
This is a kingdom ruled by the second god of water.

You can reach it by walking up from the north of Meru.

The most technologically advanced country on the continent of Tivat, [Fontaine], is located here.

Compared to other countries, Fontaine is very different from them.

Because Fontaine,

It is a land located on the water.

Extremely massive.

You can see the highly developed urban agglomerations one after another, and some land in the water has been used to build the foothold of the city.

Mechanical and steam parts can be seen everywhere, and the large-scale mechanical skeleton is perfectly integrated with the city.

There are huge mechanical gears that are half in the water and half exposed outside, constantly turning.

It provides a continuous supply of power for a number of combined steam workshops, large factories and buildings and other houses.

The trumpet gear is also very numerous, densely packed everywhere.

It's like the character of the city.

It's running in an orderly way.

Even underwater, there seem to be buildings.

And the diving hall stuff.

Residents of other countries will immediately show surprise when they see it.

Fontaine, unexpectedly, has achieved close cooperation between water and machinery, using water to power an entire urban agglomeration.

And the industry here is highly developed, factories and hot gas are everywhere.

As far as the eye can see, the style of steaming civilization.

The most amazing thing is that because Fontaine is located in the water, unlike other countries that have land transportation.

So their roads turned out to be built in heaven.

It connects the port and the building below.

It can be described as four 280 links.

On the roads of that day, steam trains with chirping were running, able to get where they wanted to go at great speed.

The number of such trains, a lot.

Other countries basically know about the situation of Fontaine.

In the air of Fontaine, there are also many hot air balloons flying.

Compared to the original height of hot air balloons in Mond, it is more developed.

It stands to reason.

Such urban agglomerations have amazing vitality.

However, it seems to be an illusion, this country has a shadow,

In that courtroom, there seemed to be a fanatical voice of the people.

"Judgment, judgment, he is unjust!"

"He is guilty, he is a sinner!"

Countless people are judging others in buildings like that.

And praise the sublime and pure water god.

Here, it seems that justice is sought as balanced as the surface of the water.

There is no room for a trace of dirt.

But it seems that because it is too procedural justice, it distorts the justice of the outcome.

It is easy to produce unfair judgments.

[God of Justice] loves all the farce above the courtroom.

Her justice has been distorted, more for the sake of trial.

This god even longs to judge the other gods!

has departed from the love and justice of the first water god.

As a result, those pure water elves did not recognize this new god and defected one after another.

From the god of justice, he became the god of unrighteousness.

Look elsewhere.

There are also a series of majestic buildings such as the palace and the parliament house, and even a huge guillotine.

After the new god took the throne, he sent his men to pursue the dependents of the previous water god.

There are pure water elves who have been captured and disposed of at this guillotine.

This is a struggle between the old and new water god forces.

Fontaine is a veritable country cloaked in justice.

At this time, the country was in the Age of Enlightenment, people were looking for romance and fashion, and the old and new era seemed to be burning, and there was a surging of stones in the dark.

It seems that it is waiting for some yellow hair to detonate all this, right?

But on the surface, it is still quite rich and advanced.

People live here and do their day-to-day work.

Even Meru did not have such a highly developed civilization.

As a nation of wisdom, Meru does possess a great deal of knowledge. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But it didn't play well.

And here in the residential area of Fontaine.

Fontaines walked with coming and going, and their clothing styles were all ornate and elegant.

Many people ate breakfast and read the newspaper in their hands.

More than one mechanical bird can be seen flying over the kiosk, with a call in its mouth.

"Steam Bird News today's news, do you want a copy?"

"Outside the nickname, Liyue actually had an incident of the arrival of the ancient demon god and attacked Liyue Port. Whether this is a distortion of human nature or a shocking conspiracy, please see our Steam Bird newspaper. "

The man looked at the tears, and the woman looked at the legs closed. Mond has invented a new alchemy technology, and the whole city is like day even at night! "

"Called the city where the sun never sets."

"Shocked, xxxxxx actually happened in Meru."

"The sage of the Decree Academy actually did such a thing to an ordinary woman in broad daylight!"

"Because of her humble status, women can only be forced to obey!" (cjai)

With the call of these steam birds, after hearing the information that Liyue had a demon god, some people suddenly became interested.

"Hey, bring me one."

"I'll get a copy too."

"Demon God? That's amazing, too! "

"That Meru's one, I want to see how enviable I am, ah no, what an abominable act that that sage did!"

"I'm going to criticize it!"

"The sage of the Holy Order, what a mess!"

For a while, it was very lively.

A certain astrologer girl wearing a magic mentor hat also bought a copy and looked at it curiously.

She also wanted to see what was going on.

Moreover, the marketing method of steam birds is really not throttling!

She despised it.

Anyway, she didn't come up with the idea of submitting articles here.

Swear by her temperance.

After that, she Mona just starved to death, jumped off the water, and died outside!

I won't be submitting articles to the Steambird newspaper!!

While she was browsing the intelligence and gossip news of these seven countries, the voices of passers-by also reached her ears.

"Alas, I still have to go for a diving license today, it's so annoying!"

"Hurry, don't push it. As a Fontaine, you can't swim yet, don't you mean? "

"You have to know that to go to those underwater fish restaurants, you need a certificate to get a license for diving equipment."

"Well, I'm not from Fontaine. Dude, you're afraid you forgot that I'm an Inazuma, right? "

"That's not right, Inazuma still can't swim?"

"Prejudice, you are prejudice!"

There are also inventors of Fontaine discussing various technologies.

"Hey, have you heard, Mond has alchemy airships. How did you do it? "

"Can you not know, such a big picture in the newspaper was specially left for Mond's alchemy airship!"

"As long as you buy a newspaper, you can see it!"

"Engage us Fontaine vibrate! After all, our airship has just been researched and has not yet been officially put into use. "

"As a result, Mond's alchemy airship, I know from the photos, it is already very developed, and there has been an extremely profound breakthrough in the achievement of airships, and it has only appeared products."

"Those great inventors who studied airships were so angry that they were about to vomit blood. What a corner to overtake! This face hits! "

"Not to mention that their electric energy technology has not even been realized on Meru's side, it is just an idea." On the contrary, it was made out in advance by Mond's side, which is not simple. "

"It's a bit outrageous, obviously we Fontaine is the most technologically developed country on the continent. How to see Mond's posture, want to surpass us. "

"It seems that there are many geniuses among the people who returned from studying in Meru."

"Ah yes, there was a genius who had not met in two hundred years before, and as a result, people returned to Mond as Monds. Maybe such a technique has the credit of that genius. "

"In my opinion, the scholars and sages on Meru's side are also waste, holding so much knowledge, and their research has been overtaken by others, shame!"

Mona listened to the discussion of these inventors.

She had a curious, mad, tangled expression.

"That old lady, ah can't say, she can divinate and know."

"Master, she is okay, she actually said let me go to what Mond, where I can meet the person I am destined for."

(PS: Even if no one is watching, I'll say it.) Inazuma has NPCs who said that the roads of Fontaine were built in heaven, and carriages and trains traveled on heavenly roads. )。

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