Then Raiden really told him a story.

That was the final chapter of the Demon God War.

In the battle for the throne set by [Heaven], the demon gods launched a crazy and fierce killing.

In the end, there are winners in every region.

In the Inazuma region, the victory was naturally won by their sisters, known as Narugami.

However, the cruel point is.

There can only be one.

After all, they are not related to each other, they are not predetermined, and the archipelago they occupy is only a remote and desolate place.

This shows that they are indeed very weak here in Tianli.

Needless to say, the one that is settled.

It refers to the Great Compassion Tree King who incarnated in the World Tree.

This identity alone is already determined to take an earthly ruling position.

So there is no need to fight.

Plus there are related households over there. The identity of "One-Three-Seven" Morax is also not simple.

On the contrary, Raiden really their sisters, which is really embarrassing.

Therefore, Lei Movie thinks that he is just a martial artist, although he has such an amazing martial art, he has already reached the realm of Tongsheng, and he also has unparalleled sword skills.

But in the end, there is no virtue that touches all peoples.

So she chose to commit suicide and sent her sister to the [Heavenly King].


Ray Movie died once.

Then Raiden really became one of the seven rulings of the earthly world!

After that, Raiden was really in deep pain, so Naruto appeared and summoned Shadow's consciousness back.

And reshape it.

Let the Ray movie come back to life.

Since then, Ray Movie has become a real shadow warrior, often by her side.

It doesn't hurt to say this thing.

Because in the future, there will be a book "Jane Says Chengyan True Shadow Fight" to record this matter, and once became a banned book.

Ray Movie will also admit it himself.

After she appeared in the army formation of Pingding Haiji, it was people who glorified her and made it up.

But the previous things are all true.

Because the first volume of this book is about the art of forging swords and the death of the thunder movie, and this is what the beginning of the book says.

The story of the military formation that pacified the sea is in the later volume.

So there is no doubt that Ray Movie did die once.

Saved by her sister.

Raiden Zhen has a power similar to the power of life.

It touches on the realm of life.

Hearing this, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was shocked and distressed by what happened to Ying.

It turns out that such a thing has happened to Shadow's body?

Demon God War, how is it such a thing?


And then, Zhen hid a lot of information and told him something he could say.

After all.

There is a lot that he is not able to know.

Otherwise, it will cause a killing disaster.

However, Qingming (Ye Ruo) is indeed a smart person, and he still got a general context through these badly broken information.

What I really said was about how her right to life came about.

I don't know when, a very remarkable being died here.

The Raiden True Sisters also came here, and by coincidence got some remnants.

Became a demon god.

She and Shadow each inherited an ability.

And because of this, their demon god names are closely related to the dead being.

Because it's not much.

Raiden's real combat effectiveness is not very good, and her power is related to life.

And the stone she gave was also stained with a trace of the other party's strength. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Therefore, according to Qing Ming (Ye Ruo)'s idea, perhaps through her ability, this sword can simulate the power of [The Power of Life].

As a result, it successfully turned into Excalibur with two exaggerated powers at the same time.

Such a sword is enough to become a very incredible weapon.

It's a veritable artifact.

So next.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) also analyzed the true power, and with her help, began to forge this superb embryo.

If he fails, he must not die of distress?

The investment is too big!

Raiden Zhen also tried his best to help him, and the two worked together.

In this process, Zhen also saw his path and was quite surprised.

"Tenmu Ryu? One heart? There are other genres. He was able to see the shadow of almost all of Inazuma's top knife forging techniques. "

"So you learned it all?"

"That's not something that ordinary people can do."

After all, this is the foundation of people.

It is almost impossible to expect people to teach the essence of the essence, not their own family...........

And it takes a lot of time to learn all of them.

Practice consistently.

Unexpectedly, Qingming turned out to be a top forging master.

Good guys, this is a true love of learning.

Willing to learn anything.

In this regard, Qingming (Ye Ruo) only smiled heartily.

"It's a bit difficult to learn their best technology. But it didn't bother me. "

"Plus I deduced some of them, and I got the best of those technologies and fused them together."

"It became my exclusive knife forging technique."

"This time, several technologies will be used. For example, Tianmu Liu, they pay attention to the most perfect will, go all out to create, and pursue the patience of that drop through the stone! "

"And the transmission of one heart, paying attention to the unity of man and sword, the unity of heart and sword, and the two sides do not distinguish each other."

"Both man and the sword can form a whole, and the sword is an extension of the user's will!"

"At this point, the sword I created will become an exclusive weapon that only I can use and exert my full strength."

Because what he pursues is a forging method that can maximize the power.

Naturally, this weapon fits him in all aspects.

It's like binding.

Unless you have his permission, no one else can use it.

With their unremitting efforts, this forging fortunately did not fail, and the fusion was extremely smooth, so that you can see this 2.6 sword gradually taking shape.

Exudes an amazing aura.

On the day of success, it even triggered a lot of changes.

But perhaps this is a very perfect artifact, it even made the treasure self-obscured, hiding its own specialness.

So the change quickly disappeared.

Looking at this Excalibur that was suspended in the air-[Tiancong Cloud], Thunder and Lightning could really be described as mixed feelings and amazement.

"Both abilities coexist, and this sword has become a weapon that can grow."

"Although it is now a simulated lightning power and a simulated life power, after a long period of growth, sooner or later it will be able to become a powerful thunder power and life power, right?"

"At that time, it will be a supreme artifact! It is a real fetish of Inazuma! "

"It's also your most trustworthy trust."

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