Just don't believe it!

He is also a genius!

A legendary person who can study the power of Onmyoji!

It is a legend revered by all peoples.

How could it be that even this kind of pure martial arts competition could not be beaten?!

No way!

When pigs fly!


The result of the next battle can be described as mercilessly mocking him.

It is clear that he has improved too much, even many top samurai in the shogunate army have long been surpassed by him.

In addition to his own Onmyoji, he can also work part-time as a top samurai.

When that founding sect of Kendo Grandmaster had no problem at all.

Even the first kendo grandmaster of mankind.

This is the gold content of genius, which can surpass the decades of hard work of ordinary people in a short time.

It also surprised Qingming (Ye Ruo).

Because he found that he was also very talented in kendo, able to innovate and constantly create powerful sword skills.

Worthy of yourself.

It's that good.

As a result, he was still beaten by the shadow hanging.

Let Qingming (Ye Ruo) go straight 29 and pick up people are numb.

This illustrates a truth.

Sometimes if you don't work hard, you don't know what true despair is.

He is indeed a genius.

But Lei Movie, even more in the way of martial arts, can be called a genius among geniuses!

As a result, Qingming (Ye Ruo) became more and more aware of this cruel fact.

Even his own sword skills were still improving rapidly, and he had reached the apex of human beings under the Divine Realm.

Still bloody.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Every time you compete in swordsmanship, you can always see a smile in your eyes.

It's like a joke.

It made him think more and more that his point of view was right.

Sure enough, you also learned badly!

Why should he be such a kind person?

Actually, this is not a joke.

It's just that Ying feels that such a day is indeed very happy, and she can't help but show such feelings.

If she continued to feed like this, after a lot of experience and improvement, Qingming would one day become an opponent that even her joyful and excited body trembled.

It's great to have such people!

In her boring life, there was more passion and joy.

It's just that for now, more feeding tricks are needed, so take your time.

It's for his own good.

As long as Qingming's swordsmanship surpasses again, he will be able to have the best match that can always fight in the future, which is wonderful.

Of course, for Qingming (Ye Ruo).

Not only can't you win.

And to be abused all the time.

He can only complain weakly, so let's be a person.

Saying that it is good to fulfill a wish, it seems to have become a turnip stick hanging in front of a donkey.

You can see, you can't eat.

So the truth of the matter is,


Originally looking cold and cute, the real she actually has such a side???

Still that sentence.

The urban routine is deep, I want to go back to the countryside!

So the time of pain and happiness between the two of them continued.

It's just that one bears the pain, the other bears the pleasure, and that's it.

It adds up to pain and happiness.

This makes sense.

And in a tea party where Raiden Shin and Shadow came.

Really looked at his sister who was in a daze.

It's different from before. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Originally, she should have been expressionless, like a cold paralyzed state, very indifferent and unmoved by the world.

As a result, when I am always alone, I will inadvertently smile.

After thinking of something, I can't help but laugh.

It's a big contrast with the previous ones.

Even Shadow himself was not aware of this.

Only Lei Dian Zhen had a look that saw through everything and shook his head.

This silly sister clearly has someone who cares a lot.

As for who that person is.

Whether it is true or Fox Palace, it is obvious to see.

Everyone is not a fool.

Fox Palaces are deliberately wingmen, always pulling them to create opportunities for Qingming.

Naturally, you can really find out this.

So Raiden Shin reached out and waved twice in front of Kage, pulling her back from her thoughts.

"Shadow, I'm still thinking about your little man."


His sister's words startled the shadow.

She quickly kept shaking her head.

"No, sister, what are you talking about, I've always been alone."


However, Raiden really just had a funny expression.

"Yes, I heard that you and that Qingming have an agreement, as long as he can win you in the sword art competition, you can make a request at will."

"It is worthy of being the legendary Onmyoji who is now famous in Inazuma, and he can still have such a fate."

"It's a pity that his worst point is also here, when he meets a hard-hearted shadow warrior, it seems that he is destined to not win."

"To be lonely and grow old, oh, what a miserable and pitiful person."

This made Shadow's eyes widen.


In a moment of excitement, she even stood up.

"Sister, how did you know about this?"

"And I'm for his good, as long as his sword skills continue to advance little by little, he can usher in a new world."

"That's why I'm polishing him."

Raiden Zhen is still confident.

"That's because, I don't know who muttered there in the evening, saying that he was trying to sharpen people or something."

"Even you are hesitating."

"Hmph, feel 380 feel that if this continues, such a relationship will be collapsed by yourself."

"So my sister asked you, do you really like him?"

"Come on, don't worry. Sit down first. "

Under the real reassurance, Kage also pursed her lips and sat down, but she fell silent about this question.

His face was slightly red.

It seems a bit difficult to talk about.

Looking at this tangled and stubborn sister, I really put it differently.

"So, you actually don't like him? If that's the case, you reply yes. "

As a result, Shadow still did not make a sound.

Only the cheeks are redder.

I was really puzzled.

"Hey, what are you hesitating about?"

"Sometimes it's not necessary to be so real, Qingming is a human with great potential, but he can't catch up with you in a short time."

"So give him some hope. Since you like him too. "

"Inazuma is chasing the eternal kingdom, and we all have the same understanding of wear and tear."

"I know you always like to worry about the future, worry about the future. Want to plan and think about a longer future, so you actually don't face him because you think that Qingming's life is not as long as yours? "

"Fishing for people all the time?"

Ray Movie decisively denied it when he heard this.

In the face of her sister's questioning, she was even a little aggrieved.

"It's not! I didn't think about this! "。

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