People are also enjoying this festival.

These festivals in Mond are more than one day.

The Wind Flower Festival is a festival that lasts for a period of time.

The others too.

For example, at the Gui Feng Wine Festival, you can set up stalls for several days or play around.

Mond's freedom is great in every way.

So their festival won't be just for one day.

How is one day enough?

It's not fun enough, it's not fun enough.

People just have a lot of time to party and play crazy.

This is the characteristic of Mond, the people are so free, and the country has the color of too ideal and fairy tale.

Qingquan Town is all open together.

All kinds of parties

Unlike other countries.

Maybe it's something big going on at this time.

From the bottom alone, the people of Mond are the most comfortable.

Even Catherine of the Adventurers' Guild had an attitude of doing nothing, looking at the joyful people.

Because during this time, people did not have any commissions.

There is nothing to give to an adventurer.

Even that Huang Maoying came, "one six seven" was nothing to do.

Catherine is like a holiday.

She silently paid attention to such a picture.

Watch these people laughing, making noise, drinking and chanting.

Because she doesn't have to work, she has more time as a robot to observe such strange phenomena.

It has to be said that the life of the Monds is very different from that of other countries.

It seems that on their faces, there is nothing busy and worried.

This also made Catherine, who was idle, have been thinking.

Yes, she as a robot. Because I was so idle that I was thinking.

This is something that Catherine in other countries personally cannot do.

For robots, this scene is really illogical.

It's magical.

Causing that even now, Catherine suddenly appeared, abnormal, abnormal prompt sounds.

Then it disappeared again after a while.

Some dandelions also flutter in the wind.

One of them was caught by Catherine, who spread her hands, and she tilted her head and muttered.

"Wind, and freedom?"

"Is this human?"

"I seem to be able to understand a little, it's so good."

This Catherine of Mond is becoming more and more human.

She perceives herself and has previously broken through the underlying logic.

Unlike sisters elsewhere, it is already different.

This is something that none of Meru's side has done.

People from other places are also cheerfully participating in events and competitions.

They talk a lot about it.

"Hey, Alan, let's go to the wine blind box event!"

"Blind box? What do you mean? "

"Ouch, you don't even know. You hunt and hunt. "

"I heard that it was Lord Ye Ruo's idea, he let people put out a large number of exquisite packaging boxes, the price is a certain amount, very cheap."

"Then the buyer picks a random one and puts a variety of wines and juices in it. Then what kind of type can be prescribed, it is all up to personal luck. "

"Cheap and expensive, such as what sweet fruit lake wine, apple stuffed, ice hook juice, raspberry mint drink, these are relatively common."

"Even better wine, Mond wine, apple flower wine, good dandelion wine, at this price alone, these wines are earned."

"Not to mention that I heard that Lord Ye Ruo got Meru's cold-dipped snake wine, Fontaine's fuller sapphire wine, and the [Ancient Wine] he put in his own research, which is the best of the best."

When I think of this.

Alan's friend had a drooling look on his face and swallowed.

Just know how hungry he is.

Then he quickly pulled Eren and ran towards that side.

"Take a walk, so many superb drinks, if you open a bottle, it will be cool!"

"You can sell it to others or drink it yourself."

"Remember the rule is that you can only buy five boxes per person, which limits the quantity. Otherwise, it will be completely covered by a few people. "

"Hey, such a cheap price, such an affordable and wonderful activity, Lord Ye Ruo is too good."

And by the time they got there, it was already crowded, like a boiling ocean.

This event is hilarious and scary.

After all, Mond is not happy without alcohol.

Who doesn't like so much wine to come out for an event?

Countless people loved Ye Ruo to death.

I can constantly hear the shouts of the person who opened the blind box.

"Hahaha, I opened a bottle of Meru's cold-soaked snake wine, not in vain I opened four in a row are juice, grandma's, finally lucky!"

"Let me taste the fine wine of Meru, and what kind of flavor it is."

"Listening to the name, they are using snakes to make wine, it sounds a bit oozing."

There are also people who are depressed.

"Hell, why are all five bottles of apple stuffed? I'm out of luck either. "

"It seems that I can only buy it again tomorrow, and I can only buy five blind boxes a day, alas."

There are also quite a few lucky ones.


"Lying groove, the third bottle is dandelion wine, and the fourth bottle of this blue bottle is Fuller Sapphire wine?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Blood earning, this Mora, I directly opened two excellent bottles of wine! Hahahahaha! "

"Me too!"

"Two bottles of cold-dipping snake wine, one bottle of dandelion wine, and one bottle of red wine."

There's even one with the best luck.

He was dumbfounded.

"My God, this exquisite wine bottle that I have never seen before, and the beautiful liquid flowing inside that is as brilliant as the blue starry sky, could it be that [Ancient Wine] was opened by me?"

Then this person directly opened the cork, and the aroma of the heirloom wine spread all over the place at once.

Countless people were stunned.

Look at the wine in his hand.

So many eyes, each like a wolf, frightened this resident to quickly stuff back, and then hold the wine in his arms.

His voice was trembling.

", what for?"

"This is what I drove, I can't grab it!"

"And the knights here..........."

It was also these words that made the others finally calm down.

So it became even more lively.

There were also some people whose eyes lit up and rushed over to ask that person, is the ancient wine for sale or not?

They can pay a high price!

It is worthy of being a legendary wine brewed by Lord Ye Ruo.

Once it appears, it feels like it directly surpasses all the fine wines.

That's also awesome.

It seems that the ranking of fine wine is about to change again.

Even Wendy, who was still under the roof, almost fell when he heard the movement here.


There is even such an event!

Ye Ruo didn't even tell him, damn wow!

Obviously, he begged him for a long time, but he didn't get a bottle of ancient wine, and as a result, people directly opened a bottle.

Does this make Wendy sit still?

I jumped down and ran over there.

"Let Jean, let Jean, I also want to buy a wine blind box!"

"Don't buy it for me, leave me five!"

Originally, everyone in the crowd was still wondering who was crowding here, and the voice was still very familiar.

After seeing that it was Lord Fengshin, their faces showed respect.

Hurriedly gave way.

This made Wendy also happily run forward and take out Mora.

"Young sister, I'm going to buy five."

Those responsible for trafficking are several female knights of the Order.

They were also a little flattered by Wendy's words.

Quickly nod.

"No problem, Lord Fengshin, you can pick at will."

"Alas, just call me Wendy."

For everyone's attitude, Wendy is also a little helpless.

Before, as a bard who hid his identity, it was quite good.


Wherever you go now, everyone knows who they are.

But for the sake of the endless wine 0.9, forget it.

Then Wendy smiled and directly picked a few.

It looks like there's no pattern.

Even everyone was very curious.

"I don't know how luck Lord Fengshen is."

"Shouldn't it be that five bottles are all apple stuffed?"

"Haha, that old brother's luck is really miserable."

"Fortunately, there is no milk in it, otherwise wouldn't he have all five of them milk?"

"Ahem, don't talk about this, maybe your opinion will be adopted later, and tomorrow there will be milk in the box."

"Lying groove, then I won't say it."

Then everyone watched in expectant eyes, Wendy's first box was [Ancient Wine], the second, the third, and the fourth.

Even the fifth is ancient wine.

A brilliant blue starry sky dressed in a wine bottle is so dazzling that it is rare in the world.

For a while, there was silence here.

Fell into a deathly silence.

Crowd: ???

Sister Knight in charge of trafficking: ???

Big question marks popped up in everyone's heads.

Lord Fengshin, you open the hanging, right?.

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