So Shadow will gradually chat and talk to him.

There are also increasing opportunities and frequency of contact.

The relationship is also from superiors and subordinates, and is more inclined to between friends.

For the many contributions of this Onmyoji and his series of actions, Ying is very recognized~ .

He really is a very good man.

Among the Inazuma mortals, those who can match him, - it seems that there is no one at all.

And in the wild at one time.

The shadow showed a daze expression, playing with the falling flowers while bored to blow them away.

Then tilt his head and look at the ocean in the distance.

At that time, Qingming (Ye Ruo) happened to pass by.

After seeing her tilted head and cute action again, I was deeply attracted and couldn't help but blurt out a sentence subconsciously.

"So cute!"

When he just said this, Qingming (Ye Ruo) sweated profusely.



How did I say it myself!

And Ray's reaction from the movie was exactly what he thought.

Just after he said this, it was obvious that she heard it.

Suddenly, Shadow's eyes changed.

He showed a cold expression of disgust at him.

Let Qingming (Ye Ruo) panic.

This is really helpless, and I finally formed such a good relationship with her, but it was all lost by my own operation.

It seems that the good feeling has fallen.

And when he watched Lei Movie come over with a cold expression, Qingming (Ye Ruo) suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Wouldn't Shadow be too angry and plan to stab him, right?

This made him sweat constantly, and he quickly came to an Inazuma-style most sincere apology!

Bow directly!

"Red Bean Mud Smith Marseille!"

"Ah no, that's wrong. Shadow, you listen to my explanation, in fact, I am talking about the little fox in the distance, and the appearance of running over just now is so cute. "

For the wrong thing in the previous sentence, Qingming (Ye Ruo) himself was speechless.

This is again a memory that suddenly came out of my own, an operation that came out.

I don't know why, he always has some extra memories popping up.

It seems that there is more than one.

Very weird.

But there is always a feeling of confusion, as if these memories are his.

But now is not the time to think about that.

You have to make Shadow believe her.

Obviously, in front of others, he can be described as a mature and stable style, and he will never lose anything or make any mistakes.

How did it get to the shadow.

Is it so nervous?

This feeling is only like this when I meet her.

This is that the Fox Palace is not here, otherwise she will definitely laugh at Qingming (Ye Ruo).

It's a stupid person to say that I don't even understand this.

It shows that you like each other!

What else could there be.

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) thinks that what he said is valid.

I never thought that Thunder Movie spoke out coldly.

"Yes, where is the fox?"

This made Qingming (Ye Ruo) quickly look into the distance, left and right.

Then fell silent.

There are only stones and a few old trees, and nothing else.

It's empty.

It was exposed on the spot by the shadow.

This made him smile awkwardly, and he planned to tell his mistake honestly.

Unexpectedly, Ray Movie directly patted him on the shoulder.

Walked to the position next to him.

The cold and domineering words from her came.

"In this way, if you accompany me to practice moves in the future, I will let you go."

"It just so happens that I have fewer and fewer opportunities to do it recently, and it is good to be able to practice more."


"I see."

After getting the answer he wanted, the thunder light that turned into purple disappeared here.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) didn't see it at all.

In the last moment she left, the corners of Shadow's mouth quietly rose. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's like a little bit of bullying him for a successful, proud little action.

Previously, because he was very active, he fought less often.

Since she encountered such a show, didn't this just make up for her lack of martial arts?


Plan through.

Anyway, Qingming, this guy already has a high level of Yin-Yang Technique, so it's not bad to be her opponent.

It should be a pretty good object.

As for saying that she is cute, Shadow thinks it's nothing.

She didn't feel much about what she looked like.

After that, he deliberately looked at his body and wondered.

It's hard to do.

Himself in the eyes of this guy, is it cute?

I didn't expect him to see himself that way.

Only Qingming (Ye Ruo) stood in place and sighed.

I hope that Ying can restrain a little, after all, she is too strong.

It's easy to get into trouble.

So in the following days, they will come to an empty terrain at a fixed time.

There is a fierce battle.

Of course, the shadow binds a lot of his own strength.

Yin-Yang Art is indeed wonderful, but it is still far from the world of the Demon God.

Not to mention her.

But even so, it made Qingming (Ye Ruo) feel very dangerous, and instinctively called the police.

Many times, if he hadn't reacted quickly.

It felt like it was cut by the shadow.

And then seriously injured.

No matter what kind of yin-yang technique he cast, he will be smashed by the shadow sword.

Even the top Yin-Yang techniques that he was most proud of were the same.

This made the corners of Qingming's (Ye Ruo) mouth twitch.

The strength of the shadow is simply a monster.

How to fight this?

Feel like you've completely become her sandbag.

Never mind.

Anyway, after becoming the lord of Yin and Yang Liao, he really relaxed a lot, and now it seems that he really has to work hard.

At least.

You have to have the strength to stand in front of her.

Sometimes, they also compete with simple swords.

Without using other forces, just use martial arts.

Even so, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was still hung and beaten.

After all.

He's an Onmyoji.

In terms of martial arts, it can only be said that it is average.

How could it be comparable to someone like Ying, who was immersed in martial arts and honed it to the top?

But what.

In such a battle, the will and philosophy of both sides can be felt through the most direct battle.

That is, the samurai kind.

The best way to say it is not to talk.

It's about swords!

A confrontation of wills!

A thousand words, all in it.

So this also allows them to start heart-to-heart communication, the relationship is getting better and better, and it is no longer an ordinary friendship.

You can know what the other party means from the look in your eyes.

So Ray's face was full of strangeness.

Knows a lot of things.

But this also made her feel strange and strange emotions.

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