That quiz brushed off a lot of people.

But even so, it initially passed hundreds of people.

Many of them were soldiers of the shogunate itself.

Let them all excited.

Both in the city and in the village.

After all, the Yin-Yang Masters who graduated from Yin Yang Liao in the future are all official personnel.

Be able to contribute to the shogunate.

The status will also be higher than before.

Naturally, the standard of living can be better.

For this amount, Qingming (Ye Ruo) said that it was okay and taught it together.

How much can be learned.

It's their own thing.

The so-called master leads into the door and practices in himself.

Of course, there is one more point.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) suddenly regretted that he didn't have a harvest god.

He already had a lot of ideas about Shikigami's art.

Just think about using the best if you want to use it.

So it's not the kind of top-notch monster, or powerful samurai, or terrifying monsters.

He couldn't even see it.

As a result, he does not have any contract with God now.



If there were Shikami at this time, they would be able to become teachers.

After all, according to his own ideas, Onmyoji can be divided into many disciplines according to different doctrines.

Five lines alone can divide into five subjects.

Manpower is also exhausted.

Not everyone can be like him, the power of the five elements is captured, and he can use it as he wants. 530 is based on the standard of normal people, taking one main course, and the other as an auxiliary.

In this way, the practice can be a little faster.

I don't learn everything, and I don't know how to do it.

That's hilarious.

Then there are sealing, enchantment, feng shui, exorcism, celestial bodies, divination, rituals, and so on.

Students can choose which ones to practice according to their hobbies and talents.

And so the life that taught these students began.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) kept pointing at them.

He imparts the information and techniques of Onmyoji, and promotes those with outstanding qualifications and carefully cultivates them.

In the future, these are the seedlings who can become teachers.

As long as this stable development continues, Yin Yang Liao will grow stronger and stronger.

And that's exactly what happened.

A year or two later, Yin Yang Liao itself also had a lot of teachers and staff.

It is getting more and more on track and can operate normally.

There are also many graduates who have been awarded the name of Onmyoji.

Joined the ranks of the shogunate army.

It has played a huge role in various actions.

All kinds of yin-yang techniques shine brightly.

Dealing with those evil creatures and wandering martial artists who fell into the grass can be said to have a very good effect.

The other soldiers also saw the many methods.

Summon the power of various elements with talisman paper and attack.

Create enchantments.

Exorcise monsters and clean miasma.

Even these soldiers were given various talisman papers, which allowed their weapons to be contaminated with elemental power and exert greater power.

For a time, the strength of the shogunate army can be described as greatly increased!

The frequency of disasters is also becoming less and less, especially in those villages, and they are becoming safer.

Don't worry about any dangers.

People are praising the power of the Yin-Yang Masters, which also makes more and more people who want to go to Yin-Yang Liao to study.

Everyone longs to become a powerful Onmyoji and serve the Lord General.

And in the process.

The prestige of the Great Yin-Yang Master Qingming is constantly rising, and the water is rising, and it has reached its peak.

So he was called [Ancestor of the Yin-Yang Dao], [Founder of the Onmyoji], [Lord of the Ghosts], [Legendary Man with Boundless Mana] and a series of nicknames.

As for the [Founder of Yin Yang Liao], this point goes without saying.

Even those who graduated from Onmyoji.

When talking about Teacher Qingming, his face was full of respect and adoration.

Say that you are far inferior to the teacher.

Whether it is the bottomless strength, or the vast knowledge of the Yin-Yang Master's Way.

They still have so much to learn. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for Qingming (Ye Ruo) himself.

Instead, he began to gradually regain his dashing and leisurely nature.

There are more and more teachers in Yin Yangliao, but he can be a handshaker.

After all, those new students are learning the basic things of Yin-Yang Technique.

There is no problem at all in being taught by these teachers.

(CJDH) In this process, he also created a Yin and Yang Five Elements Fan.

It can increase the strength of his own spells, especially the power of the Fire Realm Spell.

In the Yin Yang Liao, there are also a lot of Yin Yang Art things.

There are some that come as learning and convenience.

Some are for defense.

When making these things, Qingming (Ye Ruo) also gained a lot of experience and inspiration from the Five Transmissions of Thunder and Lightning.

He was also very interested in those methods of forging knives.

And took a closer look.

Legend is thousands of years ago.

Thor came here and taught his people the art of swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and knife forging, and then continued to develop, branching out and bearing fruit according to different human qualifications.

After a hundred years and thousands of years of star frost have passed, the art of forging the knife has made a big difference.

Due to the stars, functions, minerals, the size of the furnace power, the difference in the elements used, the different processes and steps of knocking, and everyone's understanding and gradual improvement.

This has formed the five top forging knife genres.

That is, [Thunder and Lightning Five Transmissions].

Under the leadership of the company, it is managed.

They are divided into Tenmu, Jingjin, Yishin, Hyakume, and Senju.

These five genres.

It can create a sword that even Thor loves extraordinarily.

Those national treasure-level knifesmiths are very precious.

At this point, the art of forging swords became Inazuma's national treasure.

This status is contrasted with the brewing industry of Mond.

It's all for a country, iconic stuff.

Wine no Mond, Sword no Inazuma.

It's all national property.

So Qingming also wanted to create a long sword.

Although it sounds strange to use this samurai weapon as an Onmyoji.

Actually, there's a reason for that.

No why.

Contest needed.

Since joining Raiden Shogun's command, he has often seen two generals.

And know their names and differences.

One is Raiden Jin, and the other is Thunder Movie.

The relationship is also getting better.

Sometimes they are invited to eat with them and enjoy the scenery in the wild.

And after he became the official Onmyoji, he sometimes eliminated calamities in various places.

This made Ying wonder, this person is also too positive.

I have fought a lot less often.

As a warrior, she loves to fight.

Hone your martial arts.

Hey, forget it, that's a good thing.

It's up to him.

However, Ying will still compete with Qingming (Ye Ruo) to see who is the fastest.

Of course, the result must be the most efficient.

This made her feel happy after seeing Qingming (Ye Ruo's) helpless expression.



You have that expression too?

That's nice.

Obviously he usually looks like a smooth and personable.

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