"It is also said that the man is the future ruler of time and wind, the best destination of the witch, the catnip who loves to collect the witch, the king of the sea, the man who holds the sun, and the future of the stars."


"Fake, I suspect that the teacher is fooling me at all, how much Mora did she take from that man?"

"I can give double, trouble her to more, so that I will immediately be high ~ happy and dead!" Hey. "

"Wait, I'm thinking about it again, it's impossible. And with her identity and status, there will still be a lack of money? Unlikely. But it is impossible to explain these - things. "

Mona was deeply pondered.

These are her thoughts at this time.

After all, as an astrologer, it was still the old woman who said it to her, and she could only bury it in her heart.

And at that time, the old woman's face was also serious.

Mona saw the horror flash in her eyes, but quickly withdrew it.

At that time, Mona also had a terrifying wave in her heart.

Her teacher is a very great person, and in astrology, few people can compare with it.

The best people are the best.

Mona even suspected that this old woman had surpassed everyone and was almost invincible.

The level of the body is unfathomable.

It just doesn't show up.

But how could she show such a look?

It's foggy.

Thought about it.

Mona left here and went to another remote area.

Then summoned the water divination astrology magic array and began divination.

But soon, her face turned horrified.

"It's the most outrageous thing to be able to take up nothing. That man, it's so terrifying. "

"It stands to reason that the fate of everyone in Tivat is closely linked to the stars. The starry sky flashes with the fate of countless people, even the way of water reflects a real scene. "

"It's a terrifying feeling, this is just next to divination, not himself. I already feel like I can't go any further. "

"Isn't this man a god?"

Even Mona could detect that she was trying to divinate a great being.

She stopped.

Decisively stopped.

God is not something that mortals can peer into.

Especially the powerful demon god.

It turns out that the old woman means that this god is his destined person and let himself go to him.

This is outrageous.

Obviously, before this, she was still studying those subtle and abstract laws, the laws of the existence of all objects.

How did it become like this.

She is also a girl who is ignorant of love, well, she only likes to study the truth of the world.

It really complicated her mood in every sense.

But the old woman soon changed her tune again.

Ask her to go to Mond and retrieve a top-secret treasure chest stored in an old man's place.

That deceased was a friend and foe with her master.

But you can't see what is in it.

Or be conceited.

Obviously, this is much easier for Mona to accept.

So at the urging of the old woman, she also planned to set off.

From Fontaine, you have to go through the Meru region and go from Liyue to Mond.

Next to Fontaine, is Meru.

Next to Meru is Liyue.

In the Mond region, closer to Winter and Nata.

Never mind.

The newspaper was also read and walked away.

Alas, Mona, who sighed, glanced fondly at the astrologer's temple when she left Fontaine.

Why is she so poor?

She had wanted to buy that planetarium she had loved for a long time.

The temple is so spiritual, and it is too tempting to push out such a good item at every turn!

The witch, named Mona, has since embarked on a journey.

Her old master silently watched this scene.

It does not need to be present.

Just look at her own magic array at home.

This is an old man who looks very kind and old.

Although for Mona, absolute kindness is not going anywhere. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

To scold her at every turn.

It's very harsh.

But at this time she did look at it very kindly, and then muttered mysteriously.

"The opportunity is for you, Mona, whether you can seize it or not is up to you."

Of course, in terms of his attraction to witches, it was nothing more than walking catnip. Mona, when you see him, you will soon fall. "

"Hmph, you will thank Master in the future. If Master were still young, where would there be your share. "

"After all, that's the truth of the world."


It was already nightfall.

However, Ye Ruo was not at home, but appeared at the height of Mond City, looking at the movement above the sky.

A large number of meteors fell down.

It was not a complete meteor, but fragments of a star, scattered everywhere, descending towards the earth.

More than Mond.

In the area on the Liyue side, there will also be debris landing.

But the main body, or Mond here.

Because the owner of this star is a Mond adventurer of two thousand years.

That is, the Leonard that Ye Ruo said at the beginning.

Creator of the Wings of the Wind manuscript.

It was on the basis of his manuscripts that later generations researched the current Wings of the Wind.

So Ye Ruo watched silently.

"Leonard's seat of destiny?"

"You can't let these pieces land in the city."

However, when Ye Ruo condensed a shimmering wind bow and arrow in his hand, he noticed that the meteorite coming towards Mond was blown by a wind, changed direction, and headed towards the wild.

No more meteorites will fall near Mondstadt.

"I almost forgot, Wendy's wind surrounded Mond, and he was naturally able to notice this sight."

"Hello, I knew you were going to make a move, so I won't touch it. It also saves some effort. "

At this time, a cheerful voice came from the side.

Ye Ruo knew that it was Wendy without looking.

Ye Ruo also chuckled.

"The Monds are really happy, even in their sleep, there is a wind god protecting everyone."

"Since it's okay, then I'll go back to sleep."

"Goodbye, Wendy."


This made Wendy wonder.

"Wait, aren't you curious what the hell is going on?"

"What are these meteors?"

"Maybe if you ask me, I might know something, of course, in exchange for wine."

As a result, Wendy watched Ye Luo directly turn into a style and disappear.

This made him dumbfounded.

And the last wisp of wind came Ye Ruo's voice.

"I don't want to, what's so strange about this, under normal circumstances, stars will not fall in the sky." It's basically artificial. "

"I guess with my feet who did it, so I don't need to know."

"Moreover, you obviously want to trick my fine wine, which is a super product that I brewed with great difficulty."

Wendy:...... Second..

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