But there is one thing that must be noted.

As long as you continue to find the God Calamity, you are destined to carry more.

Bearing the grievances of the losers, the fight continued.


Thinking of this, Qingming (Ye Ruo) just smiled indifferently.

As the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

He's still young.

Maybe a solution will be found later.

I have been worried about these messes, and affect my own life ~ life, that is mediocrity.

Only by correcting your own mentality can you have a wonderful life.

So he went on his own journey.

The legend of Onmyoji Qingming has been left everywhere.

Even everyone began to call him the Great Onmyoji, with unfathomable powers, able to use mysterious and wonderful Yin-Yang Techniques, shuttling between life and death.

Many people worship him and want to worship him as a teacher.

Learn Onmyoji and become a respected Onmyoji.

Gradually, he will cause a sensation wherever he goes.

However, Qingming (Ye Ruo) still haunts the area of the Chongshen Calamity, constantly fighting with it and sharpening the Yin-Yang Technique.

Trying to be constantly streamlined and innovative.

Standing still and being complacent is never an option.

It has to be improved.

After he is satisfied, he will teach and teach the disciples, and at that time, he can consider accepting disciples and carry forward the profession of Onmyoji.

If he is alone, he is not an ancestor.

Moreover, he originally wanted people to have the power to protect themselves!

No more disasters.

Be able to hold your head up and live with pride.

So the shadow face was strange and found out, how can this person always grab life with himself!

Obviously, sometimes, when she was going to deal with it, she was preempted by this guy again.

If you don't know, you think you're lazy.

Therefore, this made her also have a competitive heart in her heart, and she has been competing with Qingming (Ye Ruo) who is faster and more efficient.

Although she did not talk and meet Qingming (Ye Ruo) much.

But both sides have a number in mind.

Know what's going on.

It is also a different kind of tacit understanding.

It's a wonderful feeling.

And after this matter was really known by Raiden, she really didn't hold back, and laughed at her sister on the spot.


You're so strong, and you're still competing with a human.

Like a child.

Oh yes, that Onmyoji seems to have the bloodline of the fox clan, so he is called the White Fox Lord by those people.

Not purely human.

But even so, on that day.

Raiden really instructed his sister.

"Shadow, you can help him more, after all, he is not us. The power of the gods can easily endanger him. "

"Qingming has always helped people, and we certainly can't let such talents die in vain."

At that time, Ray Movie was sitting opposite his sister.

A very well-behaved and obedient look.

He nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Really, I know, don't worry."

"But sometimes, he does run well and handles it quickly."


"Ahem, I'll help!"

In the face of her sister's words, she was still very well-behaved and decisively changed her words.

This made Lei Dian Zhen's eyes complicated and distressed, and he held the shadow gently.

Feel the temperature of my sister.

"Shadow, it's good that you're still there. My silly sister, my sister only wants you to live safely. "

"Why do you act like that because of the position of the seven rulers, why do you act like that because of the [heavenly capital]."

"Do you know how sad and painful I was?"

"In the future, let's govern Inazuma together and go down with the people."

The shadow was just silent for a long time before he spoke.

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) caused an uproar under a series of things, and after the matter of making a big show in front of the shogunate army was publicized.

Become a household name!

Famous Inazuma!

The original teenager finally became a big man.

This made Qingming (Ye Ruo) also feel that he had been traveling abroad long enough, and it was time to go back to Baichen Wild.

It was his second home. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So he walked according to the original road, and along the way he could see many little foxes jumping alive, running happily on the plain.

Some of the little foxes still recognized him, or felt the familiar aura in him.

Happy came over and rubbed his trouser legs.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) also touched the heads of these little foxes happily, cute.

They are like carefree children.

The cheerful and relaxed emotions in the little ones seem to be contagious.

It also made him empty of mind and enjoy life here.

So Qingming (Ye Ruo) also lay on the grass with these little foxes, enjoying the breeze and the fragrance of grass, as well as the fragrance of flowers in the distance.

The distant woods also made the sound of leaves in the wind.

All this is so beautiful.

And if you go inside, various buildings also appear in front of his eyes, and walking here are some grown foxes.

They sometimes take human form.

For example, now, there are many young girls and teenagers here.

In fact, these are all fox changes.

Among them, there are more women.

It's all female foxes.

After seeing themselves, these girls and teenagers also spoke out with respect.

"Lord Qingming!"

There were also many women's eyes lit up and pasted them.

I want to communicate and chat with Qingming (Ye Ruo) closely, and bring them closer.

After all, his current appearance is incomparable to the personability of other clansmen, plus the name of the Great Onmyoji is too loud, he is completely a superb man!

How could the girls of Huaichun not be moved?

One by one, they are dedicated.

Some want to invite him to dinner, some want to invite him to play, shopping, traveling, etc.

And they were so daring that they even invited him to play cards in the room.

The other girls also teased and quarreled.

For this kind of thing, these women will not feel anything wrong.

After all, they are all vixens.

Ben is charming, sexy, bold, and active personality.

Only Qingming (Ye Ruo) sweated on his forehead and disappeared here, avoiding these people.

Not sure why.

When encountering this kind of thing, the first thing that came to his mind was the majestic and beautiful Lord Thor.

These sisters are indeed good-looking, but they are compared to the generals.

It's a lot worse.

It's like the difference between a peerless beauty and a rouge fan.

Of course, this is a bit wrong to describe, the woman of the fox tribe can still be.

It's just that Lord General, it's really beautiful.

After seeing her for the first time, I can't forget it.

Not to mention that in the competition behind, sometimes Qingming (Ye Ruo) will also see Lei movies.

It's just that after glancing at each other, the other party disappeared.

Let Qingming (Ye Ruo) remember it deeply in his heart for a long time.

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