Their family lives in the wilderness of Baichen.

Those nimble and cute little foxes will often run between the grass and mountains, and they can be seen everywhere lively and cheerful.

In Inazuma, the fox is a very sacred creature.

Known as the messenger of God.

Actually, it is.

They are originally a race under Thor.

And the name of [Baichen] is not an ordinary place name, but a name with a great origin.

Legend has it that a long time ago, Inazuma once had a big fox named Shirakatsu.

She is the main mother of the fox clan.

The blood is noble.

She also taught six disciples, all of whom were strong in mana and proficient in many means.

On weekdays, these disciples will assist the main mother in holding the shrine and keep the mountain safe.

The fox clan can be described as a prosperous and prestigious family.

So even after many years, Bai Chen's bloodline is still constantly transmitting.

It is the most noble bloodline of the fox family.

The descendants who inherit the rich Baichen bloodline must have a noble status and be able to rule the fox clan.

There are also some foxes,

Because with the continuous reproduction and diffusion, there is also a very thin Baichen bloodline in the body, but this is also like this.

Far less orthodox.

However, in terms of cultivation and growth, there are still some advantages

And now.

The purest and most bloody successor is named [Fox Palace].

During this time period, a white fox with an extremely thin bloodline was playing around, and it turned into a human form.

Fall in love with some mortal.

Gave birth to a child.

It was a boy.

The fox bloodline in the body is not very obvious, but after all, it can be regarded as a person with human and fox bloodlines.

This child is the son of the future white fox.

He pioneered the path of Onmyoji and is known as the first ancestor.

Gradually, the little boy of that year also gradually grew up and became a teenager.

From his slightly immature face, he could see that this was the young version of Ye Ruo.

Actually, this is one person.

And as soon as he was born, he was extremely extraordinary, a man of natural wisdom.

Will greet his parents with a smile.

Within a few days, you can point with your finger.

After half a month, I can speak clearly and communicate.

By the time he was one year old, he was already quite intelligent, able to read many books, and preached the first thing.

This surprised and delighted both his parents.

More and more care, cultivate him.

However, when he was six or seven years old, a catastrophe suddenly broke out here, and all the people living here died, and even the parents of the teenager died to protect him.

Even if she showed her special and used the ability of the fox clan, this mother still died in battle.

When Fox Palace's arrival when he heard the news, it was already night.

All that remained were the corpses of those people, and the corpse of a white fox.

But even so, the power of this white fox is still guarding a cellar.

Inside, Kitsunenomiya found the only surviving teenager.

So the Fox Palace took him in and brought him back to the White Garden.

And after this young man experienced such a thing, he became more and more eager to protect himself and protect everyone's strength.

I am so smart, but what is the use?

Without strength, no one can protect it at all!

This is the realization that he experienced this.

His parents were also properly buried by him.

Because there is some fox bloodline in itself.

So with the help of the Fox Palace, he began to practice some of the spells of the Fox Clan.

However, perhaps the bloodline is too thin, talk is better than nothing, the effect is not obvious, and the progress is very slow.

He leans more toward humans than foxes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the teenager is not discouraged and distressed.

He is inherently intelligent and naturally intelligent.

So he began to flip through group books and ancient books, looking for ways to make him stronger.

A lot of the information made him think, inspiration kept emerging, plus the fox clan's own cultivation method could also touch the bypass.

There are other ways of inhuman races.

Perhaps, he is really a genius that is rare in a thousand years.

It really preliminarily created a method that can use elemental power.

However, he felt that it was not enough, and began to travel everywhere, exploring ruins and ancient materials, and constantly adventuring.

Study your own path.

And at that time, after being brought back to the Shiratatsu no Ye by the Kitsune Palace.

The boy buried the past and gave himself a new name.

It was a wonderful memory that occasionally emerged, a legend from a distant and otherworldly world.

Although very mutilated, only a small part of the front.

But that's also the story of the son of the white fox.

So he intercepted the contents and named it Qingming.

As for that otherworldly legend, he didn't know what happened later.

But it doesn't matter.

He will go his own way.

Sometimes, some strange memories come to his head that he is used to.

So far.

Qingming (Ye Ruo) came out.

Sometimes, he would also come up with another kind of information, which was about the immortals.

More importantly.

There is some information about fairy laws.

Therefore, Qingming (Ye Ruo) fused all his knowledge and understanding in history into one, taking the strengths and advantages of those systems and discarding the shortcomings.

Created the path called Onmyoji.

Its most fundamental concept and idea is:

There is an energy between heaven and earth.

He called it spiritual power.

Human beings can cultivate to obtain spiritual power between heaven and earth, so that they can cultivate [spell power] in the body.

Then he also comprehended the Five Elements.

For aquatic wood, wood fire, fire to earth, native gold, gold (Qian Wang Zhao) water.

It is used as the most fundamental framework of yin-yang art, and the entire yin-yang art system is built.

Of course, Qingming (Ye Ruo) naturally knew that there were more than five elements in this world, as well as thunder and ice.

But his five elements have more to do with the world, the composition of heaven and earth.

It does not refer to the seven elements.

The wood, earth, and gold among them are very illustrative of the difference.

The so-called five elements live together.

The yin and yang between heaven and earth go hand in hand, and the five elements live together, so that all things in the world appear, which can derive endless changes.

This is what he meant by taking this new path [Onmyoji].

In the name of yin and yang, the means of the five elements are exercised, and more techniques are derived.

Ice and thunder are also naturally located in it.

At this point, he has become the ancestor of the Dao, and has studied a new and bright road toilet.

This is.

A technique that both humans and foxes can cultivate.

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