So on the next day.

When it was just getting dark.

Rosalia left here, and her cold face seemed to be a lot more rosy.

When walking, the long legs are also ~ a little awkward.

It is clear that if Ye can be treated, but Rosalia is still so stubborn and personal, saying that with the ability of her true ancestor vampire, she will recover quickly.

It doesn't matter.

She is like that, cold, always immersing herself in - her own world.

But it is also true, Rosalia has successfully turned into a true ancestor vampire, although the strength has not yet risen, but other characteristics have begun to appear.

Originally, the temperament of the ice beauty also had an extra enchanting feeling.

It has also become a lot more beautiful.

Needless to say, the degree of skin lubrication is even more important.

So Rosalia is just like this to remember this feeling.

She wanted to remember this moment deeply.

Even under the cold exterior, there is a gentleness that belongs to her.

This is her happiness.

It's just that Rosalia won't express it directly, she just needs to be Ye Ruo's shadow and follow forever.

All the information and knowledge in her bloodline were absorbed by her.

So she knows very well that she will have an almost unlimited life in the future.

Can not grow old or die, has always maintained the current state.

I also felt that Ye Ruo was not an ordinary person.

You can also live like her for a long, long time.

Ye Ruo's blood indeed had an extraordinary and amazing attraction for him.

Very obsessed with Rosalia.

It's just that Rosalia said that she would not do such a thing as sucking blood.

Especially sucking Ye Ruo's blood.

Then when she left, she said very seriously.

Just call her if you want.

She will come right away.

Rosalia is different from other women, not so reserved and awkward, she has always identified her relationship with Ye Ruo.

Never contact with other men.

Single-mindedly existed as Ye Ruo's shadow, handling things in the darkness for him.

It's the perfect helper.

So Ye Ruo would say that, he couldn't let Rosalia be alone all the time because of him, right?

This stubborn and cold guy.

Just listen to yourself.

Besides, this is Rosalia who has not been cut.

Upturned and tall.

And after that, Lisa also appeared here.

She covered her mouth and snickered.

"Well, it tastes good."

"It's true, beauty kills you, why do beautiful women revolve around you."

"But she is really pitiful and only recognizes you. What a poor sister with that past. "

"Big cute, do you want to let her live in too?"

Ye Ruo sighed.

"Rosalia is such a stubborn character, she just said it solemnly, I don't want to disturb you and Yura."

"She feels like she is just a shadow, and you are my main palace. So don't let me mess around, just run. "

"As her light, I am well aware of her character, she really just wants to be my shadow, hidden in the shadows."

"How can people with the Eye of God be ice attribute have a combination of various contradictions."

"But I'll treat her well."

So Ye Ruo started time management again.

When Qin was working in the office, sometimes Ye Ruo would also appear next to her and help her with some documents.

This also made Jean very happy.

Such a picture is simply what she dreamed of!

That's awesome!

Is this the two-person world between her and her predecessors?

Just at the beginning, Qindu felt that her heart was full of happiness.

I didn't expect that a busy person like myself would be able to usher in the love I wanted.

Of course, sometimes Ye Ruo's hands were not honest at all.

Also let her meet red ears.

Even Lisa sighed, are you here to help or to eat qin tofu? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What a bad embryo.

All the good things have been taken up for you.

After all, the library is not far from the head of the mission's office.

Lisa would come and visit often.

Because the librarian job is really idle.

Make tea if you want to make tea, chat with the piano if you want, and from time to time you can go outside to find those who borrow books to return books.

You can also go back to Ye Ruo halfway to play.

Very dashing.

Because Mond as a whole is such a free city.

Therefore, Lisa also despised Ye Ruo for a while, and knew that bullying Qin did not even call her.


This left Jean speechless.

You two are almost there.

And the relationship between Qin and Ye Ruo was naturally noticed by the knights of the Knights.

Everyone was shocked and congratulated, and then there was a wail.

I didn't expect that such a perfect person as Captain Qin would eventually find a lover.

Lord Ye Ruo, the wind knight, is too strong.

It's Lady Lisa again, Captain Eura again, and that Heavenly Power Condensing Light, and now even Captain Qin has fallen.

It's also terrifying.

It is simply the idol of countless men.

The three flowers of the Knights were all picked by one person.

And the close relationship between Qin and Ye Ruo is also rising rapidly.

Sometimes after the work is handled in advance, Ye Ruo will also take her to the field to blow the wind and look at the scenery.

Jean Jean was like a dream.

The seniors are really strong.

With his help, these things can be handled at once.

And those basic little things, there are other knights will deal with, they actively want to die in order to brush honor points in exchange for good things.

The rest of the time, Ye Ruo also accompanied Youla and them.

Then in the afternoon, Ye Ruo would find Rosalia.

Let this stubborn and stubborn ice beauty walk against the wall at every turn, who makes her unwilling to recover.

This also caused Rosalia to gnash her teeth a little.

He is a true ancestor vampire, and when he got to the back, he was not Ye Ruo's opponent at all.

This guy.

What a big pervert.

So Rosalia also bit her lip and chose to use her ability to recover.

But the benefits are clear.

With the help of Ye Ruo, Rosalia had the power of immortals at the beginning, and then advanced by leaps and bounds, and under Ye Ruo's energy, she is now a high-level immortal.

Maybe it won't take long to break through to the Demon God.

This made Lisa also sigh, this is the combination of true ancestor + dragon essence, and the strength caught up with her at once.

After all, as a rose witch, Lisa's true strength has long been at the level of immortals.

After being repaired by Ye Ruo, it was even more stable at this level.

Then after a series of cultivation and research, as well as Ye Ruo's help, he was already a high-level immortal.

Becoming a top immortal is not far off.

It's just that she didn't expect that Rosalia would look faster.

Feeling his own genius, he was really flattened.

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