And the servant Alecino after Ye Ruo appeared.

He also took the initiative to step forward and ordered all these fools to retreat.

Then she shouted loudly.

"Wind Knight Ye Ruo, we fools come with good intentions. This time it was just a misunderstanding, and my colleague was a little ignorant. "

"Our mission is only for meteorites."

This made the skirmishers furious.

Who is not sensible?

It is clear that the strength of the Zephyr Knights has advanced too fast, whether it is the means of attack or so many elemental plant lives, it is not there before.

Otherwise, change to the previous ones.

It has long been cool, and the corpses have been disposed of.

Then the fools get the information inside the meteorite and leave successfully.

Afterwards, even if the Zephyr Knights knew that some of the knights were missing, there was nothing they could do about them.

This is the normal unfolding.

Fools act unscrupulously!

As a result, the skirmishers did not expect that these subordinates would pull their crotches into this.

Hung up and beaten by the Knights of the Zephyr.

It's hilarious.

As a result, at this time, Ye Ruo appeared in front of them in an instant.

This made Alecino's pupils shrink.

So fast.

I didn't react.

If the other party gives himself a blow to the heart, I am afraid that he will be killed in an instant.

Such a strong person.

He was able to leave from his own hands.

For a while, her heart was full of remorse.

It's a pity.

Of course.

Maybe it may also be targeted by the doctor, and it will be taken for human experiments earlier, resulting in not being able to grow.

Coming here, Ye Ruo just smiled.

"Coming with kindness? In fact, you don't need to go around so many corners, this meteorite suddenly landed, I am afraid it has something to do with your executive leader or the Ice Empress. "

"Your handiwork caused us Mond to be smashed by meteorites. If this leads to more meteorites in the future, what will it be? "

"Since you are all smart people, you should be direct and let me see the source of your kindness."

Alecino also showed a smile, matching her aristocratic temperament.

Rather, high cold and elegant gathered.

She took out a scroll-like item and threw it to Ye Ruo.

"This is a little apology from our executive chief, Lord Harlequin, about this meteorite, you can browse it first, and then let the skirmishers study it."

"Our two countries have always been allies, and there is no need to hurt peace because of this little thing."


This made Ye Ruo glance at the scroll in his hand curiously.

It was found that the information inside could be learned by browsing with mental power, and it was still in a state of blockade and encryption, but it was lifted in his hands.

Well, let him see.

Information keeps coming, [Drawings of Ruins Large-scale Heavy Machinery] [Basic Manual for the Use of Earth Pulse Energy] [Residue of Constant Organ Array Manufacturing Method] [Manufacturing Method of Relic Dragon Beast Air Patrol] [Manufacturing Method of Trillion Forever Robbery Dragon Beast]

Even if it is just a glance, there is still a lot of information.

It made Ye Ruo quite surprised, was that harlequin so willing?

It's all Canrea's technology.

It is not yet the kind of entry, but there is already a very high level of creation.

It can be seen that many of Canria's creations imitate the characteristics of various creatures in nature, such as the constant organ array, which has similarities with phaseless elements.

As a dragon-shaped combat machine, the relic dragon beast obviously borrowed from the dragon lizard.

Optimizations and improvements have also been made.

Make it stronger.

The Mega Eternal Tribulation Dragon Beast is even more interesting, which describes Canrea's thirst for forbidden knowledge and wants to create an eternal mechanism that rivals or even surpasses those eternal lives.

Being able to never know the actions and operations of tiredness.

Everyone who eternal life refers to, everyone understands.

The use of the earth vein is also not simple.

But this important information is either the foundation, or the residue and the upper part. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Ye Ruo could see at a glance what the harlequin meant.

If you want to gain more profound knowledge, you have to go to him.

What a bait to try to fish.

gave a big gift, but only the front, not the back,

Isn't it just to arouse his curiosity and want to let himself join him?

However, Ye Ruo was not interested at all.

Even if Canrea has even more amazing technology than this, isn't it still a country that has been destroyed?

Why should he be interested in Canrea's technology?

Or driven by the power of the abyss.

The pursuit of taboo knowledge is really a style full of flags.

Are there fewer examples of destruction caused by the pursuit of taboos?

It seems that Mond's development and the advancement of alchemy technology make him feel that these can gimmick him, right?

Thinking too much of course.

But in terms of universal rationality, this is indeed a valuable piece of knowledge.

So Ye Ruo looked at the servant.

"I received the kindness of that harlequin, then I will read the information in the meteorite first."

Ye Ruo directly stepped forward to obtain the knowledge inside, and then left this meteorite.

"Go ahead."

The skirmishers with gloomy faces were also studied.

After getting some amazing conspiracy, his pupils shrank violently.

Obviously, such content has a great impact on him.

Only Ye Ruo sighed.

It's clear.

Harlequin deliberately led skirmishers to read this message.

False day.

His changes are actually entirely in Harlequin's and Doctor's plans.

And the skirmishers also left here without saying a word, and the fools also chose to evacuate.

At the end, the servant Alecino looked at Ye Ruo with a sigh on his face.

"It's a pity, it's a shame."

"Perhaps, we may have a chance to cooperate in the future, right?"

After leaving this ambiguous sentence.

Then she also left.

Completely ignoring Yura, who rushed over, it seemed that she didn't want to say anything more to her.

This made Eura puzzled.

Who is this female (Zhao's) person?

And Ye Ruo just crushed the scroll in his hand directly and turned it into ashes.

He doesn't care about that.

Then summoned the members of these knights and asked them to destroy the meteorite core.


This meteorite event is over.

Ying, who was watching from not far away, was also happy, and when Ying wanted to beckon Mona down, she was dumbfounded.

How did Mona disappear.

Because Mona had already run away, her face was red at this time.

"It's very astrology-free! Why did I see that Ye Ruo, I could feel a great attraction coming from the other party, and my heart was also plopping down. "

"But the others didn't respond, as if it was a fatal attraction to witches."

"Is this what the old woman means when she says walking catnip, to die and die, this is simply the nemesis of the witch, and there will be such people in the world ?!!."

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