Looking at Rosalia's reaction, Ye Ruo explained.

"Do you want to use this?"

"This is a bloodline that can make you stronger, and after using it, you will have a true ancestor-level vampire bloodline."

"Simply put, you won't be human."

"True Ancestor is a Demon God level existence, so you can also have the power of a Demon God in the future. Even just blending in can give you great power. "

"Then absorb the moonlight essence through cultivation, or suck blood. This blood-sucking word is not very strong to you, rest assured, you can also choose not to suck. "

"And if you want to suck it, I can divide my blood for you, it will be very helpful to you."

"Over time, you will be able to become a demon god in the future."

"In that case, you can also have confidence to be by my side, right?"

Rosalia was also taken aback.

"Demon, demon god? How can it be. Is there anything else that can make people grow into demon gods? "

But to be honest, she did move.

Because of his current strength, he really couldn't stand by Ye Ruo's side at all.

It will only hold him back.

If he could become a demon god, he would be able to better protect Ye Ruo, right?

So Rosalia spoke up directly.

"What kind of creature is a vampire?"

"Is it much different from humans?"

This made Ye Ruo think about 630 for a while.

"Not big, or about the same as a human. It will be reflected in the gloomy temperament, well, just like you are now. "

"Then get more fangs to retract freely."

"As for the other abilities, they are all incidental to vampires. You'll understand when you fuse. "

"I won't hurt you. This kind of True Ancestral Bloodline is much better than other vampires. "

After all, this True Ancestor's impulse to suck blood is not very strong.

Also not afraid of the sun.

There is no need to hide in the shadows.

This has dumped a lot of vampires for more than ten streets.

Not to mention the strength is not bad.

So Rosalia nodded directly and decisively.

"Then fuse, I want to be stronger."

She is definitely not a hesitant girl, she only knows what to look ahead and look ahead.

When you encounter such an opportunity, you should seize it.

That's her character!

So Ye Ruo also came to her and sent this bloodline into Rosalia's body.

As soon as it touched it, it was directly integrated.

Then Rosalia's eyes widened, and she felt an extremely huge force in her body, and she was rapidly transforming herself.

It made her make a sound.

But she forced it down again, and if there was a bloodline, she could do it.

Ye Ruo was by her side.

"Maybe if you fuse for the first time, you will have a big urge to suck blood."

"If you can't help it, just suck my blood."

Looking at Ye Ruo, who deliberately showed her neck, Rosalia's eyes were complicated, and then her face quickly turned cold, and she seemed to be a little angry.

"You know, I won't hurt you."

"You gave me a new continuation in my life, and I made a vow to protect you forever."

"Where the light goes, there will be shadows."

Ye Ruo just smiled.

"It's nothing, I've always been with you. My blood is not mortal either. "

In this fusion process, it seems that reinventing one's own words is a bit painful.

A little pain appeared on Rosalia's face.

This made Ye Ruo gently hug her, pat her back, and comfort her. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What a stubborn guy.

If it hurts, it doesn't matter if you shout it.

Fortunately, this process was short, and it didn't take long for Rosalia to recover, and the powerful resilience of the True Ancestor Vampire began to show.

As for Ye Ruo holding her, Rosalia didn't say anything.

As his shadow, in fact, Ye Ruo said something that no matter how excessive the request, Rosalia would not resist.

However, this guy has never done anything bad to take care of himself.

It was clear that Rosalia had tried to make Ye Ruo react with such a mature (CJCE) body.

So she is also in a complicated mood, there is no need to be so good to herself.

This guy really wants to give himself a new life and a healthy mind.

Just accustomed to the life of killing in the past, how can she embrace the sun?

At this time, an extremely strong blood-sucking urge poured into her brain, causing her to grow two blood-sucking fangs.

As a first conversion, for a true ancestor-level vampire.

It is normal to suck blood once.

Not to mention that you can put it away in the back.

It can be described as a vampire in the best, and there are no side effects.

So in an instant, Rosalia grabbed Ye Ruo's shoulders, and her fangs were directly aimed at his neck, ready to plunge in and drink blood.

Ye Ruo didn't stop it, but he still smiled like that.

"It's okay, there's me."

It was precisely such a scene that made Rosalia's scarlet pupils shrink and violently resist this impulse.

When the fangs were about to touch Ye Ruo's neck, they actually took it back.

Her original teeth were lightly bitten on it.

The movements are light.

It seemed that he didn't want to hurt Ye Ruo at all.

Rosalia's eyes also regained their clarity, and she, who was originally cold, also whispered at this moment.

"You idiot."

In fact, Ye Ruo didn't care about her blood sucking at all, after all, her own blood was the blood of the green dragon.

It is also the blood of the demon god.

It is a great benefit for Rosalia.

It can make her become a true ancestor (demon god) faster.

Not to mention that with Ye Ruo's green dragon body, which has a length of hundreds of meters, as far as she drinks, there is not much at all.

But even so, Rosalia chose to use her will to overcome the urge to suck blood.

It seems that she plans to absorb only the moonshine essence in the future.

This will be much slower.

And if you don't suck blood the first time, it will be a little defective.

I have to make up with her.

So Ye Ruo directly pulled her closer, and Rosalia obviously reacted.

"With the two of them, isn't it enough for you to toss?"

"I don't let you for so many years, and because I've been alone all the time, then it's completely my fault." And you are incomplete this time, it is too slow to absorb only the moonshine essence in the future, I will send you another kind of energy. "

"Forget it, just be. So, Rosalia, would you like it or not. "

In this regard, Rosalia took the initiative to lean over.

"You know, I listen to you in everything, and it's all of my own free will."

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