But she didn't say anything.

Instead, he would whisper to Qingming (Ye Ruo).

"I am pursuing the ultimate in martial arts, and I hope that you can continue to grow, which surprises me."

"I believe you have the potential."

But that being said.

In the subsequent competition, her hands were much lighter.

And sometimes.

Compared to fighting and killing, they will also have very happy days.

The fox palace is the key pistachio that enlivens the atmosphere.

She will invite Makoto, Kage, and Ye Ruo to play cards under the cherry blossom tree, and the four of them are just right.

Then as a bonus.

It's sweets.

But every time, either Fox Shrine wins, or Raiden really wins.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) also has won a number of times.

But there will be less.

This is exquisite.

Because Raiden is really as the God of Thor, he must let her win more.

As for the Fox Palace? She invented the "eight five three" card, and she got the rules.

So Kitsunomiya is easy to win.

Only Ray movies, often the last.

But she is that kind of indifferent complexion, and she is a little wooden in this game, as if she doesn't care.

Yet once.

Fox Palace and Raiden really left early.

That time it was Qingming (Ye Ruo) who won, and the sweets were with him.

Just as he opened the box to enjoy it, he suddenly found a gaze staring at him tightly.

More prepared to say.

It's staring at the sweets in your hand.

This person is naturally a shadow.

Her eyes were dumbfounded.

As if desperately wanting this sweet.

After seeing Qingming (Ye Ruo) looking up at her, Ying quickly turned around and looked elsewhere, looking like I didn't look at you just now.

It's ridiculous.

It was lovely.

So when Ying turned back again, he was surprised to find that the sweet was handed over by Qingming (Ye Ruo).

Then he said with a smile:

"You eat, I'm not hungry."

"You haven't won a few times all the time, and that's not good. So you're welcome. "

This made Shadow hesitate for a moment.

But after a moment, she chose to take it.

No way.

The sweet tooth is so tempting.

She ate happily, forgetting that Qingming (Ye Ruo) was here for a while, and unconsciously smiled.

Then halfway through the meal, you see yourself being watched.

Yingcai was stunned for a moment, and his cheeks were slightly red.

Quickly restore that indifferent appearance.

And handed to Qingming (Ye Ruo).

"That, I'm almost. Do you want to eat it? "

"Yes. Or you'll eat it all. "

"After all, you've already eaten half of it, and there's yours on it..."

Although Qingming (Ye Ruo) did not finish speaking, Ying Ye finally reacted.

The face turned even redder.

What are you talking about!

Half eaten, all on top of their own saliva.

If he ate it, wouldn't it be an indirect kiss?

So in the awkward atmosphere, the shadow silently ate the remaining half.

No more words.

And in the days to come.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) will quietly give sweets to Kage, and this matter is not discovered by Fox Palace.

They waited for them to leave.

Shadow actually refused this behavior!

Just after every time you see a sweet tooth.

She would always hesitate again and again, but still choose to take it.

This is the mouth is unwilling, but the body is honest.

Sometimes he asked why he likes sweets so much, and the shadow is also supportive, saying that there are so many reasons, can't you love to eat?

At this time, she didn't notice it at all.

She is usually cold, and she behaves like a normal girl.

I didn't find that she and Qingming (Ye Ruo) spent more and more time together.

It's another competition, another sweet tooth sharing time, and chat time.

She gradually got used to having his presence by her side. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, the frequency of Fox Palace's playing with everyone also increased, and then the number of times she won began to deliberately decrease.

This made Raiden really think.

So a very wonderful phenomenon appeared, and Qingming (Ye Ruo) began to win more often.

Shadow didn't notice this at all!

Because for her, being able to eat sweets is already a very happy thing.

No need to think too much.

It is already very good to be immersed in such happiness.

And once, when Qingming (Ye Ruo) was enjoying Lei Movie's action of eating sweets, he found that there was a little residue at the corner of Ying's mouth.

This made him subconsciously take a handkerchief to wipe it.

Then he reacted suddenly, but when he wanted to shrink his hand, he was caught by Lei Movie.

She also blushed a little and didn't say anything.

As if to signal that he didn't need to hesitate.

So Qingming (Ye Ruo) wiped her mouth with his own hands, the process was very quiet and ambiguous, and Ying's face was constantly red...........

The temperature on the body is also getting higher and higher.

It seems that no one is willing to stop this process.

After a while, when Qingming (Ye Ruo) was over, the shadow recovered.

A little flustered said.

"I'll go first."

Just disappeared here, ran away.

Then she appeared behind a distant hillside, panting heavily, looking like she was complaining about herself.


Why did she grab that guy's hand just now and not let him retract it?

What are you thinking?

What the hell are you doing!

However, remembering her and Qingming (Ye Ruo), Ying fell silent again.

Just after Ying was already very accustomed to the days when Qingming (Ye Ruo) was sparring.

He suddenly said with a casual smile.

I have been with her for so long, I should be able to let him go.

This contest can also end like this.

After all, this is a tragedy triggered by a single sentence.

As a result, this was just Qingming (Ye Ruo) casually saying that he was joking, but it made Lei Movie panic.

So Ying couldn't help but be anxious for a moment, and then blurted out.

"Otherwise, if you can beat me in the future kendo competition, I will grant you any wish."

After feeling wrong.

She quickly added a little more.

"Can't go too far! Otherwise, look at the beak knife in my hand, you know! "

"Just the normal kind of request!"

5.4 Qingming (Ye Ruo), who was a little stunned, nodded and agreed.

In fact, he didn't want to end it.

It's nice to be able to be like this with Kage.

I never expected that her own joke would make her lose her square inches.

However, looking at the shadow's expression and tone.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) felt that if she made any excessive demands, she might really slash it out of shyness and irritation.

So, it shouldn't be too much to ask for a knee pillow, right?

As a result, even though his sword skills advanced by leaps and bounds, he was still hung up by the shadow and beaten.

This silenced him.

Are you fooled by your feelings?

Shadow learned to play routines?

Is this human?

Grandma drop, Inazuma City has a deep routine, he wants to return to the wild of Shiratatsu!

So in this state, he worked hard to improve his swordsmanship, and this time he had to win once! .

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