It is equivalent to a sword embryo that contains power, and the next step is to constantly become stronger and grow.

As long as they continue to be cultivated, sooner or later these simulated powers can transform into true divine powers.

The foundation has been laid.

This is equivalent to the Tiancong Cloud Sword becoming a new extension of him.

The sword is an extension of the swordsman.

is part of their body.

Simply put, it is like something above the eye of God.

He has also studied those holders of the Eye of God, and the Eye of God plays an intermediate role in connecting the elements, otherwise the person itself cannot directly use the power of the elements.

And when the Tiancong Cloud Sword grows up, he will be able to greatly increase his strength and use the power of power.

That kind of him is comparable to the Demon God!

And the most precious of them is the power of simulated life.

Although now, it may be resurrected what kind of small animals and the like.

In the future, if you become the power of life, it will not be as simple as resurrecting animals.

Not only resurrecting people. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It can even be done, resurrecting God!

It's like Raiden.

It's a pity that Raiden really resurrected the shadow and has exhausted all his strength, after all, the power of the shadow is here.

The price to pay for resurrecting such a top-notch demon god is too great.

And the truth itself is so weak.

As a result, her power has been damaged now, so she helped Qingming (Ye Ruo) forge a sword, and there is no need to count on the rest.

When everyone else died, she couldn't help it.

It can only be said that sisters have a deep affection.

But I am really satisfied, and being able to resurrect a demon god like Shadow is already very against the sky.

What basket do you have to struggle with?

That's it.

And this sword has the advantage that thunder and lightning really do not have, that is, the powerful power of thunder.

Really power is not suitable for fighting.

If she dies herself, it will be the end of the calf.

It is difficult for doctors to treat themselves.

And even more so the dead.

No matter how strong the assistance is, it will be in vain when it dies.

After this weapon was built, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was also very happy.

Ray Movie also rushed over.

After all, such a thing cannot be hidden from her.

As a powerful god, her senses are extremely keen, and the fluctuations can be noticed at once.

Not to mention that the movement is still so big.

So she immediately showed surprise on her face and sighed, was it successful?

And this time, the relationship between Zhen and Qingming (Ye Ruo) is also much closer, after all, it is to share secrets that ordinary people cannot know, and to forge a powerful Excalibur together.

It's also a concerted effort.

With tacit understanding.

The two are like best friends.

And Ying is also quite happy, worthy of him, what a genius.

It was actually made.

To be honest, Ying was unhopeful at the beginning, it was the kind of letting Qingming (Ye Ruo) toss casually.

So in the subsequent competition, she can also loosen some restrictions.

The days have become more interesting.

And in the process of being the lord of Yin Yang Liao, as Inazuma's famous Great Yin 807 Yang Master, Qingming (Ye Ruo) has been challenged by many people.

After all, fame is here.

Naturally, it is easy to attract samurai who are overconfident in themselves or arrogant geniuses.

Whether the challenge succeeds or not, it is not a loss.

And those who can challenge him have to be the kind of top samurai.

However, they were all easily defeated without exception.

This also includes a female warrior named Miyu Chiyo, who has great power and once danced among a thousand swords, except that her clothes were shredded and she was intact.

In order to revive the prestige of the declining ghost clan, she desperately exercised herself.

The result was also defeated by Qingming (Ye Ruo).

This made her very unwilling.

But it was useless, she was defeated many times, and even Qingming (Ye Ruo) gave her many opportunities to continue to challenge.

As a result, after she lost thirty games, she was convinced.

She is by no means the kind of person who does not know the height of the sky, can afford to lose, and can face her own shortcomings.

After being subdued, she joined the Yin-Yang Liao and learned the Yin-Yang Technique, intending to combine martial arts and Yin-Yang Shu to give birth to a new power that belongs to her.

In this process, she was constantly attracted by Qingming (Ye Ruo) great ambition, and revered the other party more and more.

This is much grander than just revitalizing the ghost race.

Because what Haruaki is thinking about is Inazuma as a whole.

So later, she volunteered to become the first Shikami of Qingming (Ye Ruo).

I hope to learn more mysteries and fulfill Inazuma's wish to make Inazuma prosperous forever as a substitute of his will.

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