This really put Wendy in order.

Ye Ruo, this guy has such a thing.

Such a strange situation, he was not curious!

How can this be!

How can this be!

Wine, wine, woo-woo.

Wendy was about to cry.

After all, Ye Ruo's body, the feeling of excellent wine can't be hidden, and it almost hooks Wendy's soul out.

What the hell is this guy making wine with?

According to the rich experience of an old drunkard like Wendy, it can be recognized that Ye Ruo's body should be fruit wine.

Look at it this way.

It should be something that I have never seen before.

And fairy air.

Could it be that he got it from Liyue?

But it's really fragrant, and the wine aroma is amazing, far beyond Mond's dandelion wine.

Not to mention the Meru [Cold Soaked Snake Wine] that he drank before.

Or Fontaine's "Five Five Zero" court's [Fuller Sapphire Wine].

They are far inferior to Ye Ruolong's this.


Ye Ruo is really a talent, he will do anything.

The technology of winemaking is so masterful, it is worthy of the people who grew up in Maunde.

After all, Mond, what kind of Mond is not drinking!

This is the capital of wine and pastoral songs.

Smelling that wine, Wendy couldn't stand it a little, feeling that the wine worms were about to come out.

No, no, no.

Tomorrow, when Ye Ruo goes to play everywhere in Mond, he will have to pester Ye Ruo.

Let him give himself a sip.

To drink, he Wendy can do anything.

Helping is trivial.

However, Wendy was still worried, as if Ye Ruo had nothing to help herself.

This man is freer than himself.

Run around.

It is worthy of the wind attribute.

Or do you want to find a reason to say that you removed the meteorite and suffered internal injuries?

No, no, it's too pompous.

will be seen at a glance.

He said that he was too depleted and painful, and if he could drink alcohol, he would be able to recover.

It doesn't seem to work yet.

Continue editing.

And looking at Ye Ruo's meaning, how can he feel that he knows what is going on.

There are more and more mysterious places.

I don't understand.

In this way, Wendy fell into all kinds of contemplation.

And Ye Ruo was already in his own small world at this time.

In front of him was a plantation.

Inside grew a strange and peculiar green vine with several large blue fruits on it.

It looks flawless and exudes an extremely rich fragrance.

As long as it is a person who has practiced the immortal law, it can feel it.

This fruit has a very amazing immortal qi in it, and if you eat it, it can be of great help to your practice.

This thing is naturally the [Ancient Fruit] that Ye Ruo extracted before.

In a certain world, it is a seed that has been hibernating for tens of millions of years and has long been extinct.

After coming to Tivat, mutations occurred.

It became the fruit of the ancient immortals.

Very useful.

Of course, the original purpose of this fruit is to make wine.

Ye Ruo tried it and found that even if this wine was diluted many times, it was still a product that surpassed a series of fine wines.

It's amazing.

Never mind.

When the time comes, take it out as a limited prize and put a little in the Knights Warehouse.

Put a little in the library.

Or the rewards in the Windflower Festival competition?

However, there are no competitions in the Wind and Flower Festival, there are many games in the Badminton Festival.

The Homecoming Wine Festival is also good.

Well, we'll see when the time comes.

After picking these fruits, Ye Ruo waved his finger and aimed at this plant. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Immortal Transplantation and Cultivation Technique!"

In an instant, this Ancient Immortal Fruit split into a group of identical vines, located on the vacant land in front of it.

It's exactly the same!

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Ruo's mouth.

"This immortal method is still as easy to use as always, but it's a pity that the mother body can only be used once, which hurts the origin. New individuals that have been carved out cannot be used. "

"But even if it is so, it is the ultimate immortal method."

"In an instant, there was a piece of Ancient Immortal Fruit!"

It is also not in vain that he has a story similar to Shennong's taste of hundred herbs in history.

As such an immortal, it is not strange at all to have such immortal arts, right?

Then Ye Ruo left the small world and returned home.

At the moment in the room, Yura and Lisa were already asleep, and their faces were full of happiness.

He was fainted by Ye Ruo before.

It was still Ye Ruo who helped them wipe their bodies.

Seeing that it was already dark, Ye Ruo let them sleep like this.

Ye Ruo was sitting here at the desk, thinking about the later chapters of several novels, and Liyue's immortal novel had already been completed.

Inazuma's Onmyoji book is also fast...........

Then Ye Ruo wrote a Liyue martial arts novel, which can be regarded as expanding his influence.

Inazuma's side.

He also plans to write a story that unfolds with a ghost race.

A replica of the Ghost Slayer Blade.

In Inazuma, there is an enemy that turns into evil.

That is, after the miasma converges to a certain extent, it will turn into a monster.

And one day, the most terrible miasma was born, which was absorbed by a fallen ghost, so he became the king of the terrible miasma.

Able to create evil monsters.

This person is called - Oni Mai Tsuji no misery.

In order not to let the ghost clan give birth to the same existence, he began to wash the ghost clan in blood.

And one day, a ghost boy who sells charcoal, Tanjiro, returns home to find that his family has been killed by monsters.

My sister You Bean has also turned into a monster.

So in order to change his sister back, he embarked on a journey with grief and indignation, joining the "ghost killing team" established by the remaining ghost clan.

The story of a war with the enemy.

Looking at his own thoughts, Ye Ruo said that it was really easy to use.

Is this the world of copying?

The reason for this is because the degree of legend is also given to themselves by people wave after wave.

It is useless to write too many books at once.

The degree of legend in a person is that point in a short time.

It's by quantity.

Then the strategy of fine water and long flow is naturally true.

Just have one or two popular books in every country.

After writing one, you can think about the next.

This is the most efficient 2.5 means of harvesting legends.

As for writing the kind of fiction that returns the fake for the real and changes history.

Ye Ruo's gaze was on Meru.

And had an idea.

Meru is the country closest to the World Tree and is easily influenced by the World Tree.

Because everything in nature is closely related to the world tree, and when the world tree withers, it will produce a dead domain on the other side of the forest.

On the desert side, there are dust storms and earthquakes.

I can write a story from many years ago in Meru, a fictional ancient myth.

It was a time when Meru did not yet exist, and those three god-kings did not exist.

Something older, more ancient and far before.

Anyway, fiction, nothing dangerous.

So many years ago, a god-king was born in the area of Meru.

He became the head of the gods and led the people.

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