Before being friends or above, lovers are not full.

At the stage of ambiguity.

Now it's getting faster and faster.

After all, crossing this hurdle is different.

There's no need to hide it.

Sometimes after Qingming (Ye Ruo) touches her hand, or if she is cute, nothing will happen.

Even in the back, the two held hands.

It's just that the shadow is more shy and won't last long.

But this kind of close contact will not hide from anything.

The shadow would laugh mischievously, teasing him.

It's no different from a couple.

When her sister asked her at that time, she actually knew very well that she really liked him.

Good feelings are such a thing, which is accumulated over time.

They are so close to each other by a man and a woman, and they are always competing and fighting like this, which is very in line with the style of a warrior like Ying.

As a martial artist, there is such a person who can always accompany her in various battles.

It can be said that her heart has filled a lot.

Naturally, this relationship slowly accumulates bit by bit.

They're not the type that moves quickly.

On the contrary, a long time has passed.

Before she let Qingming (Ye Ruo) personally wipe the sweet scraps on her lips, the atmosphere at 397 was already quite ambiguous.

Know each other's intentions.

There are also many more than one interactions.

And after so long, I have to add the words of her sister Lei Dian Zhen, and this knee pillow.

This ushered in the breakthrough of the current relationship.

It's no wonder that I really want to complain, and the shadow wants to make people's families lonely and grow old.

Just this posture, this is going to be gone for a long time?

The current result can be described as the result of the joint promotion of many parties.

If Fox Palace knew this, it would mean that I would break my heart.

Why are you two so troublesome!


And in the next contact.

Their lives are getting sweeter.

Even the shadow has a lot more laughter, although it is still shy, but it is much better than before.

Even Qingming (Ye Ruo) found that today's shadow is becoming more and more cute.

The high coldness on her surface is completely a mask.

In fact, he is a very gentle and sensible person at heart.

Sometimes I often show that cute look, which is very cute.

It is in stark contrast to the previous kind of cold general Fan. (cjai)

Who would have thought that there would be such a contrast in her?

At that time, the cold and contemptuous eyes revealed by the shadow can be described as impressive.

I can't see it now.

Let Qingming (Ye Ruo) sigh a little, he actually missed that look a little.

Call Shadow to do it again and show it to him.

As a result, this made him directly hit Shadow's fist.

The shadow means speechless, what is there to miss, look at a hammer!

Glared at him directly.

Not to mention, it's quite that smelly.

was exaggerated by Qingming (Ye Ruo).

Of course, the consequence of this is to be shaken by the neck of the shadow.

After all, she doesn't want face?

Make you so stunned!

Sometimes, going to buy sweets because they are sold out and the stall is closed, and the shadow can only be sad.

As a result, Qingming (Ye Ruo) personally made sweets hand-in-hand, which made Ying very happy.

Then in the courtyard, they played a game of "throw me and I throw you" against the raw materials, which can be described as a daily interaction between couples.

Shadow also asked him to feed himself.

Happiness knows no bounds.

At this point, Ray Movie also has the title of Shadow Treasure.

He would often run over from the castle tower and tell Qingming (Ye Ruo) to get up quickly and practice swords with her.

Such a day can be described as a wonderful day.

They all hope that Inazuma will continue to be peaceful like this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) occasionally meets with Lei Dian Zhen.

He is also very polite to this god who is similar to the shadow chief.

As the God of Thunder on the bright side.

Raiden is a very gentle god, mature and steady, kind to people, able to make people feel like a spring breeze.

In this way, she is naturally deeply loved by the Inazuma people.

Sometimes, Qingming (Ye Ruo) encounters any problems, and will also ask her.

Miraculously, almost most of the things can be answered from this Thor.

Even under her direction.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) also created several powerful Yin Yang Techniques.

This situation also surprised Zhen.

What is this understanding?

She just said it casually.

As a result, one day, Zhen casually said a few words again, and as a result, Qingming (Ye Ruo) once again came up with a new yin-yang technique, leaving her speechless on the spot, and black lines appeared on her forehead.

Is this guy really human?

Thunder and lightning really stared at him with deep eyes, making Qingming (Ye Ruo) scratch his head.

Is it weird?

Isn't this true of the Yin-Yang Technique, which comes out as soon as it comes to enlightenment?

Look at so many yin and yang techniques before him, weren't they all created according to the laws and changes of all things in the world?

Although he couldn't understand his students, why innovation would be so difficult.

Comprehension is too poor.

Only the thunder and lightning really faintly sounded.

It's that he is too savvy and doesn't look like a person.

So this also made Lei Dian Zhen appreciate Qingming (Ye Ruo) more and more.

Shadow didn't find the wrong person.

This guy is indeed a genius of the Yin Yang Dao.

Isn't this much faster than that sword technique?

It is really a waste of talent to spend time comparing kendo with Kage.

So much time was lost in vain.

But this also made him and Ying, it can only be said that there are gains and losses.

It is estimated that if Qingming comes to choose, it must also be a selection.

As for these kinds of yin and yang techniques inspired by Raiden Zhen, they are basically biased towards assistance.

After all, she herself is not good at fighting.

Then one day, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was conducting research that attracted Leidian's real attention.

She was surprised to find it.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) was actually trying to forge a sword, and the fluctuations emitted on the sword made Raiden really care.

Because this turned out to be a bit like the power of lightning.

Then after talking with him, Raiden really understood what was going on.

At first, because I often had to test swordsmanship with Kage, it was very important to have a good sword.

Therefore, Qingming (Ye Ruo) has long wanted to create his own exclusive weapon.

The villain learned a lot of experience from Raiden Wuchuan and came back, and he also had a little itchy hand.

Top weapons, he does not lack.

Shadow gave a good handful.

However, he still wants to create a new sword that surpasses these craftsmanship and combines his Yin-Yang art and research!

After all, no one said that Onmyoji can't use a sword.

He is the founder.

He has the final say!


The sword that Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) conceived for himself.

The name is called - [Tiancong Cloud Sword].

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