And at this time.

The last of the god-revering powers gathered together, and I saw that an invisible black flame was generated here.

Twisted figures and monster figures appeared one after another in the black flames.

Made a weird sound.

This made the faces of several shogunate soldiers with the Eye of God change drastically, and they all waited for it.

"Can this thing still have such awareness?"

"Is it a return to light, or a final struggle?"

"Everyone, be careful!"

At this moment, the black flame that appeared with a strange figure suddenly made a sound.

"Yin-Yang Master Qingming, you who have been clearing the calamity of the gods, sooner or later you will be riddled with karma and fall into darkness forever. Usher in your sad fate. "

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) watched quietly.

He recognized it.

One of them is the remnants of the gods that were eliminated last time.

Perhaps the remaining fragments have been fused with other evil here.

So it's not strange to be able to remember him.

The so-called worship of the god is, after all, the remnant power of the past demon god.

It's no surprise that anything can happen.

The figure gave off a look of resentment and disgust.

I don't know if it's Harumi's behavior like this, or the jealousy of losing a battle in the past and dying at the hands of Narugami.

After all, he is just a mixture of messy things.

Slag in 513 seeds.

But he still emitted a curse-like hatred.

"The winner has everything, and the loser can only fall into darkness. Onmyoji Qingming, remember that the so-called winners are destined to carry the grievances of the losers and continue to survive. "

"This is the fate of those who are constantly fighting and struggling!"


It is obvious that the other party has a clear background.

The only survivor of the plague of worship.

Then all these figures disappeared.

Only Qingming (Ye Ruo) was silent for a moment, and then looked at it with a determined gaze.

"So what, I'll keep fighting miasma filth."

"Inazuma will one day be able to usher in true peace. People live here in peace and laughter. "

"As long as you fight for such a reason, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

"Tragedies like mine don't need more people to carry them!"

Looking at this scene of the thunder movie from afar, a straw light appeared out of thin air in his hand.

The defeated are still babbling crooked here.

Watch her slash with a knife.

Worship God or something, it's all rubbish!

(Cjee) But just as the shadow was about to pass, she stopped again.

Because Qingming (Ye Ruo) has already started.

He pointed two fingers at the sky and formed a Narugami seal.

And the corresponding words and spirits chanted out.

"O thunder symbolizing the authority of the gods, please use the merciless rice light to sweep away the evil! Sweep away the darkness! Thunder come! "

For a time, terrible thunder and lightning continued to rage.

The deafening thunder also roared.

Bang this place into a huge movement!

A large amount of electricity and thunder light descended here, dealing the most terrifying blow to these remnants of the god worship and evil!

Under such power and attack, all black flames were annihilated.

In this land, it is always Lei Guang who is the most noble!

Because it symbolizes thunder punishment!

Symbolizes the supreme deity in the hearts of Inazuma!

And this trick.

It is the [Yin-Yang Technique Thunder God Spell] developed before!

With the roar of thunder and lightning, the disturbing and eerie aura also disappeared.

The ruins have also been reduced to ruins.

In the future, it will not threaten the villagers living in this area.

The soldiers of the shogunate were all stunned when they watched this scene.

All were stunned.

Such an amazing sight.

Can Yin-Yang Technique even summon such an exaggerated thunder?

It's incredible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And before that, this one summoned a sea of fire that swept around, right?

If it hadn't been contracted, none of them would have dared to come over.

And what kind of golden light of rock attributes, they also saw the big water before.

It is possible to use more than one elemental means.

Onmyoji, indeed powerful!

Being able to create such an ability, this one is simply a living legend, and he will definitely become a great big man in the future!

After solving the trouble here, Qingming (Ye Ruo) also nodded with these sergeants.

"Since the matter has been announced, then I also left."

"See you soon."

After putting his hands together, Qingming (Ye Ruo) disappeared directly here.

Only some smoke remained in place.

This is the Yin-Yang Technique!

Only the soldiers of the shogunate remained, showing respect and admiration in their eyes.

This is the attitude towards the strong.

Yin-Yang Master Qingming, they can be said to have seen each other's strength this time.

It's amazing.

But for Qingming (Ye Ruo), he was now stunned.

Because after a while, he appeared near a hill.

When he was about to continue using the technique, the familiar figure that appeared in front of him made him dumbfounded.

Because this person turned out to be.

"Lord General?"

At this time, Lei Movie was already in a state of tilted head thinking, and after seeing Qingming (Ye Ruo), her eyes were also surprised.

Does this guy still have such abilities?

However, she still straightened her expression.

Revealed a full side of majesty.

And then praised.

"Well done. I saw all your battles. "

"If you have an idea in the future, you can join the shogunate army."

"By the way, the Fox Palace has been nagging you for a long time, maybe you need to go back."

Then Ray Movie disappeared here as well.

As a martial artist, as a shadow warrior.

It's rare for Shadow to say so much to others, she generally only needs to perform tasks silently.

Everything else is done in real terms.

So sometimes she looks a little dumbfounded.

But for Qingming (Ye Ruo), such a thunderbolt general seems to be different from what he has seen before.

It seems that there is more majesty of a warrior?

And that tilting head action is a little cute.

However, he didn't think much about it, and left immediately.

Regarding that filthy word of the gods, he naturally knew very well in his heart.

The demon gods are very powerful existences, and the so-called worship gods are only a small number of the remains and slag after their death.

And on these wrecks, all kinds of filth will breed.

Bring all kinds of disasters to people.

And constantly eliminating these things will easily make yourself contaminated with bad influence and pollute your spirit.

That is, carrying the so-called "karma".

If it is serious, it will make the mental state very bad, or even crazy, right?

Those endless resentments will shock people's hearts, and one bad is death, thus becoming a monster.

But for now, it's not a big problem.

He didn't get much on it either.

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