Let's see the direction of her new research at that time.

At that time, I will be able to compete with the Demon God as a witch!

It was good that her witch practice, but she did not abandon it.

Even if she is not a member of the Witch Society, Lisa has her own genius and has researched her own witch path.

The witch is the mainstay, supplemented by the fairy law.

There are no shortcomings, and you can run all the way!

Take off directly!

Don't underestimate the witch.

After all, that Kelly's mother is also a witch and one of the elders of the witch society.


The upper limit of the witch is not low.

Even high.

Mona is actually a witch, and her master is also the elder of the witch society.

Lisa felt that she would have the combat power of the Demon God at that time, and there was no big problem.

After all, he was spoiled by Ye Ruo at every turn.

Look at her stronger genius, to surpass that doctor.

Hehe "two-five-seven".

Compared to the doctor's kind of miscellaneous hair who was expelled from the Meru Shogunate, he didn't even have a diploma.

She graduated seriously.

It is still a legend in the Holy Order.

So it should be the most dishable dish in Eura at present.

Medium immortal.

Oh no.

The most dishful thing is the piano.

After all, Qin currently only has a Wind Elemental God Eye.

Even if Ye Ruo had tutored her to develop some powerful wind skills in the past, she was now a top knight at most.

Under the immortals.

There is no Fargajan yet.

After all, Falgar's own strength is very strong, and he is also stronger because of Ye Ruo's restored great sword art and the use of elements.

Lisa looked at the books on her desk.

From Elemental Introduction to Soil

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, Mo deceive the weak elements!" 》

"Elemental Skills That Even Idiots Can Understand"

Although the name is very interesting, it is actually a series of research experiences about the wind element.

Very precious.

As for why it is such a name.

That's because this is Ye Ruo's bad taste.

Lisa thought he was funny, and sometimes the ideas that came up were interesting.

During this time, Lisa also did something.

She said that she gave Ye Ruo a surprise, so that he could not perceive with the elements.

When Ye Ruo walked to her room, she found a mature woman on the bed who was blindfolded and her hands and feet tied.

He immediately recognized that it was Jean.


Are these two playing so hi?

But on the contrary, Qin's face turned red, and she quickly explained out loud that she was willing.

If it is a senior, anything can be.

Let Ye Ruo sigh for a while.

Who knows if the leader of the Zephyr Knights is in his room at the moment, or if he is tied up.

Just wait to claim it yourself.

Lisa is such a talent.

Originally, he and Jean were the kind of people who slowly felt the feeling of being in love, allowing Jean to fully enjoy the happiness of being a girl.

Since Jean has long had this intention.

Then he laughed.

So the next day.

Everyone in the Knights found that the Qin Troupe had taken leave for a long time, and this time it was Ye Ruo who handled official affairs alone.

Many people showed tacit expressions.

Especially the kind of male and female knights who have long had lovers.

It is estimated that if Jean comes to work later, he will be embarrassed for a while.

After all, she is really thin-skinned.

Yesterday, I was red-faced, and I kept covering my eyes with my hands.

That's called a pure love girl.

It really made Ye Ruo taste endlessly.

Jean is really a very special kind of girl, under the shy exterior there is actually a lion-like tenacity, and she will also boldly courtship for love.

Like asking for a ring, or agreeing to Lisa's approach.

Just to firmly grasp Ye Ruo. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It also has the softness and spirit of a dandelion.

He is worthy of being the head of the Knights.

Ye Ruo was amazed.

No matter who it is, it's a good girl.

I will take good care of them in the future.

Look, it's still a happy old age.

By the way, you can also see other people tossing in secret, wanting to fight against Tianli.

You just need to move a bench and eat melons to watch the play.

After all, he only needs to write a novel and draw a treasure chest.

No need to emerge.

Pure pleasure people.

Happy like a fairy.

Oh no, he was originally an immortal.

And when he went to work, Ye Ruo also opened two precious treasure chests by the way.

One is five electric trees.

This thing, when the time comes, plant it in various areas of Mond, just as a landscape.

It can also be used as a decentralized power source.

Anyway, they are listening to their own orders, and they are safe.

Unlike Meru's side, I can't grasp it at all...........

I heard that they also fell into a pang of self-doubt because of Mond's electric energy technology.

This face snapped.

Ye Ruo could only say like meow.

After all, even he knew that it was the scholar of the Miaotheist school who proposed to study the power of the electric tree and build the electric energy matrix.

However, everyone who understands understands that the Miaotheist school is the school that has been suppressed and is unwilling to give more research funds.

Not to mention that the Ordinance also limited the development and extension of mechanical technology.

What else does this develop?

Even if it is not stopped by the Primitarians, sooner or later it will be vetoed by the Decree House.

I really deserve to be surpassed by Mond.

Not only did Fontaine surpass Meru, but even Mond surpassed them in electric energy technology.

In this regard, Ye Ruo could only say.

This sage can't.

After all, this is a group of people that even God dares to lock up.

It doesn't work.

At present, it is still the most cocky of Meru.

Then Ye Ruo opened a second precious treasure chest.

He was surprised.

It turned out to be the [Secret Realm of the King of Qiuqiu].

There are quite a few Qiuqiu Kings who can brush out various attributes.

What Raichu Hill King, Frost Armor Hill Hill King, Rock Helmet Hill King.

Ye Ruo even saw other attributes that he had not seen in his previous life.


It's really interesting.

As the king of the Chuchu people, if this kind of monster appears, the average knight is not an opponent.

After all, this thing suddenly jumps out and gives you a big punch.

Or give you a 3.4 big pocket.

You know it's wrong.

It's very violent.

But now.

As a secret place for the training of the Knights, it is just right.

Just let the king of Qiuqiu teach them how to behave.

Can greatly exercise teamwork.

After all, the Qiuqiu King here did not appear alone, and he was able to summon his subordinates.

There are all types of chuchus.

Gotta get this bunch of guys serious.

Otherwise, even if you can withdraw at any time, if someone does not react and is seriously injured if they are not careful, it will be funny.

So Ye Ruo found a place and personally placed this secret realm.

And let the members of the Order team up to fight the monsters.

From then on, it should be a normal training program of the Knights.

Of course.

Knights who have reached a certain level can apply to fight in this secret realm.

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