And after returning home, Ye Ruo also made Youra and Lisa coquettish.

After all, the Wind and Flower Festival is a festival of love.

For Monds who have a lover, isn't that the act of playing poker?

So they stayed happily together from noon to evening.

Until after Yura's stomach grunted.

She struggled with a flushed face and cooked for Ye Ruo and the two of them.

Even with a variety of convenient food props.

Eura still likes the feeling of doing it herself.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of such cooking skills?

Every time I see my own work, I can make everyone eat it happily.

She will have a sense of satisfaction when she is born.

This is a characteristic of a family chef.

Although Lisa jokingly said that this is obviously a housewife, but if Eura is anxious, Lisa will also say that her sister knows that she is wrong, and then come to the kitchen to help.

Let Eura be angry and funny.

Sister Lisa is simply like a witch and likes to tease people.

Sometimes I also directly comment on my shameful performance on the side.

It made her faint in shame.

How can there be such a bad witch.

Then she would want to bully back, and the two women often fought together.

It can be said that the picture is infinitely beautiful.

It was another beautiful day.

But in the middle of the night.

Ye Ruo, who was originally sleeping with them, suddenly got up slowly, and his movements were very light.

It seems that he does not want to disturb them.

At this time, Eura was already asleep, and Lisa opened her eyes with a flushed face.

"Go, it's good that she's also your shadow, and it's not good to let people blow the wind outside all the time."

"My sister was so sleepy, so I continued to sleep."

Ye Ruo was also gentle dragonfly and nodded her forehead.

And walked out.

After a while, Ye Ruo appeared in another house not far from here.

In fact, this is Ye Ruo's house.

Moreover, they are all set up with magic arrays and alchemy arrays, which can only be opened after special techniques and permissions.

However, the person standing here in the house actually had the authority given by Ye Ruo.

It's just that she didn't choose to go in.

Cold wind blows outside here.

Obviously, there are many houses here, which is very contradictory.

Ye Ruo looked at her lonely figure.

Even in the moonlight, the fishnet socks stand out from the upturned figure.

It was like a shadow in the moonlight, silent and cold, unable to pay attention to everything in the world.

This person is none other than Rosalia.

A mysterious woman who is at odds with the bustle of Mondstadt.

When people celebrate the festival, they can hardly see her, as if she is forever separated from the bustle by a world.

With her, it seems that there is always only the past and loneliness.

For Rosalia, being able to watch Ye Ruo in secret, watching over the city he loves.

That's enough.

As a result, Ye Ruo's sudden appearance made her a little unexpected.

Before she could say anything.

Ye Ruo took her hand angrily and went to the house here.

"You guy, it's all midnight and the temperature is very low, so don't stand outside.

Even though she was pulled away by Ye Ruo, Rosalia still had that very cold expression.

"Cold? Do you think that for a person with the Eye of the Ice Elemental God, it will be afraid of the cold.? "

"That's not okay, I have so many houses, you know what to stay outside."

"Since you want to be my shadow, be kind to yourself. This is my order. "

As soon as these words came out, Rosalia immediately had no opinion.

Silently, Ye Ruo dragged her to the house next to her.

Although they often bicker.

Although Rosalia couldn't even say the name of the wind god.

It's Baba Black at every turn, Bass take off, Bardetos or something.

But for Ye Ruo's orders and orders, she would not have any opinions, and she would obey one hundred percent.

Ye Ruo let her do anything. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is the relationship and tacit understanding between them.

Simple and straightforward.

And once inside the house, the temperature is much better.

Then before Rosalia could say anything, Ye Ruo took out a blood-colored energy ball.

It looks deep and charming, and there are golden silks flowing inside, flashing and then appearing in other areas.

The fluctuation that emanated surprised Rosalia even more.

Immediately became very vigilant.

That was the essence of power far beyond herself.

From that lump of blood, she seemed to feel the breath of God, which made Rosalia's body tremble a little.

It's not that she's timid.

It is the oppressive force brought by being a higher lifeform, which is very amazing.

After all, Rosalia is just a human being.

Even with the Eye of God, he is still a mortal.

It is said that it is the original god who has the eye of God and has the potential to evolve into a god.

In fact, the comparison of the garbage of God's Eye is a very poor power system.

After all, it stands to reason that the Eye of God should be the Heart of God when it evolves.

Yet those seven rulers are the Heart of God.

How do the following ordinary humans level up?

It's all stuck here.

It seems that Sky Island did not intend for humans to ascend, but only as a crude power system to maintain domination.

Like other worlds, at least the cultivation system is complete and can be cultivated all the time.

What about the Eye of God?

Most people don't get it, just a few.

With the Eye of God, that's the way it will be for the rest of your life.

It's not far from God.

From the perspective of human beings themselves, the God's Eye system is a very deformed system.

But from God's point of view, this constitutes a very good pyramid system.

Ordinary people - Bearer of the Eye of God - Seven Earthly Rulers - Sky Island.

Very stable.

The only example of man becoming a god.

It was still Vanessa who borrowed Wendy's light and begged Wendy, which was regarded as a relationship to ascend.

And then I don't know what happened.

The probability is not good.

After all, there are all (Li's) high gods, what status can you have as a mortal god?

Sky Island is the last one.

But where human beings become a little more gods, human gods like Vanessa can still have a little right to speak.

However, in that case, it is estimated that any god can drink her around.

The classic contradiction between the two collectives of innate gods and acquired gods.

Ye Ruo couldn't stand it when he thought about it.

This is still a good idea.

The bad thing is that Vanessa may become a firewood.

For the sake of the world, burned itself.

Probably already burning everywhere, everywhere in the world.

So Wendy sometimes says to the air, "Winessa, you're still guarding Mond."

It's terrifying to think about.

No matter how you guess.

It didn't end well.

Looking at it this alone, the God's Eye system is simply a system without potential and upward channels.

In the huge data, a case like Vanessa is equivalent to nothing.

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