Inazuma Castle Castle Tower.

In Narugami's territory, one of the most conspicuous buildings stands in the center of the castle.

It's that high.

It's so magnificent.

This symbolizes the majesty of the supreme power of ruling a country!

No matter who knows very well, their Lord Raiden Shogun sits in this castle tower, guarding Inazuma and ruling Inazuma.

He managed the power apparatus and coordinated a series of affairs related to the shogunate's armaments.

That's what everyone believes.

As long as Lord Shogun is there, Inazuma will always prosper and people will live and work in peace!

This kind of scene can be passed down from generation to generation.

At this time, guests came to the castle tower.


"Kitsunomiya do you mean to let Haruaki join the shogunate and become the official Onmyoji?"

At this moment, Raiden Zhenduan was sitting above, her upper body was straight, and she looked elegant and gentle.

With a smile in her eyes, she is a standard kimono beauty.

There is both that sense of maturity and stability, and the temperament of noble virtue.

And opposite her, is the Fox Palace and 29 Qingming.

Fox Palace also nodded happily.

"That's right!"

"True lord, my clan has been a member of my clan since my parents died when I was a child, and then under my wise teaching, I grew into a very good talent."

"With some guidance from me, he also touched the bypass, miraculously became his own way, gathered all the leaders of the world, created the system of Onmyoji, and became a great character."

"So, with his ability, how can he play a big role in the shogunate." I hope that Mako-sama will give him a good position. "

"Oh yes, again, he can be so good, and I have helped a lot in it."

"Hey, for the sake of us Inazuma, I can also be regarded as a disstinctant cultivator, so I can't be rewarded by the way." Hey. "

Qingming (Ye Ruo): ???

If you don't want to be faceless, it has to be you, Saimiya.

It was clear that the Yin-Yang Technique was created by him when he wandered in all directions.

When he was staying at the Wind Meal, presumably this guy from Fox Saimiya was either eating oily tofu at Narujin Taisha Shrine or eating a big meal in Hakuchen no No.

The days are very dashing, the kind that plays everywhere.

This Pippi Fox!

But for the sake of those fox ancient books, forget it, don't care about this.

On the contrary, it was this Raiden General.

How is it different from the one I cared about before.

It came from his intuition.

Although it looks very similar, the last Raiden General obviously has a heavy samurai temperament.

Unlike the one in front of you, it is more peaceful and gentle.

It's as if I didn't meet this one.

It feels really weird.

And Raiden was really amused by her words.

"You, you, are still so lively and mischievous. Your own rewards come later. "

Then really looked at Qingming (Ye Ruo).

"Yin-Yang Master Qingming, the one who sings the world. I have heard about your reputation many times, and I also have some understanding of your personality and ability. "

"So I want to ask you, do you really plan to pass on the Yin-Yang Technique?"

"Such a precious technique has cost you too much effort."

"And what position do you want you to be under me, and how do you plan to do it?" I want to hear your own thoughts. "

"You must have your own thoughts and opinions."

Qingming (Ye Ruo) also spoke out respectfully.

"Lord General, as a person who pioneered a group, I naturally hope that the Yin-Yang Master system will bloom and more newborn Onmyoji will appear, so that the Yin-Yang Art will have meaning."

"After all, the so-called yin-yang technique, everyone has their own ideas. With the wisdom of everyone, it may be that a variety of new techniques will be studied in the future. "

"This is the power that appeared in order to give everyone the ability to protect themselves and save the people!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"As for my personal thoughts, I hope that Lord General will allow me to establish an institution that teaches Yin-Yang Arts, and if the name is it, it will be called [Yin Yang Liao]."

"As the initial leader, I will train a steady stream of Onmyoji for Inazuma and the shogunate."

"At that time, they can go to Inazuma's places to carry out exorcism, ward off evil spirits, regulate water and soil, and protect people's behavior."

"Yin Yang Liao?"

"Nice name."

Raiden really pondered for a moment.

Then smile and clap your hands.

"I agreed. Well, welcome Qingming to join. "

"Serve Lord General, as it should."

"Hehe, you're too modest. In this case, you can first live here in the shogunate and get familiar with the environment, people and things. "

"Then you can start your Yin Yang Liao creation plan."

"Shadow, you take him to familiarize yourself with familiarity."

As soon as the words fell, Lei Movie in the body of a shadow warrior appeared next to Zhen, and then nodded silently.


However, after seeing that this person was Qingming (Ye Ruo), she was also surprised in her eyes.

Then she looked indifferent.

"Come with me."

This made Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) also stunned, there were actually two generals.

The long ones are also very similar.

Sure enough, my guess is that these 160 things are correct.

The second one is the one he saw.

When he subconsciously glanced back at the Fox Palace, she just shrugged her shoulders casually.

A copy is like this, and you didn't ask me ah's expression.

Good fellow, this Pippi fox.

So Qingming (Ye Ruo) followed Lei Movie and went to the rear.

Raiden really looked at the fox palace and explained.

"In the disasters and events caused by the gods, Shadow and he have met more than once. Let the shadow take him, it will not be too strange. "


This caused the surprise of the fox palace.

"He's seen Shadow."

Coupled with the previous incident in Baichen Zhiye, a trace of shock appeared in the eyes of the fox palace.

She suddenly had a bold idea.

The reason why such a handsome Qingming has always been single is that other women in the clan can't look at it.

Could it be, wouldn't he have seen the shadow?


It felt like I had suddenly eaten a big melon!

Qingming, this guy really dares to think about it!

But on second thought, the shadow is indeed good-looking.

She and Zhen are twin sisters.

That little face, that long legs.

And that big and white, even the fox palace himself envies.

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