Just thinking about it is exciting.

After all, the book "Please My Fox Immortal Palace Division" written by Yae Miko before tells the story of Lord Waste Material General and Lord Almighty Gongji.

By the end of the story, even the fox fairy palace master fed the general medicine mouth-to-mouth.

The little fox dares to write, but there are many.

What lilies are pasted, are normal operation.

It's a pity that Yae Miko knows very well that this is just his own beautiful fantasy, at best, it is fantasy time.

The real shadow is cold and indifferent, sitting cross-legged in the pure land.

Don't say this, even the shadow touching her head, or holding her little fox posture in his arms to comfort the like, has long been gone.

Think of these.

Yae Miko shook his head at it.

Never mind.

Let's think about the problems that Yaedido is encountering today.

Can't really be killed by that Ye Ruo alone, right?

It seems that I have also been able to write a handwritten one.

Hmph, do you want to combine a series of settings of that Ye Ruo.

What about a fox fairy witch who is good at breaking demons and cursing evil?

Its own spiritual power is strong, and it has various magic seals, prayers, exorcisms, charms, enchantments, miasma, and gods.

29 is best at the Devil-Breaking Arrow and the Sealed Arrow.

Then there's the eccentric and cute fox fairy witch who fights alongside the arrogant, lonely Raiden General.

They fight against many demons.

Active in one amazing and magnificent battlefield after another.

The arrogant Raiden General was also slowly influenced by the witch in these processes and gradually recognized this companion.

A story of adventure, war, daily life, treasures, life, and more that travels around the world.

It's nice to think about.

Although many settings are in Ye Ruo's book.

However, Yae Miko said that since it is so easy to use, I can't overdo it a little.

Who let this Ye Ruo understand so much.

If the setting is too exciting, it will be easy to crush the previous Inazuma novel into slag.

Now in many Inazuma's novels, familiar settings such as spiritual power, spell power, cultivation, charms, yin-yang jutsu, and Shikigami appear.

This was the impact of the huge impact brought by that Ye Ruo.

What a cross-era novel reform.

So Yae Miko also went to her room.


[Ding, congratulations on your success in opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining a dream of floating life in the fairy wine recipe. 】

After seeing the legend suddenly increase a bit, there are two chances of precious treasure chests.

Ye Ruo opened it casually.

And then the first one is.

【Fairy wine recipe floating one dream】

[A wonderful fairy wine that can make people reminisce about a lifetime, like a dream parting. Just as the so-called big dream who wakes up first, this time only self-knowledge. After drinking it, there is a feeling of waking up from a big dream. It's evocative and can't be let go for a long time. 】

【Formula materials: clear heart, dandelion seed, fairy spring water, xxxxxx, etc.】 】

Looking at Ye Ruoyile, the feelings are still Teyvat's version of fairy wine.

Most of the inside is the material of Liyue.

There are very few items from another world, and I also have them here.

Can be brewed.

It's kind of interesting.

This item is good.

Then Ye Ruo opened the second treasure chest without care.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining the item to cover the Onmyoji Qingming character card with fake and real history. 】


Boy! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This can make him feel energetic all at once.

Eyes shining.

The corners of his mouth also rose.

This action alone shows that he is in a very good mood at this time.

A little excited.

It's really unintentional.

I didn't expect that there were so many rounds of smoking at one time before, but now it is just a random draw.

The so-called lottery is really wonderful.

Sometimes if you force it, it is difficult to draw.

On the contrary, when I didn't want it, there was again.

In this way, the history of Inazuma can also be recreated.

Without hesitation, Ye Ruo, whose eyes became sharp, directly used this character card.

The familiar tone from last time sounded again.

[Ding, using the Onmyoji Haruaki character card to cover the false and true history is successful, with the ability of false and true, the relevant history begins to be inserted, the reconstructed theory covers Tivat, and the history and past related to Inazuma begin to be improved. ] 】

The story of Inazuma begins.

Between 500 and 600 years ago.

Inazuma, also one of the Seven Kingdoms, is an archipelago located in the far east of the continent of Teyvat.

This is also a point that is different from other countries.

Mond, Ligetsu, and Meru are all located on large land, while Inazuma is made up of many islands, and there are many scattered islands around the large island.

People living on the islands rely on boats to get around and travel.

On these archipelagos surrounded by red maples and crimson cherry blossoms, there are sand embankments that surround them, towering and broken cliffs, and lush woods with fluorescent lights and tranquility.

The people who live here believe in a god called "Naruto God Now Raiden General".

This is the eternal kingdom.

At this time, the Demon God War had long ended, and thousands of years of Star Frost had passed 967.

People enjoyed a prosperous and peaceful life under the protection of Thor.

And those demon gods who were defeated by Narugami, the power and residue left behind after death, formed a lot of evil things, filth, has been plaguing the people of Inazuma, causing a lot of tragedy.

That's the resentment of the loser and the miasma that keeps stagnating!

Unfulfilled wishes! A roar to the loser!

In Liyue, this thing is called demons.

In Inazuma, this thing is called Sojin!

So some islands are not suitable for survival, people gradually focus on the best islands, and Thor is constantly leading his soldiers to eliminate monsters.

This Thor also has a sister, the two of them one light and one dark, one real and one shadow.

Zhen, as the god of thunder on the surface, rules the country.

And the shadow is as the shadow warrior behind her, sweeping away all obstacles to her progress!

It is the shogunate [Kage Shogun] yes!

Together, they are Raiden Generals.

In Inazuma, in addition to humans, there are many other races living in addition to humans.

Ghosts, tengu, foxes, tanukis, etc.

Among them, the first three clans all served for Raiden General, and all of them had outstanding talents who became the right hand of this Thor.

And one of the more special is this Inazuma's fox clan.

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