But after he reacted, he would smile wryly.

That's Lord General.

What to think?

How can you blaspheme the great Thor.

This is a great sin of disrespect!

I really am.

Fortunately, it was just a thought in the head, and no one else knew.

After avoiding those fox women, Qingming (Ye Ruo) appeared in the house where the fox palace stayed.

A woman was sitting at a table, flipping through a book.

She wore a special witch's robe, mainly white and red, even this loose robe still could not hide her beautiful curves and figure, and she looked like a slimmer and well-proportioned girl type.

Unlike ordinary people, she has short white hair.

The dexterous fox ears sometimes shake twice.

Looks pretty cute.

And the style of short hair looks like she looks a little handsome and tomboy.

The eyes are also different from others. "Eight Three Three"

She has golden pupils, can feel that kind of cunning and mischievous eyes, and at first glance she is a very lively and cheerful person.

The most striking thing is that she has a white fox tail wagging behind her back.


The whole is snow-white, with a little gray on the tail.

This tail seems to swing according to the mood of the owner.

At the moment, she is in a good mood.

This is the main mother of the current fox clan, the most outstanding person in this generation of Baichen bloodline - Fox Palace.

The fox clan all followed her and had a high prestige.

After Qingming (Ye Ruo) came in, she naturally knew.

However, she still deliberately put on a frightened expression, and then jumped up from the chair, holding herself with both hands.

Look at him with a look of panic.

"Oops, it's terrible!"

"Why did you suddenly appear here directly?"

"If you suddenly come in like this in the evening and do something to me with bad intentions, won't I be innocent?"

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo): ........

This made Qingming (Ye Ruo) roll his eyes speechlessly.

I didn't make a good noise.

"Lord Fox Palace, what are you thinking."

"Don't pretend, okay, you're afraid of a hammer." It's still such a skin, I know to bully a kind person like me. "

"With your strength, I will be discovered by you as soon as I come in, let alone do anything bad."

"Can't do it at all, okay. Impossible things. "

As a result, Fox Shrine put away the pretended scared expression and smiled and groaned.

"Maybe, after all, you are now a great Onmyoji full of Inazuma."

"I heard that the strength has progressed to a very strong point, and at every turn it is to fight with the Chongshen disaster, and a lot of means have been created."

"If there is any trick used on me that makes me powerless to resist, it will be terrifying."

"When I think of this, my careful liver is beating wildly."

"I'm afraid to die."

Qingming (Ye Ruo) didn't pay attention to this woman who had a lot of drama at all.

Choose to go directly to the desk and sit opposite the fox palace.

After all, he knew how troublesome and troublesome the woman in front of him was.

Their relationship is very good, they are diehards.

When he was brought back by the Fox Palace, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was already a teenager.

Not to mention that after a few years, he has grown very tall.

It's no different from adults.

And his intelligence and mature behavior also made Kitsunomiya very curious.

The two met each other and soon became very good friends.

As for age or something, no one cares.

In the words of Kitsunomiya now, I may be a little older than you.

But two hundred years from now, five hundred years from now?

The difference is very small, not even the difference.

After all, Fox Zhai Palace can see that Qingming (Ye Ruo) is destined to have a long life, and his mother is also extraordinary, she is a white fox.

So in constant getting along.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) also saw what kind of person Fox Zhai Palace was.

All kinds of naughty and like to tease people, often do things.

Sometimes it gives you the feeling that this product is not a woman, but a brother. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Very free, big grin.

She belongs to that concept and has no love knowledge at all.

Just know how to play cheerfully.

Unabashedly charming, a living arsonist.

Let many people miss her.

There was even a little boy who remembered her fondly.

From the age of seven to seventeen, Kitsunomiya appeared.

In people's lives, there have been indelible memories.

The child's evaluation of her was a beautiful woman with eyes like a fox.

Until he started a family later, the man was still remembering the Fox Palace.

It's just that counting the time now, it should be old, right?

There is more than one such person.

However, does she mean this in the Fox Palace, not even a single hair.

She's just playing.

Mouth hi weird one.

Looking at what she said to Qingming (Ye Ruo) on a whim, she didn't care at all.

If you pick it up, she will immediately leave it behind...........

Makes you uncomfortable.

She took pleasure in it on purpose.

Let Qingming (Ye Ruo) think, this is very foxy.

Worthy of her.

So gradually, the two of them became diehards, good brothers, and best friends.

Just like now.

Fox Palace's sudden look of a strange smile and touched him with his arm.

"Hehe, when I came back, I must have been pursued by many girls in the clan, right?"

"Say, have you fancy any of them. I can give you a wedding, and the bag is beautiful! "

"If you're a little greedy and fancy more than one, well, I want to think about it."

"For the sake of our iron relationship, if you bribe me, give me some treasures you found during your journey."

"It's not that I can't think about it."

In this regard, Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) fiercely gave her a middle finger.

"Host you big-headed ghost, no."

"I'm still so young, you want to send me to the grave?"


This made Kitsunomiya wonder.

"I heard that you are coming back, and I specially asked the girls to dress up, so that they could take the initiative and act at the opportunity."

"I didn't expect you to have a fancy, which is really outrageous."

"Could it be that your vision is so high?"

"Or do you already have someone you like?"

Facing the self-explosion of the Fox Palace, Qingming (Ye Ruo) looked disdainful.

Sure enough.

This guy who loves to do things is still the same old 2.2.

And then, the noisy atmosphere between the two of them began.

"Say quickly, who the hell do you like?! If you can fancy this Onmyoji master, I am afraid that it will never be ordinary. "

"I think it might be a young lady in the Three Sects!"

"No, can you be serious."

"Don't be shy, with the prestige of your sister of the Fox Palace, there is no problem at all for you to marry a woman of such a family."

"Not to mention that you are now known as Inazuma, what kind of great yin-yang master with boundless mana, a legendary person who shuttles between the two realms of yin and yang, the realm of life and death."

"Ouch, yes. Much better than me. "

Then there was Qingming (Ye Ruo)'s faint complaint.

"Fox Palace, I see you are too skinny."

Not long after, the exclamations of the Fox Palace sounded here.

"Oh oh oh, don't tickle me, stop, stop it!"

"Don't just praise you twice, as for you!".

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