So after the foundation was established, Qingming (Ye Ruo) began his new journey.

It constantly witnesses people's joys and sorrows.

The trace of fox bloodline on his body had no effect on cultivation and bonuses.

The only good thing is that it has a longer lifespan.

After growing to a certain extent.

His appearance was fixed, and he had always been that flowing and handsome young appearance.

It can be described as a noble and elegant white fox boy who captivates thousands of girls.

But having said that, Qingming (Ye Ruo) was still very young at this time.

It didn't take long.

It just means that you can live longer later.

During this period.

He constantly enriched his Onmyoji methods and created many spells.

The sheer number of them.

Nor is it a problem to write a Book of Spells.

The most common is the charm seal.

It can exert many abilities such as sealing, binding, stabilizing, sleeping, exploding, the power of the five elements, enchantment, etc.

Not to mention the spells upwards.

Even he was working on something more advanced.

It was an existence called Shikigami.

Qingming (Yeruo 303) travels around Inazuma while getting along with the people there and helping them solve their problems.

Then whenever there is a place where the power of the gods is involved, he will be allowed to rush over immediately.

Carry out exorcisms, ward off evil spirits, purify and so on.

These filthy and miasmatic miasma often cause disasters and hap the people of Inazuma, something he abhors.

Because what made him an orphan was the calamity caused by the worship of God!

The human body is too fragile, even if it is a place with high elemental power, it cannot stay for a long time.

Not to mention the power of God.

It's like poison.

So over time, his fame also grew.

People from far away know.

There is a young man who is different from the samurai, the witch, who is able to use a power called Onmyojutsu to heal people and drive away evil things.

I have been fighting against the power of the gods, the evil monsters!

The people he saved were grateful and sang his name.

People who haven't seen it are curious.


So what is that?

Everyone only knows the Eye of God.

Those who possess the Eye of God can easily trigger the power of the elements, and once they are trained and developed, they can easily become the elite of the Heavenly Domain.

It's still the kind of treatment where you can quickly get a promotion and a salary increase as soon as you enter.

Lead a group of soldiers and become the leader of a squad.

It's all normal things.

So this kind of yin-yang technique, can it be stronger than ordinary samurai?

Only those who have seen it with their own eyes know that such a technique has far surpassed the so-called samurai, and is not comparable to mortals at all.

And one day.

When Qingming (Ye Ruo) passed by a village, he saw some wailing and screaming people, carried back to the village by other villagers.

There are five or six in number.

Looking at the decorations, it should all be close to the coast for fishing.

They were tied to a wooden frame, but they were still struggling.

His face was blue, accompanied by a strange cry.

It's like being in the middle of an evil spirit. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, the other villagers were talking about it, with a worried and flustered tone.

"Alas, how did it become like this, isn't that Ono, I saw his happy face this morning, and said to see if I can go to the sea to get some good goods."

"And Tanaka, obviously a taciturn person, now his face has become like this? Still yelling all the time? "

"It can't be something unclean, right?"

"I heard that there have been monsters infested recently, they are extremely ugly, their bodies are full of eyes, and they like to attack people who are still wandering outside at night."

"And it's not big, it's quick. Quietly follow behind you without knowing (cjab), and by the time you react, it will already rush up and bite your neck! "

"Even most people didn't react, they were bitten to death on the spot, dragged away alive and eaten."

"Especially women, this kind of monster will drag it to enjoy it first, and then eat it directly!" What a beast! "

"Oh, you said that, wasn't it eliminated by that Onmyoji Qingming-sama? You're in a closed message. "

"And looking at Ono like this, it's definitely not."

"It seems that they went to a ruined ruins in an attempt to find treasure. As a result, he suddenly ran out like crazy. They also tried to attack people who were working in the fields! "

"I was beaten down by a few hoes, and then someone brought them back."

After Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) saw the appearance of these people, he immediately understood.

This is miasma into the body.

If left unchecked, they will continue to twist and turn into monster-like things.

At that time, it will be very dangerous for ordinary people.

So he immediately stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"Let me know, they have been invaded by evil qi. Don't get too close, you will be infected. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was frightened and hurriedly retreated.

All of a sudden, a large area was vacated here, leaving only the people on these stretchers on the ground.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo): .......

Don't watch the lively now?

Crying and laughing, he came to these miasma people, and then as soon as he cast a spell, six talisman seals flew out of his body.

They all clinged to these people.

Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) makes prints with one hand.

"Exorcism, urgent as a command."

For a while, these talismans all emitted light, and then a stream of energy blasted into these people's bodies, forcing all those miasma out.

He waved his hand again.

A talisman also flew over, igniting the miasma.

A flame directly generated in the air.

It startled everyone.

At this time, there were several people who were shocked, as if they recognized the identity of this stranger.

"Could it be that Lord Qingming with such a method?"

"Lord Onmyoji who wanders in all directions!"

"Yes, to be able to have such an aristocratic and elegant temperament, as well as this jade-like and handsome face, it must be!"

"After all, I heard that Lord Qingming has a handsomeness like a heavenly person, which is far from being comparable to ordinary men."

The families of the victims also rushed to check on the situation.

After seeing that the family gradually returned to normal and began to wake up, they also thanked them again and again.

There are even some specialties that come from home.

What eggs, grain, fruits and the like.

This made Qingming (Ye Ruo) refuse again and again.

"No need, it's just a trifle."

"Just let them not go to such dangerous places in the future."

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