In fact, the harlequin has already said it very tactfully.

After all, the Doctor's doppelganger is not the strongest slice.

Among the executives, the captain is already the strongest human on the continent.

In the front, it is basically inhuman.

For the sake of strength, they all more or less transformed themselves.

Play mechanical ascension like Dr.

There are even those who are not human.

The gap between the executive before and after is larger than the other.

Therefore, according to Ye Ruo's performance, Harlequin is indeed ~ the level of the top three.

The captain of the fourth is certainly far - inferior to him.

Of course.

If only Ye Ruo could join the fools.

Then he should be able to take a fourth seat and squeeze out one of the captains.

This is the world of executives.

If they don't have such power, not even the level of the Demon God, how can they oppose Tianli?

That's better to vote earlier.

Go to farming.

The disparity is too great.

After all, in front of Tianli, the demon god is really nothing.

Even because of the battle for the throne, the side of Tenri suffered great losses.

It was still able to make so many demon gods on the continent obediently start the battle of the seven earthly rulings at that time.

What is this concept?

I know how strong Sky Island really is.

It is precisely because the heavenly reason is too strong that this side of the winter has to collect the heart of God and carry out other plans, secretly and constantly plotting.

It's not even close.

That's the saints of heaven!

Even the Red King coveted the power of those saints.

And with the combat power that Ye Ruo showed so far, it was enough for Zhidong's side to try to fight for it.

This also made the empress on the throne praise.

"It's funny that a human being can have such power at such a young age."

"And he was originally from the Winter Kingdom."

"In that case, fool, the matter of wooing will be left to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

This palace fell into dead silence again.

What Harlequin didn't know, however, was that his plan was doomed to fail.

The knowledge he gave was destroyed by Ye Ruo after just glancing at it.

And after Mond, ordinary residents did not feel anything about meteorite rain.

Keep drinking, keep being happy.

It is also getting closer and closer to the Wind and Flower Festival until the festival officially arrives.

As a traditional festival in Mond.

The Wind and Flower Festival is a day of revelry, freedom and love.

Monds, who yearn for love, will also pursue happiness.

As for the couple, it is a great time to be able to spend a happy and happy time.

So Ye Ruo accompanied Youra and Lisa and they played everywhere.

Everywhere you go, it causes a sensation.

People happily greeted Ye Ruo and asked for autographs.

Others took Fontaine's photo camera and took a photo with Ye Ruo.

Lisa, who wants to be affectionate, is coquettish and helpless.

"It's true, Ye Ruo, your popularity is too high, my sister rubbed your face intimately, and many people saw it."

"The three of us have completely become hot spots in the crowd."

Eura also nodded in understanding.

"yes, it feels like I'm eye-catching. After all, I belong to the Lawrence family. "

"I can detect some people's eyes wondering, why did the Great Wind Knight find a woman from the Lawrence family?"


Ye Ruo scratched her little nose. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Obviously, everyone has long known that you broke with Lawrence, you are a very good girl, so you don't have those bad problems of Lawrence."

"Not to mention that since you have become my woman, then you belong to my old Ye family."

"What does it have to do with Lawrence? Lawrence rolled aside. "

"As for why I'm looking for you, it's like Yura being so beautiful and good-looking, with a good figure, and dancing and a beautiful ice beauty, naturally convinced me."

Such praise directly made Eura blush.

She is someone who cannot stand praise.

Especially it was Ye Ruo who said this.

At this time, Eura looks cute and beautiful, like a red apple.

People can't help but taste it.

So Ye Ruo directly gave her a kiss on her little face.

It made Yura's face hot and embarrassed.

"What are you doing! This is on the street, what if someone else sees it. "

"What, is there anything wrong with kissing your wife?"

Lisa also laughed and moaned, teasing Yura.

"Sister Youra is still so easy to shy, obviously we have all been happy more than once or twice, we can all say old husband and wife."

"Maybe this contrast is also what Ye Ruo likes about you."

Then she also looked at Ye Ruo.

"That's right, big cute. You said so much about Youra, so what do you think is good about your sister, what do you like? "

This made Ye Ruo smile.

"What do I like, that's of course Lisa, your charm is lazy, full of charming charm."

"Not to mention the plump body and tender waist. And your slender black silk legs, I can play for a lifetime. "


As soon as these words came out, Lisa almost didn't hold back.

Gave him a blank look.

"You're a lustful guy, you know to pay attention to this. Obviously, my sister is also very intelligent and talented, okay. "

"Of course, Lisa, you are a genius and intelligent woman, and every time you study the scholarly style, you really attract me."

"That serious little face and eyes, as well as the elegant and intellectual temperament, is great."

Eura also agrees.

"Yes, Sister Lisa is a genius, and she has also taught me a lot in cultivating immortal methods."

"Every time I have her teaching, I suddenly realize that I have made great progress."

"It's really our luck to have Sister Lisa."

The smile on Lisa's face grew.

"Okay, okay, both of you are getting better at saying good things, I'm going to be praised by you and can't find the north, and I'm going to go to heaven."

"Let's go, let's go to the next area to play, there are a lot of festive activities held by the vendors."

So the three of them also happily went to another commercial street.

And elsewhere.

At this time, Wendy was also very happy and had endless wine.

Hold poetry and singing at will, and countless people will come crazy.

Even because of the people's frenzy, Wendy sometimes goes into hiding.

It doesn't show up all the time.

Or the people will drown him.

Such popularity, Wendy can't bear it for a long time.

It's better to be a little more normal.

Now he is hiding on an unobtrusive roof, drinking wine.

"Ah, the [Apple Flower Wine] limited to the Wind Flower Festival is really good."

"This is only during this period that the celebratory wine tasting will be pushed."

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