This seems to be the name of a certain Excalibur in a distant time and space, very much like Inazuma.

He loved it.

Because he was stuck in the Onmyoji Division, he took out more time to study the art of forging the sword.

Inazuma swords do not divide families, so it is okay to shout forging swords and forging swords.

This also allowed him to mobilize his influence and power, and an extremely large network began to operate, finding him the most top-notch ores and many precious treasures in the world.

To build, you need to use the best materials.

Even the best materials from foreign countries have been shipped a lot.

The Amazing Stone of Fontaine's water, the strange spar from the eruption of the volcano in Nata, and the remains of ancient creatures buried in the Cave of Meru.

People who listened to the acquisition said that there were once some ancient ~ spirit beasts and holy beasts in the dense forest of Meru.

It is long gone.

For example, what kind of long-sideded tiger, legend has it that it inherited the prestige of an ancient spirit beast - with the name of [tiger].

Not to mention that there are stronger - holy beasts.

This corpse was the suspected transformation of the holy beast after death.

Moreover, the person who bought this was obtained from a village in the desert, so he did not believe in any holy beast or not a holy beast, and he wanted it cheaper.

So the thing went around in circles and was transported to Inazuma.

It came to Qingming (Ye Ruo)'s hands.

Looking at this thing, he thought that maybe the legend was true.

The average person can't feel it.

In this corpse, there is indeed an amazing and restrained power condensed, as if it is sleeping, and it has become a precious treasure under the washing of a long time.

Not bad.

Then there are others from Liyue Port.

Look at the treasures made of the essence of those rocks.

I don't know why, Qingming (Ye Ruo) feels very familiar.

Then Kage also helped, giving a divine stone.

It was a mysterious stone with unknown power, exuding an extraordinary aura.

It was picked up by the shadow and then collected.

This time, seeing that her lover was going to forge a sword, she took it out.

As the main source of this sword.

Don't say it yet.

This ore is difficult to melt, and it took a lot of effort to succeed.

With this thing, Qingming (Ye Ruo) didn't hit the body of the remnant of the god god.

After all, in a sense, the remains of Chongshen are the best materials.

Because that means, a corner of the dead demon god.

What else could there be more advanced than the Demon God Material?

However, the remains of the gods themselves have a very dangerous and evil power, and if one is not handled well, it is easy to hurt himself.

So the gains outweigh the losses.

Fortunately, with the help of the shadow, the upper limit of the sword itself was higher.

As for the power that Lei Dian really saw, it naturally came from his research.

As mentioned earlier, Qingming (Ye Ruo) fell into a bottleneck in the Yin-Yang Master.

More yin-yang can be created.

But the strength is still at this level.

It's just adding more means.

The combat effectiveness still did not go up.

For his current strength, he had an idea.

It should be regarded as a high-grade immortal or a top immortal.

Anyway, it's far from the Demon God.

As for the other Yin-Yang Masters in Yin-Yang Liao, it is even more useless.

Not even an immortal level.

This is still divided by him according to those immortal art materials that emerged, for the Yin-Yang Master, being able to become a top Yin-Yang Master, even if it has the level of an immortal.

But how long has the path of Onmyoji spread?

In a short period of time, it is impossible to count on the emergence of this level of Onmyoji.

All Inazuma, only he alone can achieve.

And what about him.

At this level, a long distance has been taken.

But still stuck.

Then the shadow of this powerful demon god was by his side, so this also gave him a new idea.

That is- [Simulating the power of the gods!] 】

As a further hope!

After all, at the beginning, the yin-yang technique simulated all things in heaven and earth, and the laws of the five elements of yin and yang. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And now, it has begun to have some results.

With the cooperation and help of Shadow, fluctuations in the power of thunder and lightning appeared on the sword that had not yet formed, which was exactly imitating the power of Shadow.

She is a Thunder Demon God herself.

If this sword can be successfully formed, it will become an extremely powerful killing sword.

One move and one style can have the supreme power of thunder.

It is also able to combine with his own yin-yang technique to play more roles.

This made Lei Dian Zhen, who understood it, couldn't help but marvel at his whimsy.

It is worthy of being Inazuma's proud Onmyoji, and there are many ideas.

Have they all started simulating the powers of the Demon God?

If he can succeed, Qingming may be able to touch the combat ability of the Demon God level in the future, right?


It's remarkable.

And Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) also mentioned the idea of another sword in the process.

It is not a sword born to kill, but a sword to save people.

As a sword of healing, the sword of the other world, a sword down can even bring the dead back to life.

It is a sword that cannot kill.

As the so-called killing is to protect life, cutting karma is not beheading people.

Aren't the people of Inazuma fond of rumors that he is a person who can travel between life and death?

He himself also wants to study, will there really be such a thing as the underworld, or the undead realm?

Although at present, the dead are all souls returning to the earth.

Immersed in the vein.

But maybe there is such a place?

A sword with extreme lethality.

A sword that connects life and death.

These two are the exclusive weapons that Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) wants to create.

It's just that the former already sees hope.

The latter, at present, exists only in concepts and ideas.

There's no way to start.

Can't figure it out yet.

This idea made Lei Dian really stunned for a long time.

Her face was complicated, and she was silent for a long time.

Then in Qingming's (Ye Ruo's) surprised gaze, he really took out another divine stone.

Let him fit into this weapon.

It surprised Qingming (Ye Ruo), why did you sisters each have a divine stone?

What a nice guy.

And really directly released the power, that divine stone unexpectedly melted quickly, mixing with the unformed sword.

As if they were one?


And the process is too smooth, far simpler and more direct than Qingming (Ye Ruo) melting that divine stone by himself.

With these two divine stones, plus all the other top-notch materials.

This Excalibur is destined to shock the world!

At this time, Raiden really made a sound.

"Actually, you don't have to think of a way to build two swords anymore, there's no need."

"You can directly forge a sword that combines the power of simulated lightning and the power of life."

"If you can succeed, this [Tiancong Cloud Sword] will be your most powerful weapon."

"Let me help you, perhaps, this is fate."

"You already know about the power of the shadow. But, about my powers, you must be curious, right? "。

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