Can this urge to get closer to each other not make Mona run away in fear?

It's terrible!

Which young witch can stop such a person?

It would be strange if it didn't fall for a long time.

The strength is so strong, and the long one is also handsome.

No wonder the old woman would say that this is the best home for witches.

However, she refused!

Genius is the pride of genius!

She is the best astrologer genius!

Until a grunt came from her stomach, which made Mona's proud little face collapse.

The sky and the earth are big, but the meal is the biggest.

Woo hoo.

See how much you have left in your wallet.

Why is she so poor?

Every time I buy my own research equipment, I don't have much left.


Hurry up and find the heir of the old woman's friend, and then think about making some money.

The other party was in Mondstadt and didn't move much.

Easy to find.

To the Winter Country.

In this land of ice and snow, there are countless cold winds blowing, bringing white snowflakes and coldness.

In such an environment, a majestic and magnificent palace is located here.

【To the Hermitage】.

The leader of that executive, the number one chief clown, is here at the moment.

He kept his eyes on the 160 chessboard on the table.

Remain motionless for a long time.

It's like a silent statue.

Compared to other executives, time seems to have left the heaviest mark on him.

It feels solemn and solemn.

But at this moment, the voice of the Ice Empress suddenly came from the higher throne.

One of her hands was also placed on the edge of the throne.

"Harlequin, don't you worry that it is just a futile move to deliver so much knowledge?"

With this voice, Harlequin's eyes seemed to finally fluctuate.

His respectful voice also sounded here.

"Your Majesty, that knowledge is only a small part after all. It looks amazing, but in fact it is flashy, and it does not touch the essence at all. "

"If I can make that Ye Ruo interested at such a price, then I have earned it."

"I have collected information about the Wind Knight, who is an alchemist himself, and has also used ingenious alchemy to crack his traps in the past confrontation with Dortore."

"Now those alchemical creations of Mond are most likely related to him. Perhaps he also got some of the cjce techniques in the ruins, and he is a genius himself. "

"Geniuses always have similar characteristics, he is the same, so is Dortore. There is always a quest for more refined knowledge and mysteries. "

That's what Harlequin did.

Even if that Ye Ruo didn't look at that knowledge at first.

Over time, he would always look through it.

Even if it is the pride of being a genius, just as a reference and reference.

But Harlequin deliberately dismantled the most critical knowledge.

This Ye Ruo, who is enough to be stuck, wants to die, and is crazy about it.

As a harlequin who has lived for so long, it is worthy of the name - ginger is still old and spicy.

As for the relic machinery, many scholars from other countries on the mainland have specialized in research.

This is nothing again.

After all, this kind of ubiquitous machinery, no one to study, that is strange.

For example, in Meru, there was once a very powerful scholar, Kapido.

That's the academic genius of the Mystical School.

At the age of less than thirty, he received the title of Ji Pan Ji.

In the papacy, according to the lowest to the highest, it can be divided into Tyriyas, Dhata, Vaishnava, and Sages.

This one almost became a sage.

Everyone also thought that he could become a sage. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because this Kapidou Master was so good, the Decree even set up an award in his name - the "Kapidoku Master Award".

He is a leading figure of the Myoist school.

The direction of his research is the relic treasure.

That is, the giant robot that sleeps in the wild, super huge.

This kind of person, if he continues to study, Meru's force can rise wildly, and there will be a huge breakthrough in the mechanical aspect of the ruins.

At that time, the harlequin considered fooling this genius until winter.

This kind of talent is needed for winter.

Not to mention the materials for a series of relic machinery, he had a lot in his hands, and he just happened to have more in-depth research materials.

However, the Kapidou master died during an outing.

Immediately after that, the Decree Academy's various crazy suppression of the Miaozhi school not only completely banned the research of mechanical life, but also imposed very harsh restrictions on all other mechanical development technologies.

As a result, it is difficult for scholars to apply for materials that want to study this area.

The same type of experiment, it is also difficult to get permission from above.

The problem of academic funding was greatly hit and cut after the disappearance of this Kapidow master.

The scholar of the Myoist School lamented, with a heavy resentment in his heart.

Some people even said that they know to strictly control the development and promotion of mechanical technology.

You are so talented, so why don't you close the void?

Just know the rules for engaging in such disgusting things.

This also led to Meru's crotch pulling in terms of weapons.

They themselves suppressed the field of mechanical technology and cut off their own hands.

It stands to reason that they with their void are the most suitable for developing this kind of path.

So much knowledge, and such an advanced thing as the void, once developed, it is easy to take off directly and get out of control.

There is no problem at all in becoming the most developed country.

The starting point is great.

These are all the rich foundations left to them by the Great Compassion Tree King.

However, a very funny thing happened.

Fontaine's technological development directly surpassed Meru.

How to fatten things?

On the contrary, Meru sat on the mountain of gold, and as a result, the direction of research was distorted.

The sages of the Decree went to study something else.

For this matter, Harlequin's evaluation of Meru is the child holding the golden bricks.

Directly crooked.

Waste a bunch of waste!

It is simply an insult to the title of Sage.

Any cat and dog dare to call this name.

For the death of that genius, an old guy like him can naturally see it at a glance.

Hmph, boring internal struggles.

I can only regret it.

But then Harlequin finds another genius and invites him to join the Fools.

This person is Dortore.

Now the second seat of the executive - the doctor!

Harlequin is very good at digging talents, and many people are pulled by him.

He has a wealth of experience in academic genius.

Then he spoke up.

"According to the battle between him and Dortore, Ye Ruo's strength is among our executives, and it is also at the level of the top three."

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